Interesting locations

Ah, a glitch location.
I don´t know then.
Post a image with the coordinates if you find it again please.

Edit: if it is a “glitch” don´t post on the forum due to the rules, but please send me by private message thank you.

If it’s a glitch location, please don’t post it on the forums.

Why do you think that it is a glitch location if I was able to access it on foot without any special setup?

However, I do understand the sensitivity of it - so…we are heading back there Saturday and he remembers where we went. If it’s as easy as walking there, I will get a coordinate here over the weekend.

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There are 6 Lighthouses, all have a name, except the lighthouse in Tärnboda Skans. Is the name ever mentioned in the lore?


It’s “Övertärnafyren lighthouse”. You can find that name in “Make Some Noise” main mission details.


So I found this truck with a radar dish and what seems to be a mobile command/communications base in the storage container on the back. Images below.

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Rock with resistance logo on it. In the field south of Littorp.

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Something similar here, but this time not in a truck but in a shipping container. :sunglasses:

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How strange. The logo almost looks like an arrow… :thinking:

I can look around. But it is the same logo on the reveal for the resistance update.

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Co ordinates please Bert

I was trying not to spoil the locations right away by giving exact locations. Give people a change to find thing themselves, that’s part of the fun. But if you want it I can give it. :coffee:

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I found some cool thing while exploring today. I am not sure if they are new, but I have never seen them before.

South of the new home base, below the buildable area is a FNIX cave with a few ticks and a harvester dumping station lootable. I don’t know what it’s for but it’s cool.

I completely overlooked it’s update content.

Don’t worry mate.

I found the last message. :sunglasses:

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Where on the map is that?

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A little hint:
Somewhere in this area.

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This surprised me, and I noticed it in a split second. That mountain used to be covered in tall pinetrees! Quite a change… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Found an interestingly modified poster: