Love This Game ALOT

Absolutely Love this game. Just came across it the other day.

Would recommend adding boost features to all bikes at the cost of more fuel? And more stamina for Bicycle? Add ability to upgrade bikes gas tank storage. Add ability to mount some kind of gun on motorbikes or shoot while riding. Add some kind of ebrake/drift(nothing over the top just something where I can push the ebrake and then change direction quicker or seomthing?) feature to spacebar. Also, why does a motorbike accel at the pace of a snail? Soon as I hit that gas I should be zooming. Could use a little bit tighter turn radius.

Add more vehicles. The games apparently been out long enough I don’t see much more DLC sized content coming in the form of major expansions. So just add these small things in. Make more vehicles be one of those mini dlcs microtransactions. Would love to be riding around in a jeep with my buddy while hes slinging ammo standing out the top. Or a humve with a BMG on the top. Or a straight up tank. There are also plenty of jets in these hangers(just sayin)

I’m sure all of this has already been said. I think everything else so far has been pretty neat. Really just need more types of transportation with some added gunplay.

Would also love to see the ability to customize more with the little dog that runs around. Upgradeable to two weapons on the bad boy. Or the ability to morph into a stationary weapon you can step up to and fire yourself.

Like I mentioned at this point of the games life it’s time to add in these goodies for players to purchase. Sheeeeet I’d buy another vehicles pack in a heartbeat. Even after I just bought every little microtransaction available. I do think it was a bit much to add every dlc item you right into your storage but hey, I won’t complain about that.

None of what I am asking for breaks the difficulty of the game. Especially when you can just up the difficulty, or play with friends. I just played with two other friends for a total of three of us on the second difficulty and was getting WRECKED by the standard dog and walker machines. It was a blast.

Also wouldn’t mind of the dlc items being a little lighter on weight, or adding more perks to upgrade carrying capacity.

Thank you.


How whould an American armoured car be in some small Swedish islands in the 80s? And the map feels big but for a Jet it whould be too small.


Well, that’s what they’re doing for years now.
Besides the paid DLCs, what you don’t see in any shop, there is much content and features that have been added even for free.

Most of us like to see some other vehicles, but I think we will have to keep our expectations low regarding the type of vehicles. Some kind of cars (for more than just one player) would be nice.

Btw, new vehicles are already announced to come this year. We’re excited so see what we’ll get. (for free, maybe with some paid additions)


Agree, just a normal car like those we see in game whould be good


But with a HEMI and air suspension please :grin:


Vehicle mounted weapons would be insanely fun for the larger machine battles. I can imagine two people on foot launching rockets from a tree line or farm house while two others speed around in a pickup truck with a belt fed .50 trying to avoid explosions and put lead on the target until a runner rushes the truck, takes out the tires, and the truck flips in a fiery explosion as you watch two players get ejected out of the flaming truck from the tree line/farmhouse. The two on foot then having to rush in and provide cover so they can hit that adrenaline and actually have a chance to make it to relative safety.


I think just a normal car whould be best.


Glad your enjoying the game , being new there’s so much ahead✌️


It was just an example my guy. But I’m VERY sure they have some type of vehicle during that time that similar to an old school army jeep that would translate over.

Oh I did not know they announced more vehicles as like i mentioned I just picked the game up. I think I joined the discord maybe there is a channel in there I can backtrack through to see what’s coming. Thank you.

Just really anything car related that can fit multiple people and passengers can shoot out of.

Yo this guy gets it!!!

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Even if the car doesn’t have weapons it’d be a good idea to be able to fire from vehicles. Of course the game needs to be able to handle the ones we have now before they compound the problems with more of them. As it is right now I own a motorcycle dlc that doesn’t work at all. As soon as I begin driving it’s a fast route to the dashboard. If cars end up the same then that’s another dlc that’s just taking my money with nothing to show for it.


Oh man for real? I am sorry to hear that. The motorbikes are phenomenal. I hope it get’s fixed soon for you. downloaded through xbox app. Not steam. Not sure if that has anything to do with it

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Well the best whould probably be the Swedish terrängbil. Not an american pickup or something.

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Found something about “A-Traktors”.
Modified cars that may be used even by 15years old teenagers.


The Swedish 80th equivalent to the Humvee would be this: Volvo L3314 - Wikipedia

:laughing: I would love to have those in the game!

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Jupp…the A-traktor is a loved and hated vehicle here in Sweden. The kids love them because they make them feel like they are driving ordinary cars and most adults hate them since they are restricted to 30 kph (18 mph) and creates traffic jams out of this world.

They used to be just modified old Volvo Duetts (as in the pictures you found) but nowadays you can restrict the speed by reprogramming modern cars, so there are new BMWs, Audis and all sorts on the streets. Personally I HATE them! :rage:

There is a big debate regarding these “cars” in Sweden at the moment. There has been quite a few fatal accidents with them lately which is to be expected when you let immature kids drive cars that weigh tons. There is even a semi truck converted to A-traktor…driven by a 16 year old! :scream:


Haha! Great Madchaser!

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Would be cool to be able to drive the 2nd one in the game.
Two persons in the front, two on the back who may shoot at targets.

With the limited speed you would be even slower than with a bicycle, so there shouldn’t be any issues caused by speed.

We (the players character) remember that we have our old A-Traktor at home (I personally can’t remember… did we ever go to “our home” during the story?!). So we go there and check if it’s still working.
Maybe we need to find some parts to finish it, but then the fun may begin. :sweat_smile:


Yo those are sick! Would def have one.