How to kill a hunter with one shot?

Thanks for replying.

I had tried several things that should have unlocked the trophy:
1: I shot up a car next to a hunter
2: I blew up a big red cannister on a farm
3: I directly one-shoted a hunter with the rocket launcher.

None of them gave me the trophy.
But later on I joined a friend in multiplayer as a guest. I was in a solo fight with a hunter. The hunter blew himself up by shooting at a car. And voila I got the trophy.
The system for monitoring trophy progress is very wonky. :slight_smile:

Yup, like the Marksman trophy, have got that trophy twice on two accounts on ps4, and both times I got it by buckshot a hunter/runner really close up. Overkill trophy I got by using kpist in stead of rocket launcher to name a few.
But hey, I still enjoy it :blush:

Wonky would be one word to describe it.

I shot the tank on the back with the Exp .50 cal with AP ammo. The hunter died and a car exploded in the process. I did NOT get the achievement.

The only reason I can come up with is the car blowing up the hunter, not my shot.

EDIT: Just did it with one rocket, no avail.

This achievement took me countless tries on my game and others. I happened to do it on my wife’s server(she doesn’t play often she never made it to the big island yet). I killed a fresh never been touch prototype hunter on the bridge with a rocket. I also had my toons explosive stage 2. Components and non component at 2 as well. This also was during the 2nd-3rd patch after game release.

I feel your guys pain cause I killed countless proto/mili hunters with one shot rockets before it finally clicked for me. Best of luck

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A grenade finally did the trick.

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That’s a cheapie! In the back of the open boot of that car is a gas canister on its side, with just the top poking out. Hit the car/canister, blows up the Hunter, every one a coconut. But I got a Hunter standing next to a car without anything in it - waited for my moment when he turned his back - hit the fuel cell, which exploded the car, which killed the newly-weaked Hunter. Did I get the trophy? I did not.

Please help. I’ve logged well over 100hrs and have killed a hunter with one shot by blowing up a tank, killed multiple hunters with a radio lure and a rocket launcher shot… I don’t have a gold sniper rifle but I do have a gold rocket launcher. Ive been trying to get this trophy since early on in the game and have tried many things but nothing is working

Destroy a hunter with a single shot. Ignore the orange prototype hunters early on. Level up you tree damage. Than go back and kill a prototype hunter with a 4/5 crown or even experimental. With either .50cal rifle ,rocket launcher or shotgun.

do all of the things on this thread , also try with a exp sniper , if you have done all of this perhaps it is a bug , i wouldnt know but am trying to help. im sure shooting a prototype hunter with a exp sniper would work great now . best of luck.

I used a magnum and a gas canister
Blew myself up in the process but it sure got the job done XD


Is this trophy glitched? I’ve done it a few different ways now and it hasn’t popped the trophy yet… Update. Just got it. I blew up an car with a bunch of machines around it. Tried it multiple times before and nothing. I noticed a few trophies popped at the exact same time I completed the final stage of challenges. Maybe they are connected or bugged together. Keep grinding and it will pop.

I did everything. With 6 star rifle, blow up cars.Diddnt worked.Do u got a hint for me

Head to the airfield, put some rounds into the hunters there but try not to kill them.

Let them kill you, respawn at the safe house after combat has ended. Take out the PVG90 and you should be able to take one out with a single shot.

Now there is an alternative method, but it’s iffy. Much like splash damage, tracking will be your issue. Same principle as above, but after you respawn, place Explosive canisters behind the safehouse. There will be 4-5 ones large red explosive canisters already there resting.

Place your own explosive canister next to them.

Just drawn the machines there, and when there is a pack of them - shoot your canister. The chain reaction alone should register one shot fired - and the hunter kill should unlock.

Hopefully x

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IMO, the easiest way to 1-shot a Hunter is to switch to Adventure or Skrimish and then go after prototype Hunters with the exp. PVG 90. If you shoot them in the front but from a slight angle, like 30 degrees or so, the bullet can go through the ventilation grate beside it’s head, and continue through the fuel cell on it’s back. A double component hit that should end them in 1 shot. :slightly_smiling_face:


I did this brilliantly really early on - stalked a Hunter with my 3* .245 sniper rifle. I hit its fuel tank with my first shot just as it passed a car. The fuel tank exploded, exploded the car, exploded the Hunter. Did I get the Perk? Did I knickers. Bastards. Never tried it again, 'cos I’d done it, see? And right there is the story of my life. My reward is waiting for me in Heaven.

I’m a relatively new player. I’ve owned the game since launch, but I didn’t really get into it until after the December update when I finally played through everything, including the DLC. Everything I read about as suggestions was not working for me, such as placing gas tanks and shooting them, shooting cars, etc. Maybe things changed over the updates and it’s not working the same way anymore.

The only thing that worked for me was simply fighting tanks and harvesters while leaving hunters alone. Eventually they take so much damage from robots, that a single shot from anything could be enough.

Feel you.Got the same problem.

I did that with exp. pvg90, I don’t remember difficulty - change to adventure to make sure, It was prot. hunter, I shot it perpendicularly to exhaust ports (boxes on each side of head). Bullet should travel through both hitboxes and other components along the trajectory. A rare hunter able to survive with both exhaust ports destroyed. If it’s exp. pvg90 and bullet highly likely to hit any/both arm(s) (appendage) - it would cause additional “chassis” damage, that slightly increase chance of one-shot.

Folks, here’s another topic discussing the same issue: [resolved] PS4 One Shot trophy not registering. There are several good methods in there, to try for, if you still don’t have the “One Shot” achievement.

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