Guess where it is? (refering to recent tweet)

Correct on on both locations. I am glad you like these. It’s fun for me to find nice things that stand out and make pics of that. :coffee:

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Spooky dark in here, I need more lumen.

Checking struts from water damage, or hiding from Firebird?

The cave, wasn’t there such a cave at masskär?

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There is, and it is.
And it is dark, and it has nasty water.


the water in the cave hurts your health also, :disappointed_relieved: its a strange one

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firebirds don’t go to that part of the map

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Can’t fool you, I guess. :wink:

Creepy crawling space…

I managed to get on last night and took a bit of time to try and find the one under the walkway and I think it’s the little island where the Breviken safe house is located

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Correct. I was indeed underneath that walkway.

I think that might be just slightly south west of the gas station in Stillsjon?

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That’s correct, There’s a blood trail leading toward that crawl space. A pity that we can’t investigate underneath. Still a nice scene.

Blown away by music?

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Isn’t it next to sapö cabin, north in the marshlands?

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Is the broken ferry pulley next to the house with the interrogation room? I was showing the room to a friend and stumbled on the pulley next door…

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Correct. Here’s two more below.

Yup, that’s the place.

We live in grave times when graves are left without a stone.

Spin the bottle, I dare you!

Just guessing due to your compass and because I think that could fit… Kyrkhöjden church

also were the only black car in the game is :face_with_monocle: kinda looks like a story behide it, Will Smith & Tommy nearby I reckon, agent k & j

I guess you mean “the only black car with flashing lights on top”. We can find normal black station wagons in other places in the game.

That’s the right guess, I guess. :wink:

Food under tarp in Farm barn

Door with newspaper curtains.

Me and my shadow