Immersion ideas and prolonged progress

So most of the missions require reading documents or letters, as much as one spends time reading its hard to get non readers to be interested in the story.

Ive beaten the game so far but Ive been playing along side some friends and I had a thought, what if you could toggle audio for main mission letters and documents.

It would be more engaging for some, especially for younger gamers.

My second idea was simply having more things in the world to read, like basic things, I know there are some signs you can read but what if there were more. Like articles and newspaper’s from before machines attacking.



I have another Idea, And this one is a mix between rant and suggestion.

Those buildings that sit around and only make up for the scenery or set peices to fill in the gaps, you cant go in them anymore which is sad.

But whats worse is the reasons you cant enter, from static chairs, fallen debris or just plainly borded up doors. A few is fine but it could be more convincing, like collapsed, fallen in buildings or just obliterate the building into a smoldering pile of ash and rubble. This way it would make more sense.

sure this would require new models but it would look better and make more sense for immersion and the idea that the world is at war with the machine threat.

Any thoughts?

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There are a lot of destroyed buildings that keep getting added with each new update. Wooded areas in the forest region are hard to run across, since the character can’t jump over even the smallest of logs, that were wooded at one time-before the resistance update. Barns and homesteads turn to smoldering piles of what was once a home. And before the updates you could go into those houses and barns. So what you are asking for already is happening.

As I understand it a lot of buildings had to be closed due to performance issues. I also wondered about those buildings, especially as there seemed to be fewer and fewer opened as you progressed northwards.

I love the other suggestions though. A option to have a narrator reading the letters, notes and diary entries would be great.

For immersion’s sake, the occasional wild animal or even livestock in the farmlands and pets in towns and villages taking off as you stomp through Östertörn wouldn’t go amiss either.
Swimming, to a degree, depending on how laden you are might be fun but with a movement penalty for a while because your clothes are soaked.
Expanding the stories behind the crazy scenes we come across. Scenes like the “apple death cult”, the shootout between the postal van robbers and police, the cider farm and the multiple corpses of people wearing folk dress and carrying psalm books as seen in multiple locations. There is a lot of context that could be added to increase the immersion.
Also, to someone who speaks Swedish, the voice acting could be a lot better :wink:
Better character customization and animation and 3rd person view would improve the game a lot too. The old excuse that animations aren’t good enough for 3rd person view does not hold water as we can always see other players in 3rd person and many emotes in 3rd person already.
Improve human model textures. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there can be no excuse for “Benny” (Alpine Unrest NPC) in 2020 onwards and those mannekin looking corpses just look silly.

Its true, Ive noticed that it has been happening, every update there is a revamp with changes, maybe the buildings I speek of will be replaced with more FNIX structures. I can only hope.

:joy: I agree the human textures of the dead are kinda plastic and look kinda odd, its not terrible but some more variation in position and how you find them would be nice.

Also the corpses of animals in the farmlands would set the tone or atmosphere, Im not sure how far they will go tho with the rating “Teen” for the game tho.

Ill take your word for it!
As someone who dosnt speak Swedish :joy: I was impressed non the less, I played through in Swedish just to give the Emerson a level up.


I have a hard time with the animal idea, Its a mix of “oh FNIX is smart enough to communicate” and “oh FNIX will shoot at anything with a heat signature” the fact that they shoot at a flare in the middle of combat only tells me that there should be corpses of animals everywhere.

:joy:unless A flare simply triggers them so bad that they feel the need to put it out.

Storm variety and intensity would be cool, like white out blizzards to pouring rain so bad you cant see through your scope.

Maybe a lightning strike every so often, possible EMP on Tanks because they tall and metal.

I wont suggest tornadoes tho, because its just too much😂

Wind picking up dust in open fields restricting vision

Thoughts anyone?

The game did have heavy rain and snowstorms, but there was a lot of complaining about it, same as it’s dark all the time. You can still see the lightning storms, but the “heavy” part seems to have been cut back.

I appreciate your comments😁

I do remember long nights, but they never really bothered me. If they cant have heavier rain or snow fall I have a better idea.

Swaying trees. Because they just static for the most part, the leaves fall which is nice and I think some branches move, but I dont recall any real movement from wind directing the sway of trees

I have seen the leaves falling but no moving branches, leaves or anything else moving by the wind. But have been a lot of things spinning after an explosion!

But I would like to see things being moved by wind even though you can hear it all the time.

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So I was thinking about lightswitches and noticed how most of them didn’t work, but its nice that you can still click on them.

What if you could open windows to get in or out , what if car alarms have a chance to go off because you hit it with a bat. Just making more utility in an environment but also making it possibly more dangerous.

It would be funny if you could just flush a toilet just because the option was presented.

Thoughts or ideas?

I think the car alarm idea is good.

There could be a random chance that a car alarm goes off, if you are hitting it, shooting at it or just looting it.

Maybe even a random spawn of hunters or runners?

This would spice up resource gathering.

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I don’t know
 That’s exactly the kind of thing you get in Early Access games: new features that change the way you play. When people “sign” for Early Access, they know this can happen to “their” game; not when they buy traditional games like Generation Zero.

Could you maybe expand on what your saying, Im not sure I’m picking up what your putting down.

Who? Me? (damn minimum chara

Yes, lol. Just wondering if you could expand a little or explain it differently?

I think the car alarm idea should be optional if implemented, because it “rebalances” the game in a too drastic way, IMHO.

I said it was the kind of thing we see in games which are marketed on Steam as “Early Access” titles, because this is indeed the kind of disruptive rebalance we see in Early Access games. However, when people browse on Steam for non-“Early Access” games, they expect their game to stay relatively the same experience.

For games like Generation Zero, when devs add new things, they must avoid removing “comfort” or existing mechanics while doing so.

Of course, that’s only an opinion, and that was really just a reply to the idea of cars becoming traps for players.

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It would say it would be a feature to make cars becoming traps for machines.
Imagine following situation:

You sneak into a village and find a parking lot.
There are many machines around the church which is your goal, as there is the needed safehouse.

You place some mines next to the cars and take your bat. One single punch on a car, the alarm siren begins, you run and hide in the next garage, while the machines begin to investigate around the cars
 Suddenly a big explosion: a machine activated one of the mines and all of them, including all of the cars at the parking lot, go to hell.
Now the way to the church is clear.


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