Gamebreaking sprinting bug (Unable to sprint)

I had it only once, and no matter how hard I tried I wasn’t able to reproduce it. Especially that right afer my encounter with this bug I’ve unlocked the “Steady feet” skill.

While in combat the best way to run again was to release all buttons (arrows, shift) and press them again. Jumping sometimes worked.
After the combat has ended I simply restarted the game just to be safe.


This happened on my 3rd character. Non are over-encumbered… except for 4th, which couldn’t move with empty inventory.

X-AG4 with 5* 4-8x Scope
X-Kpist with 5* 2x Red Dot

I got it in combination with this bug:

Also I think that this happened after a rather long session (2h+).

I’ll send my save files in a few minutes.

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I’ve been trying to reproduce it since my last answer, however that was unsuccesful (I came back to the main island in the meantime). However, I used to experience it at least once a day until I reached Himfjäll, where the bug dissapeared. It seems to be view-related (when you switch to 3rd person view, e.g dying, being knocked out, riding bike).

Either letting go of all the keys (would fix it ~75% of the time), or jumping (more reliable for me). After that, sprinting would break again after aiming, reloading, or swapping weapons / items. The only way to completely fix it was to relaunch the game


This happens on my one and only character

4* HP5
5* AG5
4* and 5* AI-76
All no scope (I never use scopes on automatic rifles). I’m 100% sure the bug triggered while using these, however it might also have been triggered while using 4* PVG90 with 5* 8x16 sniper scope

Same as @0L0, but ALSO, changing hotkey for sprinting will break sprinting (same effect basically)

Here :

Thanks a lot guys, hope you’ll get to the bottom of this

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Hello @SR_knivspark,

Here is the information you requested for the sprint bug, I will answer everything to the best of my ability and send you my PC save file.

This issue happens occasionally. Not sure what exactly causes it, but it appears to be game session related as in some game sessions it just does not exist and in other game sessions on the same day the issue exists. As to what causes the issue: getting off a bike, switching weapons, aiming down sights, switching to throwables/healing items, etc. Any sort of interaction that can happen while the sprint key is pressed seems to be the culprit.

Best workaround is to jump. It is the simplest and easiest way to resolve the issue. Stopping all movement and interaction for a second works as well (effectively resets player movement is my guess).

Sprint is set to HOLD.

This happens on my first save, I have not tested weather it is exclusive to my first save only. As of writing this my current game session is not encountering this issue so I will be sure to switch characters if it comes back. Just a side mention: this would not be the first time that a bug is game session specific. Every once in a while I get an audio bug where footsteps and reloading audio never play. The only way to fix this issue is to relaunch the game.

I have various skills active including a single point in stamina recharge, stamina amount, sprint speed, and carry weight.

Aiming down sights for any weapons does this, though it appears to happen more so with weapons with an optic attached.

Any optic will cause this issue regardless of the weapon or optic type.

As I stated before under weather this issue is character specific, I think this bug is specific to the current game session. Returning to the main menu does not resolve the issue and restarting the game entirely works sometimes. For the past week that I have been playing this game I had not encountered this bug until today during my third game session of the day (I take multiple breaks while playing).

I hope this information helps, I will be DMing my save file.

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Just ran into no running bug on ps4

Thanks for the additional info and save files :floppy_disk: much appreciated!

Now, this issue is proving to be a bit tricky to reproduce and we have yet to find a reliable instant method of reproducing it, but we’ll keep investigating :mag:

Thank you for your time and patience! :pray:

Had it yesterday, after being knocked down multiple times by a lvl 4 Proto Tank concussion pulse (I also died a couple of times during that fight). Same character and weapons as described above.

After that I also had this bug:

Did you happen to be over encumbered at one point during that same game session? Even if you weren’t when the bug happened?

Yes, on multiple occasions.

Xbox also has this issue it seems to lessen with coop though

I have trouble sprinting when I switch a weapon or reload, both my controllers work, I have to jump and press the sprint button but that will doesn’t work sometimes. Ps4 I will post a video when I can.

are you over carry capacity?

Topics merged, as this seems to concern the same issue.


Please please please, sort the sprinting issue out! I’m loving this game but really can’t play it now

Had this bug on pc for first time yesterday in co-op session on pc on himfjall, jumping does seem to clear it up for me at least. Happened about 3 or 4 times. I use a wireless xbox controller along with my mouse and keyboard. I’ve noticed the island seems a bit more buggy than the mainland

Having this exact problem on Xbox one as well. Exactly how the op described it.

If you do an emote and then jump it will fix it for a short period of time, at least you will be able to play and not die until the issue is resolved

Works for me anyways I’m also on xbox



Just a heads up about this bug. I have not played since latest patch (I usually take a couple of months break between different playthroughs), so I don’t know how this bug has evolved with the different changes. However I just realized that I posted a topic in the Bug Report section of the Steam Community forum that I totally forgot about and recently resurfaced. In it, the steps to repoduce that I wrote was slightly different, I said that it was triggered by swapping weapons while sprinting :

Hope that’ll help !

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Thanks @Grandaddypurple :pray:

Another Xbox player here with this issue. My son has this problem on his account and his Xbox also. Issue got worse over time/progressing through world. Started with needing to jump to resolve. Once I got to farmlands region jump no longer helped and I had to switch weapons and/or jump to resolve it. Then that no longer worked. Fast travel back to church before farmland and sprint worked temporarily. Issue randomly returns unable to reproduce on queue and resolution is random on what works. Not certain its weapon related as I can be using the SMG and sprint then start walking and then can’t sprint again, without changing view, switching weapons or accessing the menu. Could it be related to where you are on the map?

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