I don't really get how to play this game

So, I’ve been playing since release in March 2019. Despite this, I’ve never made any significant progress. As soon as I enter the farmlands, I spend most of my time respawning, because for some reason every tactic I used in the archipelago goes out the window.

Cover ? Nope, we now have hunters who can shoot through objects and gas areas.

Traps ? Nope, for some reason radios seem to suddenly jump in range, and alert everyone and their grandmother, so instead of the five runners I wanted to blow up I now have to deal with two tanks and five hunters that charge in from the horizon.

Run and Gun ? Nope, there’s a barrage of fire coming from every direction.

And then I watch a video of TenebrisInfinite who shoots the reaper apart with the most ratty ass pistol in the game, and now I can pick my jaw up from the floor.

And when I play, I spend most of my time trying to get to Sorken and getting send back to Mulvadsberget.

So if anyone has any tips or can tell me what I’m probably doing wrong, I’d be very grateful.

What other games do you play?
Your response will give the answers many are asking themselves about what you wrote.
It´s simply weird you own the game for more than 1 year and you are still struggling with it.

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What difficulty level are you playing on ?

First, your difficulty?
If Guerilla - understandable. If Adventure - this need some homework, a lot of some homework.

Second, your approach?
Casually approach upfront in a straight line ignoring bullets in the face or crawling between bushes to get as close as possible to make sure every shot count?

Third, what you pick up and use?
I can’t say I’ve seen often people use all what game have to offer. I have yet to see in random lobbies people use smoke or consistently setting up traps.

Fourth, your guns, ammo and gunplay?
In the Archpelago you’d struggle up until you reach and loot Vesslan. After that, basic guns and ammo needs should be covered. Hoard and stash as much as you can until gear slowly start turning from deficient to abundant and then quantity turn into quality.
Still even basic rusty G3 (AG4) is viable option most of the game, provided you can feed it and patient and discreet enough to reload and live every 20 rounds.

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I started back when there was only one, got quite far, then wanted to wait until the game got fixed up a bit, now I’m playing on Guerilla, because I THOUGHT I could do it…

I try to be methodical, precise and stealthy, but for some reason every ambush turns into a massive horde battle.

I try to use traps, but like I said, using lures tends to bite me in bottom. And I didn’t even know smoke was useful. I’m also constantly out of medkits. Tried looking for some on a farm, got swarmed by a dozen hunters.

Right now I’m using a silenced AG4 and Granatgevär, but at least for the AG4 I’m constantly out of ammo, because of the horde fights I tend to start and lose.

Btw, sorry if I come across a bit unfriendly, I’m somewhat tilted right now:sweat_smile:

I set traps and such, but… smoke? I thought smoke was pointless against the machines? I had tried to read up on it a bit, and the general consensus seemed to be that machines can see right through it and all it really does is hinder your own visibility.

I’d love it if there was some good tactical use of smoke grenades - can you give an example scenario so I can test it out? Are they are any use in direct combat? Or more of an aid to sneaking past something without being noticed?

Good gaming!

I don´t want to sound rude, but if you´ve been playing the game for such a long time and you have trouble , maybe playing on Guerrila is not the best approach.
I suggest:

  • you play on adventure mode, while exploring the entire map
  • to use binoculars to locate enemy positions
  • learn what weapons are more suited to your play style
  • locate and discover the best locations to gather ammo( there is info in the forum and check the bunkers and Farmlands)
  • follow guides if you still have trouble
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I play solo and on Guerilla (have been playing it since i was able to pick it as difficulty level) and only thing i had a shortage of, was first aid kits. Now, after crafting came, and i can craft first aid kits, the only shortage i may face, is a-shots (since i can’t craft those as of yet).

As far as my gameplay tactics go, i use a lot of cover and i like to snipe machines, taking out the biggest threats 1st. And here i don’t mean biggest machines, instead biggest threats. E.g when i take cover inside the house and there is mil hunter outside, i either take out it’s gas launcher or entire hunter.

For horde fights, especially runners, i suggest that you use Kpist/HP5. Keep your AG4 for bigger guys.

Some practical applications:
Against worst possible 1vs1 opponent

Legend says it still grazing fields for one who did that to it

And that’s the first half of the problem - out of ammo. A single G3 isn’t panacea and grg/49 ammo is too scarse and heavy for EDC weapon. This is tedious task, but reliable - hoard ALL possible ammo and have at least one gun of each caliber and juggle/alternate between them until you find your set (it is about 3-4 guns - stable income). Shotguns and gunting rifles are weak, but highly ammo-efficient if you consistently making blue sparks with these guns.

I started same, died a lot (k/d around 35k kills/3k deaths) because it’s cheap. But eventually you’ll get creative how to die gloriously or spectacularly. :slight_smile:
Anyways, currently difficulty is just damage taken/given ratio. So learn how to avoid fights or how to avoid bullets.

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And to add to the above - you can craft resistances for your clothing. Bullet or explosive resistances are good choices when playing on Guerilla.

One thing i usually focus on when teaching somebody new to the game is machine knowledge(i know that you are not new but I think the same thing applies here). So personally that is where I would focus, because knowing where to shoot and the attacks that a machine can throw at you are pretty important when trying not to die. Other than that you could also plan out your skill points to better fit you.

@Fraeddy Not much I can add that the others haven’t already said.
Guerilla is your main reason for struggling, that much is painfully obvious.
Try switching at least to Skirmish. You can even go to Adventure difficulty and go on a looting run in the military’s trenches in the southern farmlands, stock up on meds and ammo before pushing on.

I made a quick drawing for you. (I apologize if you see this as spoon feeding or patronizing.)

In the red circle you’ll find a schematic for crafting simple medkits. Upstairs in the main house.
The yellow circles are the first safehouses in the Farmlands.
The blue circles are warzones where you should be able to find a lot of ammo.

Another trick is to quickly acquire two points in both Salvage and Carry Capacity skills.
And keep in mind that the lvl. cap pr. character is 31, so choose your skills wisely!

I’m an end game-player and personally, I like playing on Skirmish best. I have no trouble playing on Guerilla and I have done so for the last month. I ended up switching back to Skirmish just because I enjoy the flow of combat more when enemies aren’t so bullet spongy… :blush:


As NJR87 said you can go back to the areas you have made and loot them. At the first time when i ran out of ammo i went back to the archipelago and to the Salthamn and Vesslan Bunker because after six hours the ammo in this areas respawned and you can stock up.

My setup on weapons what i used most of the time in the game is a AG4 with barrel extension. A HP5 SMG, from time to time replaced by a shotgun Sjöqvist or 12. Pump. A two point Klaucke is always a good Weapon when you have armor piercin ammo in it.

And don’t get in any fight what comes along. I often use hit and run techniques. Trying to dammage or destroy one enemy and escape so fast as i could. Than wait and take the next one.

If the air becomes lead, run away :smiley:


Smoke grenades shouldnt work on machines because the problaly use a computer to lock onto living humans and animals, like heatsensors and rangefinders so they can see and lock into you and shoot.

Yeah and if you are attacked just take cover and shoot back when you can

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The machines got vision modules, they can see you in infrared, in residual light and in xray trough walls. If you have the loot specialisation you can loot such vision modules from some machines. Military or apocalypse Seekers have them. You can attache them to your scope. That helps very much in the dark, you can find enemys before they see you.

yeah and thats why smoke dosnt work so good against machines

Now I never use smoke in this game, but I would imagine that the smoke used here is able to screen both “regular view” as well as the infrared spectrum.

Another thing, not covered here is the machine sounds.

GZ doesn’t have much in terms of background music and many players opt to listen their own music. While this could be more enjoyable, it also completely masks any noises machines make and you won’t notice the machines until it’s too late - they are aggrod to you and shooting at you.

If you keep your ears open, you’ll hear all machines long before you’ll see them. That creates a critical tactical advantage for you, especially at night and/or in forest/dense shrubs and on Guerilla, it is a must. And if you have surround sound (i do), you can easily tell from which location the sound comes from, so you can pinpoint the machine(s) location.


Only been playing for a few weeks but it’s funny/annoying that some of the in-game battle music has machine sounds in it … got very tuned in to listening for clanks/scrapes/servos/roars. First time I heard those in music it bugged me, now I’m used to it and appreciate the little joke (I guess?).

Agree with you totally that in game sound is important. Plus the outdoor setting makes it relaxing at times (between fights at least)