Letter from the Team - January 28th

Oh yes, I would like to watch some whales, like this one man seems to do from the great windows in the hotels restaurant. :crazy_face:

Or imagine…

“Oh dear, deer!”

Dead or alive… Some more animals would be cool, but just secondary.

I rather hope that machines would finally react better to damaged components. With the tech view we can see all the different components but only the destruction of weapons change the abilities of the machine. When we destroy the hydraulic pump they should move slower or at least are not able to sprint anymore. This way fights would gain an additional tactical level and become more interessting than shoot the weapons and then dump a ton of lead ind them.


It would also helps players identifying whether they actually hit what they were aiming for.

Well… … Apparently it doesn’t matter where you hit, which I didn’t know. :frowning: I honestly thought that robots would behave differently depending on the damage they took, especially since promo material can be read like that:

Enemies will bear those scars until you face them again, whether that is minutes, hours, or weeks later.

I’m not really far into the game because I stopped playing when I read about basic (read: “should have been shipped at launch”) UX stuff coming in the February patch. (Item/weapon wheel being the main one… I’m also thinking about the “prone” feature now working correctly on a gamepad.)

Not sure how that says anything about specific parts changing how the machine act.

Destroy a machines components and it acts different than before, in general.

And if you run away then instead of destroying it completly and meet it some time later again, the components you destroyed are still missing…

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As far as I know there is no negstive effect for the machines when you destroy optics, hydraulic pumps, drive axels or hinges besides the lower over all HP.
I described some possible effects here a while ago:

The apo Tanks have a module which produces their fire wall attack (I unfortunatelly dont know how it is called in the tech view) and you can destroy it but when I tested it they could still use this attack.
Only weapons and Tick pods have the effect that they can’t use them once you shot them off.

Mmh. I’d bet that at least there is an effect when destroying the optics. With the rest I’m with you.
I’m a bit disappointed that there are’t more effects. But just a bit.

Would be cool if could slow the tanks and harvesters down or destroy their run/stomp/gas attack. Or at least the apocalypse hunters flamethrowers.

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Prettu sure it just means the components will just be missing in the lines
“Enemies will bear those scars until you face them again”

Not that it would change how they act.

Unless I misunderstood what you meant.

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You’re right, but a hunter without its guns will just try to rip you :wink:
That’s what I meant.


Imagin how cool it would be if you damage/destroy the hunters ammo container and when it tryes to shoot you with the main gun it suddendly jammes. To get it going again the hunter than tries to hit the gun with its blade a few times. Than it works again and it continues to shoot you :slight_smile:
Or it could flip the gun by 90° upwards and ejects the remaining 5-10 bullets out of its arm to remove the jammed one (the ammo goes from the containers in the chest through the arm into the gun) than flip the gun back infront of the arm end. The gun is ready to shoot again and the hunter continues to focus on you :smiley:

I like to go back to topic…

What about a countdown to Landfall on https://generationzero.com/ ?

I hated waiting on the November-Update without knowing when in November. And such a big update as Landfall seems to be deserves a countdown :wink:

It would be some kind of advertising for many new users, too. :star_struck:

Thx for doing this beautiful game and the ongoing support.

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Curious to see what “Landfall” means in terms of the coming update. It sounds very grand.
…hope it doesn’t turn out to be nothing in particular, and just a fancy name.

Will there be a region revamp, with a beachhead for an invasion force? :thinking:

Soviets have already invaded Sweden, by defintion. Might as well make it proper and fill in all the monumental plotholes! :wink:

This place looks perfect for a beachhead of an invasion. Airfield included. A total revamp of a region wouldn’t be necessary, but the big isle could be introduced. :star_struck:

That is indeed noticeable. That is obvsious that this island becomes the new DLC because there are also streets visible. But the “Landfall”, when it a landfall is and not only a phrase, could also happen at Muskudden or at the jetty of the Törsberga Fort

It’s obvious that the big NE island is not going to be introduced in an update, but instead will be made available as a major paid DLC. Hopefully, that will happen some time later this year.

«Landfall» will instead have something to do with the areas we’ve already got. It has to be.


I don’t like to say it, but you’re right.
Would make more sense the way you said.

I have to think about that for some time…

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Or «Landfall» is just a metaphor for something new they’re gonna introduce… It may not have anything to do with an invasion at all.

But, the plotholes for the soviet presence are severe, and I’m aching to have them answered. But even so, any greater amount of new story or lore is also likely to be put in a paid DLC, and not in an update. So, we may have to just keep waiting for new content.

Yes, of course.

But as long new story elements, that fill the gap of the soviet presence in the main-game, come with a revamp of one or more regions, it would make more sense.

We have to think about the fact that the game must be playable with other players that don’t own the dlc, too. So any greater additions should be added via (Landfall-) update and added story-elements should make sense even if you don’t have any or for example just one dlc…

… implied they don’t change how dlcs are being integrated into the main-game. If you know what I mean.

Maybe a GenZ Hunter: CotW DLC… :thinking:

I totally wouldn’t mind seeing GZ map in COTW, and COTW maps in GZ :star_struck: