When I look at the map I see that Vråken sometimes are shown on the map and not just buildings. And sometimes Vråken and buildings are not shown on the map. I found a spot on the map that can showcase that not only buildings but even containers, woodpiles, and wreckages of other planes and Vråken are sometimes visible on the map.
I made a Map of the F23 Airbase whereon I have labeled some of the structures. I Posted that map here.
In my opinion the barn that has appeared in the middle of a crop field is a glitch and is most likely the missing barn from 200 yards away.
It could be possible that devs replaced the old barn asset with new barn asset but misplaced it by few hundred meters. But i find that hard to believe since devs haven’t misplaced POIs in the past. All new POIs in revamped areas are exactly where devs want them to be.
You have to agree that it is pretty strange to purposely delete a barn that’s on the edge of a crop field where it belongs and is perfectly placed, but keep showing the old barn’s location on the map. They had to at least change the map to showing only two silo’s if it was purposely.
Then they purposely placed a totally new barn in the middle of the crop field where it’s nothing but a hinder from a crop farming point of view, and without showing that new barn’s location on the map. I don’t believe it. This screams mistake / glich.
This gun is under the map, took me ages to find this thing lol. also in this area, there are alot of things that are clipping under the terrain, either fully or just like, half of it. probally best to have a quick look around
i actually found 2 today… the first one is an invisible wall at 1111.722, -109.275 if you stand on that little cliff a little bit south of the arc, where you have the stairs and that garbage truck right of you if you look south.
the second one is a hole in a broken house where you can fall into but cant get out of (even spaming to place a field radio somewhere near) at 534.044, 18.771
i apologise for beeing too stupid to upload screenshots, but i hope i helped!