Generation Zero (2021) Trailer

Tried my hand at a trailer for my upcoming series covering the future of Generation Zero.

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Thanks @Gysbert, and well done for getting the locations shared on the official FB page!

Ill be sure to do what I can throughout the series to get your hard work recognised.



I’m now working on the final stitch to bring everything together into one feature. Originally, I was going to release it in segments as I progress across the new islands, but it felt a bit broken and I didn’t like the flow - however I will break down the whole video to highlight each section, in case you want to re watch.

So what can you expect to see?

Well, that you’ll have to wait for, and I guarantee - it’s worth the wait.

Are you going to tell us that Fredrik in Mullvadsberget Tunnels is Fredrik Holberg? :thinking: If so, then you might want to read this: Fredrik Holberg in Mullvadsberget Ringfort?

No, but he is involved in my future DLC ideas.

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Trailer 2