Machine Body Modification - The Grand Petition

Well, great to hear. I do the same and purchase content for myself and friends because I truly love the game and appreciate the work of the dev team, whether in my favor or not. And thank you Tenebris. Looking forward to the next Poll.

No just flat No in other games where the lore could support it this could be great. maybe if there was a GZ2 that could be worked in as a “20 years later” component with some major huge brake threw in medical science.

i have studdied the bots as they are and they are actually historically accurate with a grain of salt. in GZs alternet timeline robot develipment took and made huge strides and got huge efforts in the 1970s. the AI even suffers from whats known as “lame bot syndrome” the AI is smart brilliant even however most definitly suffers memory limitation issues. I would be down right impressed if a single runner had more then 512mb ram. Yes i have seen ram limitations designed into the AI by my best guesses the swarmers have about 64mb ram once in combat that ram starts filling and once full pop. The runners have an estimated 128-256MB ram depending on model they also have an inharent design flaw where when their ram gets full they completely have a serious memory issue moment and completely forget what they are doing. so much so that i was able to dance around one not getting hit make it have that moment completely went back to what it was doing before me comming around only to get beatten to death by my bat with no resistance. the hunters have somewhere between 512mb to 2gb depending on the model. they also seem to have seprate computers as well unlike the runners they clearly have a fireing computer their aim is a hell of a lot better at times especially with the ones with the big laser guided gun. those tanks and harvesters i am quite sure they each have small compact server racks. if you hit the head of the tank just right with a concussive weapon it has a total reboot moment like their operating system crashed. everything about the bots follows computers from 1989-1999 with a little push for military superiority budgets developed hardware. Given the right mesures taken from WW2 to 1989 these bots are all perfectly plausable. one of the things i love about the game.

but thats not a full on rejection of the concepts behind your idea. but rather the implimentation of those concepts.
for fun i have seriously poked what was titled the “land warrior project” and even went so far as to make my own basic system developments that would be far better. the stuff i developed would fit perfectly within the game with a grain of salt. a helmet that allowed you to optics gass mask bits and so forth. a gauntlet that you slide your hand in to control that functions like i dont know use your imagination. or just as well “sarcos” built from robot parts sarcos is a sort of exo suit that allows troops to carry more for less effort and other things. sarcos built from scraps is 100% plausable because of the way the technoligy. hell it would make best from parts from hunters and turn you into something very much like the hunters.
i love your idea of the adding extras to the human body but your implementation is so very very wrong. and here is why
hardware to wetware interface of that level is still a good 2 generations away from where we as humanity stand currently. for it to be possible in the way your describing it would need to be GZ year 2020 AD it is currently GZ year 1989 (maybe 1990 depending on campaign progress)

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