Count them by hand. Don’t put any faith in those figures on the stats screen…
Most of the stats count everything you did with all characters in every game.
I already suggested to change the stats board…
Does anyone know how much savehouses there are for sure?
I will count mine today and edit here.
Safehouse you can only unlock once, regardless of character. But it often used to count them in multiplayer too. So if you joined a new person and helped them unlock safehouse it added them to your total.
I’m not sure, it used to be 102 but I can’t remember if that includes the one added in the Resistance Update.
There were 102 safe house icons before the resistance update, one of which is the starting point of the game in Archipelago. But if you travel to the starting point you end up outside, without any plundra or other item that typically is found at safehouses. The resistance base has no safe house icon, but can
fit the definition of a safehouse once a plundra is crafted. But I think the game only counts safe house icons.
So if the definition of a safehouse is a place where at least also a plundra exist or can be crafted, then the start point is not a safehouse, but there are still 102 safehouses counted in stats.
Ok, that would mean, that I have’t unlocked savehouses in multiplayer but found all in my game OR vice versa… As my stats say 102.
I will count on my map to proof it.
Yes it rather strange. (to this date and with both DLCs)
- There are 101 locations with safehouse icon that have a plundra.
- There are 102 safehouse icon locations
- There are 102 (possible) plundra locations
- There are 103 fast travel locations
Oof, loving the longest battle time too. Everyone has 49 days
Not me, I have 2 hours. But I keep away from multiplayers.
Well said. If read carefully and counted this is actually 100% accurate. Countless times I’ve noticed the stats to be inaccurate unfortunately. Someone was bragging about a 4.3km kill when we tested that damage doesnt register past 980m. At 979m an exp pvg90 will do maybe 3% damage on a FNIX runner on adventure. The drop off is insane. This was before the landfall update. I doubt damage has been modified. Experimental Kpist has increased bullet velocity and decreased recoil which is nice. The 2x still shoots too high at mid range
Pretty sure that shooting a tick and then having it self-destruct used to count as a kill. Most of those huge kill distances will be from people damaging ticks and fast traveling, either accidentally or intentionally.
In theory you used to be able to get huge kill distances by shooting a tick to knock it’s armour off, then fast traveling to a distant safehouse. But I think that was fixed years ago.
Just wanted to ask where you are able to shoot as far without any obstacle.
I don’t have to say, that the max draw distance for machines is about 400m. (or isn’t it on pc, too?)
You’re not able to use fast travel if you’re in combat. How could you shoot a tick (just damage, not destroy) and get out of combat to use fast travel before it self-destructs)?
You can die and respawn.
Standing on the resistance base hill looking down towards the granhygget safe house you have more than 1km shot, using another player to show exact distance, while stunning or EMP the machine you can record exact distance, velocity and damage at that range. There is massive drop off and somewhere around 980m damage is less than 1%. Objects to render out at 400m but using another player to call your shots then it’s more than possible to get a kill past 400m. The 4.5km kills will be explosives going off after player has died and fast travelled.
That AI did not listed the full list, and is riddled with wrong names. Full list is in this topic scroll up or Click here
Thanks. Saw the screenshots. I know this is a topic of 2 year old, but I also thought there were developments in case of numbers of safehouses.
I’m still not sure about the number, but I’ll check those above.
What do we consider a safehouse? There are 102 Fast travel points (not counting Claimed Resistance bases) that the game calls safehouses in the stats. But some people feel that a safehouse should also have a plundra, of which there are 10 -1+19+10+19+12+11+11+9 = 100.
First one I checked isn’t there - as far as I can see.
Well known? Or just for me?
@ Gysbert: I understand that, thanks.
You should use my list. Yttervik is on it, but has no plundra.
And you should delete that AI-list you posted, it’s full of errors.
Ok, checked all I have at the moment, based on the screenshots of Gnometickhunter - found 3 more.
For me, safehouses are a way to travel, Plundra or not.
I’ll check your list too, Gysbert. Unfortunately only coördinates - doesn’t work for me, but I’ll find my way through the names you noted.
AI post removed.