Negative amount of experimental ammo in stash making it so i cant put anything in it

im using a pc
i was in the bunker at the border of the new area at the start and i made radioactive 32. acp ammo and when i put it in my stash it made my ammo in my invantory -1600 and when i put the 1600 ammo that i somehow got in my invantory it made my stash ammount for radioactive ammo -1066 and my stash is now maxed out on space and i cant take it out

Welcome to the forums. To get the basics out of the way first; are you using any mods?

i dont have any mods installed

Okay, gotcha. I’ll poke our resident QA dev @SR_knivspark , see if he can figure it out.

resetting game fixes it but if you put experimental ammo in the box and you take it out it does it so i cant have experimental ammo in the stash

Hey @rainyfur :wave:

Let’s see if we can figure this out!

This issue kind of reminds me of the linked topic below, however, this one is clearly something else.

Due to the extreme values seen in the screenshot my first question would have been to ask about mods, but I see that Zesiir already asked about that.

By “Resetting game” you mean restarting the game, right?

Any chance you can provide a step by step list of how to reproduce this issue? E.g;

  1. Do this
  2. Do that
  3. Then this happens

:floppy_disk: Is your save file affected by this issue now? IF that is the case, would you mind sending me a copy of your save file so I can take a closer look?

  1. Your save file can be found here: Documents\Avalanche Studios\GenerationZero\Saves
  2. Right-click the save folder (containing “savegame” and “savegame.bac”) > send to > compressed (zipped) folder
  3. Go to (No account required)
  4. Click the “…” button and select “get transfer link”
  5. Add/attach the .zip archive with the save file(s)
  6. Upload and copy the link
  7. Send me a DM here on the forum and include the link from wetransfer

Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for reporting!


it has not affected my save file and step by step goes like this
and yes turning off my game and turning it back on fixed it
made 32. acp radioactive ammo
put in my gun and assigned it to slot 3 and gun did not appear but was clearly in slot 3 because it said clear slot
put 32. acp ammo radioactive ammo in stash making my inventory weight super high and ammo being -1634 radioactive ammo then i took ammo from stash and put it in my inventory removing the - ammo in inventory for it to then transfer into stash with same effect but with 600 removed from what i added into my inventory

Thanks for the additional information @rainyfur!

However, I must admit I am having a hard time reproducing this issue and I’m also finding it a bit difficult following your instructions and not entirely sure I am doing it right.

Can you reproduce this issue over and over 100% via those steps you wrote?

IF you reliably can reproduce this issue, is there any chance you could record a video of you reproducing the issue? (e.g. record and upload to youtube)

Also the steps would be a lot easier to follow if you put them in e.g. a numbered list or bullet point list so each action has it’s own clear row/step, see e.g. my earlier message for examples of how that could look.

Thank you for your time!

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its not doing it anymore and only did it once strange so i cant send vid