Map issues can go here

In a large underground area near the tank blueprint in “Muskudden Port Complex”, noticed 3 holes in the wall, one next to a door near the outside and 2 on either side of a large doorway, where in each one you can see behind textures and through the map, between those there is a strange protruding texture.


Hole next to door near the outside:

Hole on left side of large doorway:

Hole on right side of large doorway:

Wall of texture:

Invisible wall at St. Anna Church:

Found some bugs in north-east Hagaboda.
Backpack that seems to be placed multiple times and is unlootable, just move around a bit and the backpack flickers in all kinds of colors:

Sand container placed in a container, containception?:

Unlootable ammo-container:

And on Himfjäll, in Österhällan, ammo-container never contains anything:

Cordoned off house containing full set of furniture and loot, seems unnecessary when you have to place a radio and fast-travel inside. Things like this must have an impact on performance?

This is how the Unlootable rainbow backpacks look:

I’ve noticed them a handfull of times, once in Hagaboda, but mainly around Østervik <.<
Which i have not been to for a Week due to all the other Bugs in the Østervik:
Tick Rebellion
Ælgbakken Control Point going Haywire

Lightpole sticking out of a Björk, unless it’s supposed to be an accident? Would imagine more damage to the car in that case:

In many spots around Österhällan and Österhällan Marine Center Runner corpses seem to have duplicated, but mixing Apoc and Proto-classes:

In a few kitchens, the sink has no colission, so you can “enter” the sink:

Lightpole sticking out of a shed at Muskudden:

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Terrain Holes] Dump 'em here!

In a house at Klinte, a floating lightswitch, and maybe not a bug, but it is a really strange decision to have two stairwells in a house this size:

At Östra Mark, body of a downed Tank is missing, there are sparkling effects coming from nowhere.

I could bet that this is due to the supposed visibility radius around the control points.
What happens if you get closer?

I just looked there because I was near, there’s nothing to see in my game, no sparks, no evidence of a downed tank. There is a downed hunter that is sparking a bit further at the farm.

There are other parts from the tank laying just below the sparks:

Yes, I found it now. Indeed some sparks.

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Good lord. They’ll surely catch up some time soon, I guess. It’s been an eternity, and I barely recognize some of the locations, but when I do

you can walk through this crossbar in the scaffolding in Östervik

Boat on the ground, turned upside down at Tärnboda Skans is acting like it’s floating in water.

Could anyone confirm?

found another job in the artillery fortress of Torsberga

An invisible step/wall has also moved in here, the holes in the floor can be seen or not, depending on the viewing angle

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At the commandant villa in Mountains region:

Stairs and road-decal needs some fixing.

here is an invisible wall or observation dome, you can go around it but not over it

Here the railing goes through the wall

In the harbor bunker, some of the shelves go through the concrete, unfortunately no position, the screenshot of the map was not saved

Platform: PC

Description: Doubble tractor, a tractor inside a tractor

Steps To Reproduce: go to the tractor at Sandbo

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: Host

Players in your game: Only me

Specifications: 5950x with 64 gb of ram and 7900 xt 5x various ssds

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