Immersion ideas and prolonged progress

:thinking:good stuff to come back too, glad I asked Bowi to elaborate more, this car talk is what I was looking for :star_struck:

If anyone has more ideas feel free to share :wink:

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This was my thought exactly, The enemy can use noise, and we can use noise. But with the car alarm it adds a double edged sword, it can be to your benefit maybe or it could be to your death.

I dont mind more hazards in a game utilizing whats already there.

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Thank you for expanding on your thoughts!

I agree with this too a point, the premis of the game should never change, gameplay should always be improved upon. But the environment is a special importance.

I think with this kind of game, the environment needs more worldly unpredictability, a good environment entices the player when it dances with the unknown. It should complement your adversary just as much the gameplay for the player…tho the environment is especially suited for the player and grants loot almost everywhere without consequence, giving also flexible combat against the machines in highly constructed areas. (I will not disregard the difficultly of the machines) I just think the environment needs some simple hazards that dont directly kill you, but require caution.

I consider a car alarm of the “harmless” hazard category😂 as the car wont kill you but other things will.

Anyway, don’t feel too safe while standing next to a car. :wink:

As often as I use them as explosive trapps, the often I died standing too close to some cars (and/or gas tanks) while under heavy fire. :sweat_smile:

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To many times have I been thrown by an exploding car :joy::sweat_smile:

Was thinking about combat immersion the other day… This is what I thought.

Bullets should ricochet off the angle of some hard surfaces, so when fighting machines not all shots are stopped in thier tracks, they shouldn’t just dissipate into nothing when coming into contact with angled metal surfaces or large rocks.

This would also make killing machines a little harder as you would need direct contact for your shots to be absorbed, Considering they are covered in angles (I wouldn’t want the tiniest angle to deflect shots, just more extreme ones)

Just a link to another one of my topics because I think its kinda part of it.

Here is a thought for prolonged progression
Ill talk first about the items in safe houses

Have the option for building the plundra later, prolonging experience to upgrading safehouses or progress in the world.

The introduction of the plundra is too soon, at the beginning you dont need all this space because you have nothing of real value or quantity.

Finding the first few safe houses should leave something to be desired like “oh the option to build or upgrade a safe location, thats cool!” Upon discovery. But you have no resources yet, this would push the player to loot more seriously during the progression portion of the game.

No im not saying that all safe houses need to have the option to be built upon, the large military bunkers for example, the plundra fits nicely in them.

The main point
You could make the safe houses as miniature safe havens to be established as per part of the mission directive…giving experience points for every fully established safe haven.

Next time your up high in a breeze check the trees the definitely sway !

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Well Ill have to take a good look then, maybe they dont sway enough to be noticeable. The branches could sway and move a little more I think.

They did talk about the possibility of next gen in one of their streams whether this will happen in the future Im not sure, but ill look forward to that possibility, everything in game would benefit.

When I first started playing I couldn’t help but be amazed at how beautiful the scenery was and is, photo mode is a flex in my books

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I agree it’s a beautiful looking game!

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We need more Birds

Yes or no?

Some more animals: signed
More birds? I’m satisfied that they even are the only animals yet…and I usually look straight forward and not up in the sky :wink:

I just think some Crow’s would be nice, with all the bodies I would expect some rodents or something.

I dont really advocate for animals in this game, especially if you follow the logic but more birds I think you can get away with. Maybe having some land on the shoulder of the tank while its still, some environment interaction. Have some runners chase or shoot birds down like pest control.
Immersion is about convincing the player about the scene they are experiencing, and maybe birds can help if they are implemented properly.

You might not notice them, sure.
I use them as target practice.

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Was watching some YouTube on GenZ and thought about machine pathing, which is fairly good but not perfect, Obviously not going to be absolute but If runners had a less janky time running around indoors, it would be an improvement.

Another thought was bustable doors, like how the shipping containers door blow off after a good explosion.
Like those barn doors that hunters cant get through because we leave one side open to give us an edge…I think it would be a good feature if hunters could just bust through them. Like “YOU THINK YOUR SAFE HUMAN, WATCH THIS!!!” Boom and now death.

Some spoilers.
Another Big Idea like my
last is…


The beginning of FNIX Rising with the epic shelling of the resistance base.

We need more of THAT, not just the big gun, but the how the Execution of the introduction to the DLC was “Like WOE where that…What What just happend?!”

Yeah that DLC was kinda a flop but I liked the beginning of it, Good hook that makes us invested in the investigation.

Ya know what I mean?

good day, I’ve been playing for a long time, my style of play is sabotage or an ambush, it’s very difficult to look for a lot of gas cylinders for a serious opponent, mines come across quite rarely and there’s no way to make explosives or land mines yourself, it’s also very difficult to mount a squad of robots to a filled car parking lot to destroy one at a time do you have plans for robots so that the player can make mines himself

you can find lots of crates full of red gas cans at undsttial factories inside the big warehouses

Would be cool if fences and smaller objects could be destructible, just imagin a tank stepping on a wooden fence instead of getting stuck on it.:joy:

Or a Hunter bursting through one because it was quicker.

At least the small wooden garden fences are destructable.

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True, it is nice that they have some destructibility, some which adds to the beauty of explosions and hard combat.

But BUT, im sure a little more could be done.

Maybe in the future we will see some more destructible objects or things.