Mysterious artillery? [IN-GAME ODDITY]

I think those markings are mainly other safe houses the survivors could try to travel to, and the pictures and string are marking dangerous areas where machines have been spotted.

What about Muskudden it’s in that direction, it’s full of arty shells, but i saw no guns

The shell type is different but i will check it out

Wait if u didnt see it this means its an aircraft doing so

As @Zesiir pointed out; it’s a weather effect. I had that too when I first noticed the shelling days ago. It is part of the game’s weather cycle (after that it begins to rain and whatnot) and can be seen quite often while wandering the lands.

Well i was actually going to request that we hop on to a coop session and research this oddity

i wouldn´t count on that too much. it´s very likely that the shell just kinda spawns in after the event gets triggered. at least that´s what i assume. if the origin from the shell is a new dlc thing on another island we cant find out where it comes from as long as it´s not implemented into the game yet.

i just tried it out with Triggo and he said even tho he next to explosion he neither saw nor hear the explosion even at the fort, FOA-2, Himjfall, and The lighthouse Stukudden next to us

Heres a highly detailed map of possible origins with new railgun theory


Nicely done. Tbh i don´t think there is a spaceship or something like that. In case it´s a DLC i don´t think it´s the british ship either. At least i don´t think that we could go on board. Even in case it´s the NATO or someone elses ship joining in the fun to “support” us it wouldn´t explain the sound and looks of the shell (unless the other nations got their own little technologies, of course). The fact of shots coming in from multiple directions makes it hard to think of one single spot of origin unless the artillery is scattered around.

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that’s why i marked as theory but thanks :3 you could use it yourself to explore around if you want :smiley:

EDIT: we also have multiple suspicions with the islands

I investigated the resistance camp a bit with different vision modes and stuff but didn´t found anything. Tbh i don´t waste too much time investigating possible points of origin because i don´t think there is a “real” origin atm.

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I am welcome to any answers, and i will explore them and mark myself if u want to :slight_smile:

Maybe im just a bit too lazy or pessimistic about this right now, but since the shells are coming in from different directions and are rotating i just thought it may be just what it is meant to be: a teaser. So i started to just think about some stuff like “why on this place. who could it be.” Mostly because im just curious about who the heck is bombarding an already “dead” place.

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We suspect FNIX or (Spoiler: Dr. Ulmer) just fired a shell at the island seeing your presence and trying to kill you with the shell without you noticing i guess.

It was 3175m from Torsberga to the Camp so I counted the seconds from the shot to land and got 10 seconds. Did the maths and got 317.5 m/s. Whatever the hell this thing is basically a super weapon.

Railgun TM it is super fast

FNIX would be the kinda easiest answer. And its the best we got atm, too. But considering his words at the last mission it just sounds like he (or it) has “greater” plans with us than just nuking our butts :smiley:

I think we’re looking at the unnamed island to the west to be the most likely candidate. But its only been 7 months I kinda doubt they would have made and bug tested enough content for a new dlc this early on wouldn’t you say?

I agree, :smiley: but either way he will fail because hell we just defeated a lot of robots