Marksman Trophy Bug

Hey all! New to this but I found a 100% solution. It has nothing to do with your tv, solo/multiplayer. It will render on a Ps4 Pro up to 400m. My girlfriend is on a regular ps4, cuts off at 250. Hope this helps!

Didn’t test it after the latest update on PS5, but before the update it was at about 340m on PS5.

0.00 me also :thinking: I destroyed all the machines with clapping my hands lol

Une indication sur une date éventuelle de résolution de bug.
Peut-être diminuer la distance du trrophée. Pourquoi ne pas le mettre à 245m

No, currently not.
The latest info said “soon, early this year” and probably before the 5th anniversary.
But finally we’ll have to see what the patch notes will tell.

Merci pour ce retour. Je n’ai pas vu votre réponse avant. Je n’ai pas reçu de notification.
Nous allons patienter.
Certainement d’autres bugs plus prioritaire à traiter.
Bon jeu :slight_smile:

There just hasn’t been an update since my last post, but I’d bet that there will be one until the end of march.
Let’s hope this issue really gets adressed by it.

Good morning,
A date for the possible update linked to obtaining this trophy?
This bug lasts for a long time and I have the impression that it has been forgotten.
Thank you in advance for the feedback

Just checked the last patch notes. It wasn’t mentioned indeed.

@SR_Carni haven’t seen an update for a while now and it’s been really quiet since the event. Any news about when this will be fixed? Or if we’ll see a new update in the first half of 2024?


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Good evening @Madchaser et @SR_Carni ,
Is there an update coming soon incorporating the bug for this trophy on PS4?
If this bug is complex to resolve, you could simply lower the distance to 240 meters.
Waiting to read from you.
Best regards :grinning:

Good morning @SR_Carni , @Madchaser
Will this bug be resolved in the SKYFIRE update?
Thank you in advance for your feedback.

I can’t tell, I’m just a player as you are… With no additional info.

Hello, @Madchaser

Did you have the trophy on your side?

Yes, I have all of them for more than two years now.
Back then the render distance was approximiatly exact 400m, my furthest kill is over 413m (apoc runner with exp pvg).

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Good morning @SR_Carni,
Following a ticket, I share this feedback from GZ Support

Hello Dpouetpouet,

Thank you for contacting Avalanche Studios Group Customer Support!

Unfortunately, the problem related to machine rendering distance that prevents unlocking related trophies on PlayStation is still under investigation and we currently have no information to share about estimated dates of when a fix for this issue will be introduced.

While the Skyfire Update doesn’t include a fix for this problem, you can see all the changes and adjustments it brought in the patch notes: Skyfire Update - Patch Notes.

We appreciate your patience and understanding and hope you continue to enjoy playing Generation Zero despite this inconvenience. In case of any other questions, please feel free to ask.

Best regards,
Avalanche Studios Group Customer Support Team

You confirm ?

@Madchaser , I put you in the loop for information. Could we try to obtain this trophy online, via an invitation? My PS ID is dpouetpouet and as you may have noticed, I am French, my English is very poor :crazy_face:

Kind regards

I would like to test this one out, but have it already, unless I open a new profile, :partying_face:, I like they brought it back though, the abilities to see robots from a distance, I can see robots from again from fire-watch towers


Good morning @SR_Carni et @Madchaser,
Since the last update, enemies are visible over 300.00m away.
I just got this last trophy and thus my platinum.
Thank you.

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Did some testing on PS5 today.
I reset my skills to put two points on techview.

Then I looked for a target east of lilla hammarnäs and picked my binoculars.

This wolf stayed in view until about 415m, then disappeared.

I followed him slowly and he reappeared at 380m.

the distance seems to be longer than what was originally from the beginning of the game, it’s nice to see robots from further distance, I don’t need the trophy, but, the distance is still nice with the new experimental messuer & just watching robots fight each other, etc, etc, etc