Nerf the flame thrower

I think that the apocolypse class hunter flamethrower and ticks because i can be a solid 20 meters from the flame and it still damages me and the ticks are just op


I’d settle for the bloody thing not roasting you through brick walls. :confused:


Apo hunter flamethrower range is greater than the visual flames travel. That has been reported and acknowledged by the devs. Fix of it is most likely coming in the next (December’s) update.

My only issue with apo hunters are their mortar grenades since those will damage you through solid walls/roof. E.g i was inside one story military shack (bigger one with 3x doors and guard station on one end) with all doors closed. I used windows to shoot the apo hunter outside when it lobbed it’s grenades at me. Those landed on the building roof and when exploded, i was down to 10HP. No difference if i’m inside or outside.


Good. A huge part of this game is fear. You should be afraid to go h2h with robots. The original atmosphere was hiding, sniping, and stealth. That is what made it unique from all the other shooters out there.


That’s fine, but there need to be knowable, observable physics (which is why flame length and damage cone will coincide), and not doing damage through walls/roofs without damage being visible on them is arguably part of that?


I disagree that fear is a “huge” part of the game. It’s guerilla survival, after all.


I think it’s less “fear”, more about “caution”. Being careful, choosing your fights and employing every trick in the book to get the upper hand, that’s the name of the game.


Fear is good and exciting, but the flamethrower and the Triple Grenade launcher are a bit OP no?

I can say the same to every experimental weapon as well. They all are OP.
And there you have it. With OP weapons, it’s only fair that machines (some of them) also get OP weapons.

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Ahah “kinda” good point, but they aren´t that OP, for a solo player that uses various weapons, you can still have trouble with enemies, and now with the new Sponge tank (Apocalypse tank) and with the APO Hunters (Tank edition as i call them) they take some time to go down even with the experimental weapons.
But this is my opinion, you have the right to have yours.

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The idea of GZ isn’t that you have to win every single battle.
I also play solo and use several weapons (6* .50 cal, 6* AG4, 6* m/49, 5* HP5, 5* .44 Magnum) and for now, i also carry few extra ones i found (6* Glock, 3* KVM 89, 1* KVM 59). If i get reckless, i also drop down and need to revive myself. Nothing wrong or bad in there. Also, i like when machines put up a fight and aren’t paper dolls that drop down as soon as i breathe towards them.

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Besides winning every battle, i agree with the rest, just think the triple grenade launcher is a bit OP, i´m level 31 with health and armor upgrade skills and easily die with 2/3 attacks from it, so looks a bit OP, and for players without these skills they must be a nightmare :thinking:.


You are a human being after all.

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Yes and anyone would die or loose part of the body right?
But if i can survive a tank railgun attack and remain with half of the health, maybe i should stand better the attack from the Grenade Launcher ? :thinking:

The railgun only punches a tiny clean hole. :wink:


I’m also lvl31 and i don’t have any armor or health skills (got Marksman with Hacking) and direct hit from apo hunter’s mortar doesn’t kill me. It drops my HP from 100 to 10. It’s the following shots that can drop me IF i’m sitting duck and don’t heal myself.

And the 6* AG4 deals lasting fire damage, similar to the lasting damage apo machines use against you. :slightly_smiling_face:

On many occasions the machine has dropped during my weapon reload since it was on fire from the heated bullets of my 6* AG4.

For sure. The experimental 50cal is ridiculous. Fun, but ridiculous. I say let them keep their weapons and crank the detection range up as well. Then we will really have to sneak.

and then your shoes will be too tight and you won’t be able to dance.

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Lets just wait for the fix of the visual flame range and fire cone and than discuss whether it is still op.

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Have you been smoking those funny-smelling cigarettes again?
And did you bring enough to share with the class?