January Update - Now Live!

So i have to pay again for platinum…
I have 195 platinum and this is my first time i have to buy a dlc for platinum
It’s my final trophy and have done all of the main quest

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Looks that way. It registered immediately after beating the DLC main missions.

Sigh… not sure if i gonna spend more money on this game

I personally have not had that problem. Play solo on PC also.

I just want my fashionista trophy already :confused:

I can understand the frustration, sure. But branding the game as a lost cause is a bit childish, IMO. Who knows, maybe the flaws are rooted out in a month or two? Better to give it a break and come back later, right? I’m really sorry people are having these problems, when I certainly don’t. My game has crashed maybe 10 times in total since march -19, and 6 of those were after the nov. update.
For me, GZ has always worked, and for others it seems like it will never work, no matter what.
I wonder what causes these huge differences between players?


I know how to get it. It’s a pain but I managed it on PS4.

The never ending crashing started on Januari 3’d for me, it was perfectly fine up to that point.
Don’t worry, you’ll get there eventually:wink:
It’s even worse after this patch, completely unplayable.

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Oh? For what console? I got my achievements entirely with work arounds @Lazur327, even platinumed/100% main game and DLC for PS4. Do you have DLC added? I know some people still are having issues with a few things.

PC/Steam Yepp, have the DLC.

If you don’t mind me asking @Lazur327, which achievements are you having trouble acquiring? I might be able to help you.

Thanks! As soon as I fire up the game and kill the first enemy, game crashes. Just want the game to work properly, but I guess PC-players in particular ran out of luck…

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Yeah, I hear some PC players are still having issues with the game running properly. That however I cannot help you with unfortunately, but I do wish you the best of luck.

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Gas masks do make a difference - they slow damage from gas by exactly half (one Health point a second instead of two). Now, we should be able to get charcoal NBC suits as “Experimental Clothing” from Rivals or some such, but meanwhile a gasmask and a single Advanced Medpack allows you two or three minutes to survive a gas-filled environment…

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Not all of them - I’m on PC and have had two crashes in 350 hours. But my machine was new when I loaded GZ for the first time. Something must fight something else…

Edit: Rereading this gives me pause. I imagine the DEVs are using dedicated machines to hunt for crashes, which were clean (naturally) when the game was loaded. I wonder what would happen if they borrowed the secretary’s computer and loaded it onto that???

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Just my 2 cents, take it for what you will. Changing the EXP weapons to only drop after level 25 is IMO a huge waste of time and energy. #1, that gives you 6 levels to collect those weapons before you’re wasting your time with a maxed out character earning nothing in the process. That is aggravating. #2, this game is hard, period. I have a complete set of EXP weapons and even being tactical I still die frequently. “It’s too easy” means you need to go back to Dark Souls. Some of us are not MLG kids and we want to be able to compete. Just saying, myself and all the friends I have on this game are really disappointed in this. It is what it is, I’m not saying I’d like to see it changed. I’m just saying maybe stop listening to the feedback of the kids saying up the difficulty as the game is already challenging enough.


Agree, that was a bit over the top to be honest.


I said this within the first 10 replies on this post and was told that it’s what “everybody” wanted.
Like I said I hit lvl25 after finishing the game and some/most of the dlc so lvl25 is a bad move and I even had the extra xp perks (first tier of each one) and very rarely ran from a fight, lvl20 would be more exceptable. I have died many many time’s mainly due to being out numbered by hunters and that stupid shotgun that knocks you down and takes you 10 seconds to get back up only to find that you have already been hit again before being able to move!

I personally don’t think the experimental guns are that good anyway - the sniper is good but ammo doesn’t drop that often ( 1 or 2 bullets from a box rarely)

  • the ag4’s perk is absolutely useless
  • the pistol’s perks doesn’t happen often enough/ last long enough and the pistol is under powered anyway
  • the smg perk is pointless on a gun with such little ammo in the clip, you spend more time reloading than actually shooting!
  • rpg is a good idea except rpg’s in general don’t do enough damage and should blow the machines apart rather than just do surface dmg, also ammo only stacking in 4’s and doing such little dmg means you need a lot of space.
  • shotgun is good at early lvl / beginning of game but as the bots get tougher it just seems underwhelming in power and the exploding perk is great on human targets like us but on a bot it just doesn’t seem to do much.
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I personally would like some detail as to your edit about how they testing on Xbox. They never stream using a console same for theHunterCOTW they have not been free with information about the console like they have about the PC. Anyway I hope they do not take my curiosity as critical…

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Hell no! The vocal minority on here perhaps, but I’m willing to bet that the majority of players did not want this change (not this harsh anyway). Still, I can see the reason for it, but I think that gating these weapons behind level 25 is too high in this game.

(On a side note, I’ve had far more experimental weapons drop than 5 star weapons, which seems weird imho.)