May 25 2023: Tactical Response Update Discussion

It’s not just the type of mission (which are currently just 3 different ones). Refering to what was told by Zesiir and Carni the place where the mission takes place may also vary.

But I agree that both factors combined currently don’t seem to have such a high chance that no two players will have the same mission at the same time…

Im once again disappointed, i had paused the game for a few months, and started playing a bit on the last week, a new update is always an interesting time for me.
Now i have to play offline because the new update brings even more crashes (before update was normal to ocasionaly crash 1 time in 3 or 5 hours of continuous playing).
They never learn :confused: :-1:


After this update I emplore anybody who wants to quality of updates to improve to not buy this new DLC and any future ones until they manage to get updates out without breaking a bunch of things.

If people keep buying this DLC they will continue to release low quality updates with the knowledge they will get income from yet another DLC.

Vote with your money.

Thoughts about the Update (be honest)
  • Meh, could be better or worse
  • No noticeable change
  • I hate it
  • I like it
  • Im disappointed

0 voters

No issues so far.
Draw distance is ok, just was at places where 300m worked without trouble.
No longer distances checked yet.

It runs smooth. Well, there still are some machine sound issues from time to time, or place to place.

Tested the tick and the turret until now.
Nice tools.

The new mission worked well.
4 beacons to destroy and lots of machines. Didn’t take 10 minutes, less, but ok. I had something to do.

Forest region at Littorp.

You spoke too soon the clothing point bug is back ie you cant use them

Not only that, it seems the game is less stable on consoles.
Still too soon to evaluate the total damages.

Ok, the RC Tick is fun. I’m going to be trolling my pack now when they’re in churches trying to craft and I’m just going to walk in and tease them.
The Homing Mortars need some work on their aiming, but they’re fine against ground targets. They suck vs air. 3 killed 2 Wolves and 2 Tanks in 1 engagement. 10 couldn’t take out a single Firebird. There’s a problem there. I do like spraying the area with flak, though.
The Hacking Jarts are cool, though. These will be in my rotation a lot now. The ability to hack multiple targets now is keen.
And I can’t figure out how to use the Sensory Blocker.
The Toy Car Lure is cute, but isn’t useful enough to make it into my rotation. I’m going to use them up and never make another one.


You have to activate it before entering combat, it also deactivates if you attack or bump into enemy’s

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I will have to try that. I thought I had tried to activate it out of combat, but I might have still been in combat from prior.

I played the update yesterday. Have had a GZ pause for a couple of weeks.

The mission didn’t appear to me until I fast traveled, nothing I’m normally doing.

When it appeared and I gotten to the location I had fun! Think this was a good addition to the game. Hopefully these assignments could occur more often, like a random chance at the end of every battle, like the rivals or the Fenx based?

But all in all a good experience!

An props for lowering/getting rid of the annoying TV static noise! Thanks devs! :heart:


With the second tactical equipment pack we got the portable homing turret that shoots like the tanks mortar straigt up in the air. The difference is that the barrel points upwards. Maybe somewhen the tanks mortar also points upwarts or their projectile doesn’t fly upwarts through their body.

Let’s try in the current discussion thread instead of that 3 year old bug report :+1:


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Posted in twitter by @SR_Carni with the text; “Oh”


Is it a tease?

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Thank you Gysbert.
I already thought about this, too.

Is it a key in a box on that icon?
Will there be a key for a previously locked door?

I thought about this text as well.
There was no dev-letter on friday as we know them.
Instead, there was another postcard on twitter, but now with the words “Dear community”. Is there something on the postcard or in the text that might give us a hint on “something they will release”?

Highly unlikely as that icon is for Steam. This appears when you get a Trading Card for a game that supports it or you get items in a game like Team Fortress 2 where it shows on your steam profile. Its likely a tease for Trading Cards on Steam.


Thx for the info.
I did’t know anything about those trading cards.

Is that the “cool thing” the marketing team has worked on?

I love this latest DLC, i hope the next ones are as good… i do hope they do a balance pass on the DLC weapons they are very poor damage.

Offtopic: BTW, @PocketYoda are you on Steam? If so it’s very wise to make manual copies of your game-save-folder on a regular basis, that way you can restore when something bad would happen to your game.

Game Save file path: C:\Users\your-user-name\Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\

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Yes i am currently doing that, ive seen others quote this.