Get the ammo i want?

What do people classify as “not much ammo” and “lots of ammo”? Its all subjective. I am still early in the game at Lvl14 (have only gone as far north as Overby Airbase and one day into the foothills of the mountains where it snowed), I do not have the .50 cal but I do have an M49. I have never used the M49 and it sits in my Plundra but I have over 50 HE and 8 Smoke rounds for it. I find them everywhere - on dead soldiers, in ammo boxes, on hunters…

As to .50 cal I have found about 60 rounds so far in small packets here and there. I think my first pick up of them was at the very first farm you go to on the starting island. I found 3 rounds there. I began collecting .44 ammo on the starting island as well.

In the context of the amount of ammo I have come across for these weapons I’d say that for the .50 cal 10 rounds was “not very much” and for the M49 8 rounds was “not very much” but as every playing experience is different the concept of “not much” and “lots” of ammo will vary.

From what people are reporting it does look like there may be a pick-up bug or perhaps the generated loot system has such a wide range of variables that we don’t yet have enough data to say how it works.

:smiley: There isn’t even an armoury! There should really be one in every base. I mean, nice rationalising and all, but there have only been skirmishes - not big enough battles to use up an armoury’s worth. I’ll keep looking…

Do understand, you’re in Sweden, NOT in the US where they got a bazzillion of each ammo round formats stocked at every half a mile (hyperbole)…
so, for Sweden, this might actually be… quite correct.
I do not know, never been a Swedener… Swedisher… Sweedophile?
Either way, who knows how they work…

Also understand, you’re still on the small islands, where huge stocks, by logic, won’t exist.
Mainland then…

And lastly…
Game balance.
And this one was an easy one.

Well, there should be a guardroom and an armoury in every military base, even if it were empty, just on principle…

I do not disagree there, but, it’s Sweden… :stuck_out_tongue:
Unsure how logic is applied over there.

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To repeat once again, game balance is the reason. If a player had access to an armoury full of every weapon and unlimited ammo the game would be simply boring. In some ways I am glad that video games are NOT realistic.

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Not realistic?
Rephrase, why does that make you glad?

Video games are an escape from realism for most people, so they need unrealistic elements. In this game for example you are a college teenager and get off a sunken ferry and within 5 minutes have picked up a pistol and ammo and are shooting at robots, then you start committing crimes by breaking and entering people’s houses and cars and stealing their possessions.

The entire game is completely divorced from reality. For me this is a good thing.

A fully realistic game is impossible in fact. We don’t have the computing power and I don’t think it would sell enough copies to be economically viable.

What about people in wheel chairs who want to experience some kind of realism that is possible in a game. Extreme realism and extreme fictitious games don’t exist. You are right. Fictional setting with a realistic concept on surviving against robotics in GZ has captured the interest of both sides of arcade and simulation gamers which is something most games don’t do much. I’m personally a simulator gamer. So my ideas will naturally be different and my interests will be too since I’m disabled. If I’m lucky and a set number would agree I wish the devs later make a variant game mode that takes this survival shooter into simulations close to but not deep as games such as Dayz. Gathering more items for soft crafting, gathering food/water for buffs. And a healing system that’s just a touch more complex than it is now. We want more of challenge. Than I see we have others that want a serious Sam approach of arcade style run and gun. This is why I hope later we have 2 game modes. Or just a change on the difficulty like Bethesda did with fallout 4. But this is my imo. I don’t at all speak for another soul. If those others agree than I am humbled.

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Maybe this is helping me get a lot of ammo. My perks are set up this way.

But life is boring, so why make the game boring?
All is about materialism in our world, why does it have to be there too?
You shooting robots with a gun that falls apart, and win?
For crying out loud.
You should be shooting your own foot with it, if it doesn’t explode in your face, that is.
That doggy bot?
It should own you like THE master…
For THAT is survival.
And not what is now…

These machines took out several islands.
But you, 17, not ever seen a gun, let alone have held one, not mentioning fire one, and ‘accurately’ even so, going to war with what is basically a bean popper, take them out as if it were tin cans like Rambo going at a chimp.
Unrealistic might be fun, yes, but this?
Oi oi oi…

It seems like we GZ players are a motley crew. I have my scars to, but that is life. What I find interesting is not really our different ideas of what the game should be like. It is the fact that we all play and enjoy it. The intersection set is quite big here, gentlemen (and ladies, if any should happen to be around). When I read GZ’s homepage the developers are literally telling us to throw ideas at them. So let us do exactly that! Their intention seems to be, that this game is going to be around for a long time, and will keep on evolving. Hallelujah and bless them all! Maybe we’ll all get the perfect game eventually :slightly_smiling_face:

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@IanForce AMEN!!!
'Nuff said.

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combat is the only reason why i play the game. Everything looks the same. No big nice city. Just the boring woods. And a few houses

Why did you come to this forum? You just told @Xogroroth that his comments are stupid and you get mad at me because i state facts about the things you are saying about the game? you know what, i do not really care about what you say about the game, it´s just a game, but in 2 months since i´ve been here, i never read anyone telling another person his comments are “stupid”.
That´s wrong and as someone told “not really socially nice”
If you think the game is boring there are many but many games to choose from, just don´t come over here insulting people and saying things like “the game is boring” " i cant get the ammo i want"
And if you would be “Nice” everyone would just tell you how to have more fun and get the ammo you want.
I´m not here to pick fights but i really hate bully’s, so good day and go play something not boring for you.

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So, are u gonna tell me what i can write. With stupid, i meant what a waste of time it is to answer to all these questions. I can understand that someone could get that wrong. My failure. I played the game for 20 hours without thinking, that its boring. If you mean beeing nice is, to dont criticise a game because u do think its a bit boring then ok. The other comments wich told me, that i shoud play more single player are great. And u just came here to tell me that everything i write is by fact wrong. I wouldnt have written into this forum if i wouldnt have liked, wich i still do. And I’m gonna play more alone. For the atmosphere.

I mean, i can understand you. My comments are a harsh. And I REALLY thank you for your answers, i didnt knew that i was a bit mean. Thank you. But a Forum isnt just for nice things. But the “your comments are stupid” was so dumb. Sorry. i could write, that the atmosphere is stunning. The weapons feel great. The bots are cool and intelligent. The graphics are good. But I think you all know that.


I excuse myself for the mean comment. Sorry


You know @VoelligBanane there is a perk called “salvage” with it i can guarantee you will never run out of ammo, and if it`s still not enough for you, that perk has another upgrade.
The weapons you carry will dictate the ammo you will get from loot.
I am always with the inventory full of ammo, even for the PVG 90 (the anti-Material rifle)
And you can criticize the game has long your argument makes sense right?
I can´t say that i do not like the game because there is not a single ridable Unicorn (get it?).

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You haven’t looked at my ID pic - that was me at exactly this age (and more or less time).

My friends call that pic “Bootie’s Partisans”, since I was the boss of Commando Company Sherborne School CCF (Devon and Dorset Regiment)… :smiley: