If I was to be shipwrecked on a desolated island with only one companion, I would provably chose one of you hardcore guys over Kylie Minogue. I wouldn’t expect it to be quite as fun, but I’m sure I would survive longer
On the other hand, that way, you sometimes go right past without ever knowing they were there. I met three dogs in a field, all in a row - they never moved an inch…
I mean, when I finally saw them then I killed them, obviously…
I love seeing Dog and Hunter patrols just by the movement, even when they are outside detector range, and watching them go past, never knowing you are there…
You can hear their humming from afar, sounds like an old workstation computer. And it’s always difficult to tell how many there are, sometimes you can end up facing larger groups.
To be a bit on topic; there are a fair number of safehouses that consist of those green barracks; I’ve discovered that if you climb the metal wash basins inside you can peek out the small rectangular windows and take potshots at machines without them firing back.
Unless it’s exploding flechettes, which they will fire at the building if they can see you or not and then the blast knocks your health down over and over again, and you think, “Mate, you can’t stay here…”
I killed tons of machines that way … for a very long time. Never mentioned it because I thought it was too obvious. It is like shooting mechanical bears in a Tivoli. Did I know something that @Zesiir did not? Celebrations!!!
Thanks to @0L0 I now have 90 unlocked safe houses in my stats. One hadn’t registered on my first visit, but now it did. So I will declare @0L0’s 90 (legal) safe houses as the official number for GZ in its current state until evidence of new safe houses might be provided.
From a look at that map, I think I may have one (or more?) extra SF (I noticed Jaktlägret, SE close to Uttern, to be missing), so unless you have that, maybe it’s 91?
(Can’t tell you from my stats, like 0L0’s, my counter is in the hundreds for some reason.)
And that makes it 91 with @Ennui’s addition. A beautiful, unaccessible camp near another fine ravine where supplies must be delivered with helicopter. Complete with Plundra and bikeshop. What person in his right mind would need a BIKE up there??!? Credits to @Ennui ++
BTW, I fast-travelled to Uttern and was greeted by a harvester, 12 runners (inside/outside), 15 hunters, and a few seekers. Took a while to clear the surroundings …
Having just taken a screenshot and counted; I have 96 individual safe houses. (Including 1 on the other island)
I have seen someone with 2x safe houses out of bounds, but I never travelled to them. Try as I might I can’t get the second to unlock even if I wander around to where it was on the map.
POST IT!!! Don’t hold out on us.
I’m afraid it’s just a quick and dirty photo, so I could quickly blot out the safe-houses and count as I went… and it still has all the other icons on there, but here you go.
The plot thickens…
I counted 85 (+ 1 on the island)
Here is a combined map of our both:
Green is the one missing on my map.
Magenta are the 6 missing on @OBiW4NSHiNOBi map.
Red marks safehouses that are unlocked on both maps
Very diligent work there mate, excellent!
Wow. Excellent work! o7
(and apologies for my hurried counting!)
Yeah, good coop play
I have currently a hundred unlocked.
@Simulacrum_Protogen, we have reason to believe, that we can’t rely on the number from the stats. So far @0L0’s map with @Ennui’s Jaktlågret in addition seems to be the verified number of 91 safe houses. If you know of more, I would love if you would share it.