Gen Zero Gun Levels

I am wondering what exactly is the difference between a dilapidated weapon and a five star weapon?
Does shoot straighter?
Is it more powerful?
Does it hold more ammo?
Or is it just a trophy weapon?

I really want to know :slight_smile:

The difference is the gun is more powerful when it has more crowns. Dilapidated has 1, Worn has 2, And so on until you get Special ( 5 ).

It also looks newer with better tiers.

To make it have more ammo, better range, etc you need modifications.

I have the mods, just wondered about the class level

Then it only increases power

And looks. Nobody wants to run around with a rusty Shotgun if you can run around with a new out of the box :slight_smile:

All gold except for two weapons, I aint no better at this game :laughing:

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As for all other internal game details, like XP gains, damage calculations Avalanche does not publish them, and I guess it is intended. Or at least I have not found this information. They want us to experience the game.

Zhey do more damage and have better handling. Meaning better accuracy and recoil. Also as mentioned above zhe look changes form tier to tier. In 1 crown zhey look like long forgotten relics while on 3 zhey are more like military issue grade. As a 4 crown grade zhey are fresh out of zhe box while 5 star look like custom made gold plated wizh many having zhe plastic/wood replaced wizh fine wood.

More damage, more accurate and less recoil. I noticed nothing until i got to a 4* AG4, and that I adore - that really chews 'em up. I have a 4* extended mag and a 4* barrel extension, and a 4* x4 sight and I can empty an entire mag into something and have every round go home. I have to compensate a little but not much and love to see all the bits fly off. Never seen a 5* anything…!

Bootie if you play on PC i will help you get stuff.

So, more concretely, it depends on the gun. Most guns go up by two or so points of damage from 1-crown to 5-crown (usually at 2 and 4 crowns it seems). Other than that, handling improves (also, I hate that ‘handling’ is one stat, it’s at least three that have completely different impacts (accuracy, recoil, and overall size of the gun (and therefore how quickly it can be re-targeted)) some, and I think fire rate does too.

Most of the five-crown stuff is only available as drops off of FNIX tanks and FNIX harvesters. AFAIK, there are only four five-crwon world drops:

  • AI-76 (available during and after the second to last story mission)
  • Granatgevär (found near the south end of the bridge to the mainland, the exact area is located as part of a war-board mission from the bunker in the same region, but the gun doesn’t require the mission)
  • Klaucke 17 (found in a police car near the radio mast east-south-east of Hagaboda, not tied to any missions)
  • .44 Magnus (found somewhere near FOA 2 (the huge encircled compound on the north end of Norrmyra), also not tied to any missions).

That’s kind of you. I am getting there, little by little. I found a 5* .44 in the guardroom outside the missile silos in Normyra, so that’s my first, ten minutes ago! Yay…

I do play on PC - Bazyl and I have tried to get into my game and failed miserably, and we don’t know why. It must be possible because before the June update, some dude wandered into my game, and wandered out again when I took too long shopping. I’m Bootie on Steam too.

@ahferroin7 don’t forget the Gold tier Mp5 msg is in a locker that you can get from a mission but I forget the missions name.

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It is an interesting thread and I can read several useful comments. However, I would like to know it more precisely. For example like this:
A dilapidated Klaucke - D damage per round at a very close range,
A worn one - let’s say 120 % of D
A good one - 140 % of D,
An exceptional - 160 % of D,
A special - 180 % of D???

And also to distinguish the damage done to armour and to internal components?

And also: what statistics progression for the firing speed? What for the recoil? What for the damage drop in function of the distance? What for the bullet drop?

Wouldn’t it be great to get all this data?

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Grey,green,blue,purple and gold.
From rusty to nickel plated with tritium sights. And each better versions is enhanced in stats by a little. I know damage is but if you compare a grey to a gold would be the best idea to see how much it’s enhanced.

Attachments can really give a gun a boost. Gold magazines and a purple long barrel can make all the world of difference with an assault rifles. Add that with faster reload and better aiming perks and you can make a gold gun into a beast

The perks will add bonuses to armor and modules damaging. A gun will do just a standard % of damage and for each better version just a %+ by that little sum. I don’t believe there is any boosting stats besides better base stats. If you go into your perks there’s a armor damage perk and a modular damage perk. Lvl 1 i think is 5% more damage to them and lvl 2 is 10%

I do believe that you do see enhanced mechanics in the guns such as grouping and fire rate. I compared a G3 blue to a G3 gold and my grouping was tighter and I had almost no climb with recoil. I seen this with the mp5 and the ak47 as well.

You can find most of this data on the wiki pages for each weapon, but they are missing some. If you pay attention in game though, you can pretty easily compare levels in the inventory.

The only tricky part on this one is that they seem hide the damage reduction caused by silencers from the stats.

This is largely just based on the ammo type. The in-game damage listing appears to be for FMJ rounds for the weapon in all cases except for the Gvg (which doesn’t have FMJ rounds, obviously). The relative boost boost from AP to armor damage or JHP/JSP to soft component damage seems to be about the same for all guns though, so the same damage relations hold.

Firing rate seems to follow a similar progression to damage for the guns that have it increase. Recoil is lumped in with handling (again, it’s a stupid abstraction). Damage drop, from what I can tell, is not a thing in this game (the bullet physics seem to ignore air resistance though, so this makes sense). Bullet drop seems to be constant for most guns, the exception being if you put a barrel extension on SMG 's or combat rifles.

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I send you a friend request so accept it if you want to try it out. Also tried to message you on Discord.

Its strange, if I have my multi-player set to everybody and have a run around with people, they drop 5 star weapons for me to pickup. Now don’t be fooled into thinking I am not appreciative, I am.
Maybe they just feel sorry for my efforts when taking down a tank.

It is an interesting thread and I can read several useful comments. However, I would like to know it more precisely . For example like this:
A dilapidated Klaucke - D damage per round at a very close range,
A worn one - let’s say 120 % of D
A good one - 140 % of D,
An exceptional - 160 % of D,
A special - 180 % of D???

And also to distinguish the damage done to armour and to internal components?

That certainly would be useful information to know.