Mission "Flying Blind" Bug/Glitch - Unable To Complete

Xbox One X (and Xbox One S)

Bug Report:
I am unable to complete the mission “Flying Blind” because the power won’t come on in the bunker and I cannot finish the last and final objective - ‘Access the inner weapon storage’. I tried using the switch (turning it on) but the power still remained off. The doors are also locked so I cannot progress. And also, I unlocked the INNER weapon storage before picking up the note to “find out what happened with the soldiers”. The mission didn’t register that so now it is impossible to complete this mission.

What probably caused this bug/glitch is restarting the game DURING the mission, causing the power to shut back off with no way of turning them back on.

What probably caused this bug/glitch is doing the mission ahead of what you’re supposed to do. If you unlock the INNER weapon storage BEFORE reading the soldier’s note, then this mission will forever be unable to complete.

Swedish Translation:
Jag kan inte fullfölja uppdraget “Flying Blind” eftersom kraften inte kommer upp i bunken och jag kan inte slutföra det sista och sista målet - “Få tillgång till det inre vapenförvaret”. Jag försökte använda strömbrytaren (sätta på den) Men kraften var fortfarande kvar. Dörrarna är också låsta så jag kan inte gå vidare. Och också, jag låste upp det INNER vapenlagret innan jag hämtade anteckningen för att “ta reda på vad som hände med soldaterna”. Uppdraget registrerade inte det så nu är det omöjligt att slutföra detta uppdrag.

Vad som förmodligen orsakade det här felet är att starta om spelet under uppdraget, vilket gör att strömmen stängs av utan att de kan sättas på igen.

DEL B - gör det i fel ordning:
Vad som troligen orsakade detta fel / misslyckande gör uppdraget framför vad du ska göra. Om du låser upp INNER vapenlagret INNAN du läser soldatens anteckning, kommer det här uppdraget för evigt inte att kunna slutföras.

Steps To Reproduce:
1. Pick up the mission “Flying Blind”.
2. Go through the objectives up to where it tells you to “Enter the Weapon Storage” to find out what happened with the soldiers.
3. Enter the Weapon Storage (area permeated with gas)
4. Pick the locked doors (A.K.A. Inner Weapon Storage) FIRST
5. Then, pick up the note to find out what happened with the soldiers.
6. At this point, you won’t be able to complete the mission anymore, because you went ahead of the mission to access the INNER weapon storage BEFORE you found the note.
7. Exit game to the main menu
8. Continue the game where you left off
9. At this point, you won’t even be able to re-enter the Weapon Storage (area permeated with gas) - but even if you could, the INNER weapon storage would still remain unlocked.

1 - Unable to access the weapon storage again if our game crashes or if we exit to the main menu then continue where we left off DURING the mission
2 - The INNER Weapon Storage will still already be unlocked because we unlocked it BEFORE picking up the note (went ahead of what we were supposed to do), thereby making this mission impossible to complete.

Swedish Translation:
1. Hämta uppdraget “Flying Blind”.
2. Gå igenom målen upp till där den berättar att “Gå in i vapenförvaringen” för att ta reda på vad som hände med soldaterna.
3. Ange vapenförvaringen (området genomträngt med gas)
4. Välj de låsta dörrarna (A.K.A. Inner Weapon Storage) FIRST
5. Hämta sedan anteckningen för att ta reda på vad som hände med soldaterna.
6. Vid den här tiden kommer du inte att kunna fullfölja uppdraget längre eftersom du gick före uppdraget för att få tillgång till INNER vapenförvaringen innan du hittade anteckningen.
7. Avsluta spelet till huvudmenyn
8. Fortsätt spelet där du slutade
9. Vid denna tidpunkt kommer du inte ens att kunna komma in i vapenförvaringen (område som är genomträngd med gas) - men även om det skulle kunna, skulle INNERVÄRDETS vapenlagring fortfarande vara olåst.

DENNA MISSION GLITCH / BUG har två delar till det:
1 - Kan inte komma åt vapenlagret igen om vårt spel kraschar eller om vi går ut till huvudmenyn fortsätt där vi slutade under uppdraget
2 - INNER Vapenupplagan kommer fortfarande att vara upplåst eftersom vi låste upp det innan vi hämtade anteckningen (gick före vad vi skulle göra), vilket gjorde att detta uppdrag omöjligt kunde slutföras.


Final objective that cannot be completed because the power won’t come back on after I exited to the main menu and resumed game.

Swedish Translation:
Slutmål som inte kan slutföras, eftersom kraften inte kommer att komma tillbaka efter att jag gått till huvudmenyn och återupptog spelet.

Video proof showing that I flipped the switch but it wouldn’t power up the bunker/unlock the bunker door(s). P.S. I already destroyed the tick jammers for the mission. I restarted the game and the power shut right off and it won’t come back on.

Swedish Translation:
Videosäkerhet som visar att jag vred omkopplaren men det skulle inte slå upp bunken / låsa upp bunkerdörren. P.S. Jag förstörde redan fästningsjammarna för uppdraget. Jag startade om spelet och strömmen stängde av och det kommer inte att återkomma.

Video link here: https://www.reddit.com/user/TheThirstyTwink/comments/b8t62p/test/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

My username is TheThirstyTwink (I’m on the Xbox platform). Feel free to login to my account to identify the problem because I suspect this is a bug/glitch that only affects me from how specific it is.

Swedish Translation:
Mitt användarnamn är TheThirstyTwink. Du kan logga in på mitt konto för att identifiera problemet eftersom jag misstänker att det här är en bugg / glitch som bara påverkar mig från hur specifik det är.

Host or Client:

Players in your game:



I have this problem (PS4), but the mission won’t end when I enter the storage units because…

I lock picked the Inner weapon storage before picking up the note and key from the corpse.

Love this game!


Go to underground bunker at air base, progress the mission up until you are supposed to enter the weapon storage room. I used my object penetrating binoculars, this crashed the game, 3 times i repeated this.


2 players in game

after the first time my game crashed, i returned to the weapon storage door, it is locked and cant be opened. Mission cant be progressed or finished.

I literally have the exact same problem. Check out my bug report here - Mission "Flying Blind" Bug/Glitch - Unable To Complete

Are we having the same issue? Lol

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P.S. There are two parts to this glitch.

The second problem is that this mission won’t complete because I looted the INNER WEAPON STORAGE before picking up the note to progress in the mission.

Basically (like many others including myself), we went ahead and picked the lock for the INNER WEAPON STORAGE BEFORE picking up the note to “find out what happened with the soldiers”.

So… restoring power won’t help us complete this mission because some of us ALREADY completed it ahead of the mission but it just didn’t register.

The best way to resolve this is to either Mark this mission as COMPLETE or let us REDO the entire mission from the beginning.

Even if we do manage to access the weapon storage, the INNER weapon storage will still already be unlocked (because we unlocked it before picking up the objective note and it didn’t register ahead of time) and thus, the mission wont be able to complete.

I found another bug during this mission(PC):

I went down to start up the power, noticed 2 ticks sitting on 2 generators, so i killed them.
Then i went on to start up the power, got the update “Search the room for clues regarding the power failure”, by then i had already killed 2 of them so the quest didnt update after i finished of the remaining ones.

So i am stuck on this part.

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Strange, same happened for me. I killed one tick before attempting to turn the power on, then when I searched for clues it said “kill ticks 1/5” so it had already registered one

I didnt even get to that part. I have to search a empty room for clues and there are none in that room. :frowning:

I think the broken machine in the room has a note next to it

For me, does anyone know what to do?

Going back there to have a peek. Oh god let it be so

No notes or anything, been searching that room with a flashlight so much my eyes kinda hurts by now. There are no clues whatsoever in there :frowning:

Sucks :confused: I remember there was a marker at the broken machine in the power switch room when I was there. If you track quest, do you get a marker?

Bloody hell, I found a clue!!!
Dont wanna spoil anything, but it wasnt a note and it wasnt on the machine <3

…aaaand i did what every other guy who bugged their mission did. Looted the 3 locked small rooms before picking up the note.

grats me! =)

Xbox player here GT: Swe Vonulrich82

Have the same issue, it started after going into Coop. Alot of the quests glitch out after joining a Coop and going back to solo session, atleast thats what i figured out so far.

Damn lol :smiley: the loot is too tempting

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Update: This bug is still NOT fixed as of the 04-17-2019 patch. I’m still unable to power up the bunker and access the weapon storage.

I can’t complete the mission either as of update. Down wont power up and can’t open door, gutted!

Can confirm. On PC, tried with the new patch, still can’t turn on the power.