Intense light in Torsberga, South Coast region

Fast travel outside the region.
Fast travel back and the doors will be open

To destroy the artillery there is a stair inside each room that leads to the target spider.
Use flares and try to find it

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You canā€™t blame people for being frustrated by a bug. In fact I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to apply the term ā€œspoon feedingā€ to something thatā€™s an unintended issue.

Iā€™ve seen that being thrown around a lot lately, as a derogative term people use when they disagree for a bunch of reasons. And Iā€™m putting my foot down right now.

Play nice
Respect is the name of the game. You must respect your fellow members. Please refrain from inflammatory and defamatory comments as well as flaming, taunting, harassing, threatening, embarrassing, and general disrespect. Do not simply put down the opinion or advice given by others. If you donā€™t agree with it, say why - respectfully. Donā€™t just tell them theyā€™re wrong. Do not make uninvited remarks about typos, duplicate posts, posting styles, etc.



7 days later, and if your going to be this pedantic about the specifics then so will I

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Please just stop. There is really no need to be latent aggressive in the forum. Although we all love the game everyone has itā€™s own playstyle.

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Youā€™re right, itā€™s a fair point. And thereā€™s been enough chatter in this thread anyway.

Iā€™m gonna slap a lock on this one now, of course any further ā€œlight bugā€ posts created will get merged here if needed, but since weā€™re bound to see this issue solved soon I figure the thread has run itā€™s course.

Thanks everybody for helping out with the issue :slight_smile:


Platform: pS4

Steps To Reproduce: I encountered this glitch in Torsberga Fort walking around in the dark

Images / Videos: image

Host or Client: I donā€™t know what that is for ps4

Players in your game: single player

Specifications: turning on the flash light does make it a little better but not much

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Same issue topics merged.



South Coast it got foggy not bad all things considered but it persists in buildings but in Bunkers it downright renders the game unplayable, its a disco freak show and gets to the point the entire screen is washed out white like you have a spotlight shining in your face.

Platform: PS4

Description: Fog persists in buildings becomes blinding light show in bunkers

Steps To Reproduce: have it be foggy walk into a bunker

Images / Videos:

Host or Client:

Players in your game:


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Same issue topics merged.

Also, searching the forums wouldā€™ve given you this topic where the issue is very well documented and where thereā€™s no need to make yet another report of the same bug.



image image image I was trying to do the main mission ā€œSpiking the Gunsā€ and there was fog. When I went underground during the fog there would be a certain point where lights would appear on my screen and obstruct the view. The flashlight helps me see with ADSing but itā€™s really obstructive once it happens.

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this is known i assmue you are on ps4. If so the fix comes latest patch which ps4 unfortunately does not yet have.

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Good to know, thanks

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Same issue topics merged.


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PS4 Slim
**Steps To Reproduce:** 
1. Foggy Area and with a bunker go there and go underground there is a chance that this will happen the screen got white blurred and i cant see anything (watch the video link) i barely can see anything which makes thing more harder than it is!
2.i was at torsberga fortress doing the main mission then (got bug #1 above) then i tried to reset the game by quiting and then suddenly all the doors are locked even though i switched the generator one the first time.
2.1. i tried to switch the generator on again although all the lights were on and then i went back to the door and it was all locked again!
3. Leaving a door open or whatever can clip enemies in even the hunters who barely fit got inside!
**Images / Videos:**
**Host or Client:**
**Players in your game:** 
ArchipelagoArchi (me)
PS. Please update the game for the PS4!!!!
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Same issue topics merged.

@ArchipelagoArchi Also, do not list several bugs in one bug report. Instead keep each bug in different bug report. This helps to better monitor the issues reported.


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A friend warned me about this, but I was still surprised. Once I enter the completely dark bunker, where a flash light is generally needed. Instead of pitch black, I got a complete white screen. When I turned on a flashlight, about half the screen was still a blazing white. I ended up surviving using the X-ray vision on my scope, and whenever there was light I would stand in it, cause the annoying white glare would vanish.

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Almost like this issue already had a humongous thread about it. Next time, search for your issue. Itā€™s well-documented and will likely be fixed with the PS4 Release of FNIX Rising, and the patch that comes with it.


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I have ps4 pro and i am at
fort torsberga and i go in the main doors and go so i can go left or right and at the door it is White light so i cant see anything but with the penetration or the heat sorce mode u dont see the white light effekt but at normal mode or u use the scope u see light over the screen .
It looks like some one stand infront of u with a strong flashlight and use the flash light at u .

And it is fog every were even in the fort !
FB_IMG_1600963293152|690x335 FB_IMG_1600963304039

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Same issue topics merged.


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