Levelling-up and related numbers

I’m interested in that, too.

Just post it here, If you are ok with that.

Basically a dev has said that XP levels increase each time. But the data I gathered doesn’t show that clearly. It could be that the increase is so small that we can not detect it within 20 levels. Say increase is 50 XP per level, that means that after 20 levels the difference between the first and 20th level is only 1000 XP.

Or something is wrong with my XP. Because I keep getting about the same values every level. There is no steady increase.

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There are still some mysteries.
For example no one could ever explain, why the loot containers at the airfields safehouse are placed completly different for me and my friends game. :man_shrugging:

Maybe for your game there is a different calculation of xp than for others :thinking:

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Mysteries indeed. My values seem to be stuck just under or above 70000 per level (21 x 3333.333…)
But I started recording values at level 80, so I don’t know what I got from level 32 and up to 79.
Anyway there is no really need for us to know the exact values.

Now I am just levelling up organically, meaning that I no longer trying to level up every day. Trying to get the closest value was a bit of a pain to do, because I had to end each level only killing low XP enemies one at the time.


So in essence, it’s meant to scale with the level itself. 60’s have averaged about 6.5k per slot.

Onto the 70s

Has Anyone in Here Actually got to level 10’000, and what happens when you get there, they need add special areas enemies etc that allow for getting to that 10,000 faster, but can only be accessible once you get level 31

Without cheating you can’t get to level 10000, it takes too many years. If you could level-up twice in 24 hours, every day, it will take 13 years. Most likely you can’t even level-up once in 24 hours, everyday. That would be crazy. :coffee:

, how about we get level up points for the numbers on the bulleye :+1: 10 level up points for hitting the mark, 9, 8, 7 etc, using only the bow & arrows, now that’s an idea

People weren’t happy when they didn’t earn any XP after reaching level 31.
To fix that once and for all, I think that the devs set an insane high 10000 level mark.

Thinking about your idea, I got distracted by the message “God Listens” :point_left: under your TV.


or maybe the empty soda cans on the left, for some extra level ups, anyway, the point I was trying to make was, when a person reaches level 31 they will access to things like the bulleyes, soda cans, the gun club in the mountain region for some crazy leveling up points, so we can reach that 10,000 in this lifetime

shooting Cans full of Bud-light is popular these days, they don’t have to be empty lol

Faster level up could be based on real time playing the game. As far as rewards go… we all fell suckered into doing the challenges to get a name tag below our character’s name and a new emote. Why not every 1000 levels you get a different tag to add to that and some new moves when in a group or self satisfaction on solo.

the point I was trying to make :thinking: after level 31, theses things would be accessible ONLY to people that have hit the level 31, for MEGA leveling up, anyway

It’s as often…more, more, more

  • “The levelcap is too low, give us more levels”
  • levelcap set to unreachable
  • “The levelcap is too high, give us more xp [that we can reach it and complain about a too low levelcap again]”

Btw this always was/is a topic when thinking of ingame storages, too.

It’s getting harder and harder to find satisfied people.

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Was it? … :wink:

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Indeed. The FB forums for example are more about complaints and whining rather than positiveness.

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