I know that gasmasks don’t work because the gas is also taken in by the skin. So did everyone in the 80s, which is why we were issued with Paper/Charcoal NBC suits and gloves. (NBC = Nuclear/Biological/Chemical)
It should be a pick-up. You put it on at the same time as the gasmask. You might not have time in action, but for exploring bases, definitely. It was standard kit in 1989. Not cool-looking, but effective.
There are only two actual threats: gas… and stairs (well, falling damage, lol).
Removing the gas threat would make things even worse, seeing there’s no threat otherwise?
Xog, that’s how games work. They offer a threat or challenge, and we’re given different options to manage them, in return for reward. It’s the basic loop. It’s where the fun lives or dies.
We have gas in the game. We can just die, and give ourselves a clap for realism, or we can use options such as avoiding the area temporarily, using equipment to manage the threat, or spend tokens (health packs) to manage the threat.
There are plenty of threats in the game, and the fact you’re adept at managing them all doesn’t change that.
So what about a compromise? I understand if we eliminate the gas threat by making the suit negate gas effects, it will take away from the game. But at the same time, I think we all wish we had a little more time to explore those areas, without the cost of our precious health packs. I propose an experimental suit that would give the wearer 25% gas damage resistance, but the 25% is only active for a few moments. OR, and this is a big OR, we could change up the skill tree to replace one of the specializations for improved gas resistance. There’s alot of ways this could be done, but I absolutely agree with @bootie I wish we could live slightly longer in gas. I know I’ve missed alot of things in the bunkers because I didn’t wanna die staying too long
Sir, I hope you did not think that I “forbid” it.
I just question the why, and the effect…
If it gets implemented, it’s a true option: even if you pick it up, no one forces you to wear it.
I agree with all posts in fact.
I just… wonder about things.
@Xogroroth no I get you completely, you were just trying to bring to light how removing all gas damage would take away from the game. That’s something I admit I didn’t really consider before I commented, but you’re right. It should be something helpful, but shouldnt completely negate the effects. We just need some solid middle ground
Bless you, The Xogger, sometimes I’d just love to see inside your head!
Charcoal suits were effective for limited amount of time befre they had to be replaced. I too want to explore the gassy areas. Give me 15 minutes of protection, but don’t kill me with a story about skin damage, when we always knew about that and had an answer.
There are heaps of other threats to avoid and manage, and it’s only a month or so since a gasmask and “Gas Resistance” dropped you to 25% health, but no further, and I’m not certain that a gasmask now works at all!
Well yes… and in the same time to see opinions of others, how they see things.
Thank you for that understanding.
I often express myself poorly, I’m not the most emotional or empathical person… autism (Aspergers).
I do my best, still…
@Xogroroth I’m alot like that too I have a difficult time getting my point across. No worries, always appreciate hearing everybody’s opinions here. This is one of the most NON-toxic gaming communities I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of. You’re all friends of mine here!
Wait a sec… what pod did you come from?
It is like I hear my mirror image talk to me…
I to just love this community, and love to talk to people, though I am a noob still in that skill (communication).
I try though… not always with success, but…
I love it here. I look forward to getting on here everyday, hearing everyone’s thoughts and criticisms, conversating with like minded people. I’m hoping to be a member of this community for a long time so get used to seeing me! Haha