Mortar of military and apoc tanks are mounted in the wrong direction

Hallo devs,

I think it is quite strange that nobody before talked about this topic in the forum but the mortars of military tanks are mounted in the wrong direction.

Platform: PC

Military tanks have mortars to attack you from range. They fire a rocket almoste verticaly and it hits you from above. But the problem is, that the mortar is mounten not vertically but horizontally. When they fire, the rocket goes streight up through the weapons wall and through the tanks body.

Suggestion to fix:
You should either change the direction of the projectile when fired or mount the weapon vertically. Maybe on the tanks back simmilar to the rocket pods of harvesters.

Steps To Reproduce: Look for a military tank, attack him and watch how the weapon is mounted and in which direction the rockets flies.

Images / Videos:

Host or Client: both

Players in your game: 1 and 2

Win 10 - 64 bit
Intel Core i7-4770K
GTX 980
16 Gb RAM


OMG Where have you been all my 9 months of playing this game?!

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Seriously though this is the same problem for the apocalypse class tank as well.
Like if you want devs to notice. :wink:

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Oh yes, you’re right they also have a mortar and they have the same bug. And in addition to that are they able to launch mines with about 50 cm diameter from a weapon with 30 cm inner diameter.
Imagine a weapon system like the mandrake of crossout mounted vertically on the back of a tank that fires multiple times and each shot pushes the tank downwards so that he has to compensate the recoil with his knees. :smiley:

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Unfortunatelly after the last big update in June this bug is still present. It is probably more work necessary to change the way tanks fire.

A post was merged into an existing topic: May 25 2023: Tactical Response Update Discussion