Machine behaviour post April 2020 update

Doesn’t much matter when there are machines everywhere, and they’re constantly patroling…i’ve found that they REALLY like to congregate at the various farms in the area, and then patrol the woods at the edges of the farms, and then patrol the roads. So even if you stick to the bush, you’re gonna get spotted, and assuming you don’t, the farms aren’t even really accessible.

It seems from multiple people that the hunters are not coming out of the harvester itself like I thought. I feel a little better about it now. Hunters popping out of a harvester without some sort of large canisters attached would be ludicrous. Although having 2 or 3 carried in large canisters on it’s back seems more plausible than having something that heavy dropped from an aircraft or from space. IMO. But it would be really cool to see them float down on parachutes and have retro rockets kick in just before they land.

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It wasn’t this bad until the April update. I mean there were still usually like a handful of runners and maybe a hunter or two at most farms, but they weren’t such an impossible challenge as they are now. I can only imagine that this change will be reverted given the extreme backlash from the community.

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one can only hope. A friend of mine just started a fresh playthrough. I, in what can only be described as a fit of insanity, decided to brew up a fresh character, and run with him. So far, it’s not so bad… 2 guns are better than one. In any event, we should be ok, until we get into the later parts of the Archipelago region. He’s still learning the game, so it’ll be a while.

The thing about this game is that for all the progression mechanics, what makes the most difference is how much experience the human player has, not how much their character has. Learning what blue sparks and yellow sparks mean is an example of something that you don’t lose when you start over. I think that’s really cool.

I wasn’t clear… He’s a brand new player. He just bought the game on friday, and only had something like 3 or so hours in… I know wtf’s going on, but he hasn’t a clue.

The Archipelago is mostly under control right now. You’ll see the occasional swarm of machines, but nothing too insane. However, compare that to places further north, and stuff gets really out of hand.

Most of the major behavior changes seem to be on FNIX and Apocalypse class machines. Not sure about Military machines, but the rail guns are downright common now, and the gas mortars are a real pain.

Yeah, on my solo campaign, i’m out of the Archipelago, and into the main land area. There is a sharp jump in both the number, and type of machines. I can absolutely attest to there being a marked change in behavior in all classes. One immediately noticeable change is in Hunter behavior… No matter what class they were, if i was sniping them from far enough away, they would just stand there and derp out, while i dismantled them with my hunting rifle. Now, you hit them once, and they start heading in your direction. That’s something i can appreciate. ALL of the classes are more aggressive now though, and there seems to be more of them. It’s not so bad in the Archipelago, but once you leave that AO, all bets are off. I’ve detailed absolutely idiotic encounters in other posts… nonsense i wouldn’t have run into pre-update.

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So i was going hjortmon because there is a hunter level 3 bounty that needs to be destroyed so a went over with a pack of stuff. I go and 1 harvester in camo with 5 robot dogs in camo, 7 hunters in camo, and 2 seekers spawn with the leve 3 bounty hunter.

I throw 8 flares, take 43 simple medkits, one adrenaline, and minimum of 2,367 rounds in my assault rifle, 75 rounds of shotgun ammo, and 48 rounds of pistol ammo. When all of this was going on in the house i was in non stop rockets and gas shot towards me. I killed all the hunters but then 2 more spawned because of the harvester.

Cant go out outside to stop him because the gas and ticks still there. Then the robots decide to shoot rockets through the window to the stairs. Let me repeat that WINDOW TO THE STAIRS WHICH IS WHERE I WAS. I die. Got real mad.

When i got there after dieing i see that all those hunters and robots were GONE. So i not only lost the battle i lost the loot. Guess what i did to the camo harvester after i came back from the complex. I emp him put 17 red barrels and two air tanks. Blow it to space. When i set it off the robot flew up and disppeared. Soooooooooooooo anyway fix the robots please. Good game even tho i was mad at it.


There are 3 issues with this update that need to
be addressed:

  • Harvesters and Tanks
  • Harvesters calling in Hunters
  • Difficulty settings are useless

Let’s talk about harvesters and tanks. For the most part, I like their changes, except for 2 things: rocket speed and frequency. Last night I got into a fight with a military tank, which proceeded to spam its missile raining from above attack constantly. It also now fires where you are going to be, instead of where you are, which I like.

What made this unfair, though, is that I was being attacked at the same time by 4 hunters, 5 runners, and a harvester. So not only did I have to shoot all them, but I had to avoid the tanks incredibly precise rockets, which could nearly one shot me, but also avoid everything else.

Harvesters are also broken. Their new ability to call in hunters is awesome, keep it, but the rate at which they do so is to fast. You can get overwhelmed with hunters relatively quickly. Not only this, but their rockets, which like the tanks are super super fast, are hard to avoid in the midst of all the chaos.

Lastly, and this is not an issue I’ve tested, but it seems these changes are not scaled to the difficulties, making them useless at this point.

Overall, lower the speed and rate of the rockets across all machines, let the harvester only spawn in a max amount of hunters until it can’t anymore (or give it an antenna or something we can destroy to stop them from spawning), and scale the difficulty again.

I think the update should just be reversed for now, looked at for a month or 2, then added back in.

This update came at a bad time too, since there are lots of new players with 1-3 star weapons that have to deal with these new overpowered mechanics. I’ve loved this game since it was revealed. I played the beta, defended the game online, and tuned in to most of the streams across the past year, but this is the first time I’m gonna have to take a break if this isn’t sorted out.

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Aggression level of machines are good, creates feeling of danger. But same aggression level trough all difficulty settings is bad. Should be scaling, so hardest difficulty detection range what it is now.

That constant rocket spam, shooting trough walls. I am pretty sure that is not working as intended. And Harvesters calling endless amount of reinforcements when last Hunter is dead, only leads to tactic where you disable last Hunters weapons, and focus on Harvester. Only Apocalypse Hunters mortar cannot be shot off, which is non-consistent with the other Hunters classes.
(i got gassed out faster than i could say gas when attacked by 4-6 military Hunters, never seen that epic gassing of house. Whole house was literally engulfed in gas)

This is good one, would make attacking Harvester more tactical. Or just have cool down how fast Harvester can call reinforcements again.

What makes the matters worse is this bug, explosive rocket, grenades and gas projectiles go trough walls / roofs. Does not happen all the time, but randomly. More walls or distance you get put yourself inside house, better it is. Or bigger building where you have enough distance from walls.
Also explosion damage going trough walls need some sort of fix / solution. Dont even know how many times exploding cars/gas cans etc, near house has left me half dead, and just wasting medkits. (adapted my tactic and detonating possible cars now. If i expect fight or get into fight) Explosive resistance is the top skill now what you should get and craft buffs to clothing.

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Wanted to share the sheer shock and awe of a short story from playing with my kids last night.

We played all the beginner missions and I told them, this is cheese until we hit the mainland. Fast Forward a few hours later - We get to the Safehouse right at the start of the mainland, it’s a hangar with a single jet in it with a barricade out front, can’t remember the name. There were 4 Military Grade Tanks, a Harvester in the distance to the right in that farmed field, and several Hunters in the tree line to the left. It was like an episode of Benny Hill, alot of running, alot of screaming, alot of dying, mostly dying. In the end, we were able to take down one of the tanks. We were all completely out of ammo and med packs. While the evil dad in me laughed watching all of us get absolutely decimated, the sad truth is they very likely won’t be back, not after that.


Have there been any news from the developers on this?
Tried to look trhough the posts but didn’t see anything about it.
Would be interesting to know if this is a bug that is looked at.


Mods have confirmed that devs are aware of the feedback.

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Is there a limit to how many times you can die in this game now? was hoping to beat the 500 mark…lol
Pre update was under 10…

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Nope no limit, keep on dying. :smile:

Speaking of the new machine AI and dying, is there someone else who thinks it’s great that we don’t have no death penalty in game?

Imagine if there would be death penalty, e.g XP loss or equipped items loss, and now think about the hellbent harvs and tanks. What the game would look like?

I think there would be A LOT more outrage about the wonky AI than we currently have.

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Which is good, but that’s no reason to stop making a racket. We’ve had two major fumbles in a row, and one thing that was awesome.

The difficulty modes were an improvement. The game is flat out better for them. It could be improved, but even just as it was, it is an amazing thing.

The new inventory system is a serious downgrade. I think that’s somewhat supported by the fact that they’ve had to continue tinkering with it, increasing our base carry capacity to accommodate it. I’m still of the opinion that the old grid inventory was a superior system, and that the Plundra storage should be moved to a 10x10 or 10x20 grid as well.

This new AI change is absolutely terrible. It was a good idea, and if it had been gated by a new difficulty select mode, that would be one thing, but this is getting dumped on everyone, and it is bad.

Stopped using medpacks, I’m usually dead before they take much effect anyway. All three modes appear to be the same as far as players getting butchered, incoming damage and fire rates appear identical, only the machine HP appears to be different. I also think the PC is harder than console, watched a post April update video of a guy taking out a level 4 Apocalypse Rival Tank and I’ve never seen such a lazy ass tank vs what I have to fight, in my games even on Adventure mode, the FNIX non rival status tanks give me a hell of a time. Hard to hide or use cover when Hunter Concussion Rifles fire through everything. This feels like it should be a new hardcore mode above Guerrilla mode.

Machine agression is all good, it’s just the incoming needs to be toned down a bit more than it is. Rocket firing arcs are too low, rocket speed way too fast. Hard to fight back when you get gas or mortar spammed from 300+ yards away and it just never ends. Tank MG range might be a tad too far, old range was too short, need something in the middle.

Screen shot from Adventure mode…

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I think it’s fantastic we have no death penalty. I honestly very rarely feel like I die because of a mistake that I made due to skill - it’s mostly an issue like “the tank just one-shotted me” or “the hunter just railgunned me from 150 meters” or “i got hit by a rocket from a dog that traveled faster than I could reasonably react”, which I don’t have much of a way to out-skill other than maybe taking massive amounts of stimulants. Failing because of something like that and then being punished on top of all that isn’t very enjoyable to me.

Imagining an XP penalty or equipment loss with the hellbent harvester and tanks just seems like it would make people even more frustrated than they already are with the state of the game. Unsure why there’s such a tilt in the direction of making things more difficult and cumbersome towards players.