New added locations

I think the counter is wrong. Wasn’t there a mixtape at that location? NOT 100% sure…

You are probably right. A pity though, I would have loved there to be an collectable.

Lookout tower in Sovjet camp north-east of Stenbacka.

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Nice entrance to the estate with a long driveway ending at a tree in the midst of a chain boundary.


Not a new location.
But after latest update it is a guarded location :policeman::robot:
(I don´t know if it spawns there again)

I would love to see other locations with guarding machines instead of them just roaming around areas.

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He didn’t like me trying to sneak into his tower :sweat_smile:

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I suppose you destroyed him?
Tell me later if he respawns at the same location, please.

When to think about it :thinking:, there is mixtape at Averholm Manor.

Since i already have all of them, the counter is wrong.


But is there a new schematic for the first aid kit on todays assignment since it doesn’t trigger crafting any of the 3 old ones, is it perhaps at Averholm somewhere…?

Ah yes he went the same way as all the others. That said - the build up and battle was a good slog, head to 42:00 for the whole thing. - " Down the rabbit hole "

*oh, and confirming @Gysbert issue with the collectable at Averholm Manor 25:00

Oh, also worth taking a look at 18:00 & 22:00 onwards as well.


There are no new schems that i’m aware of.

As far as that daily crafting mission goes, my best guess: you need to craft 1 first aid kit. But since you can craft 10 at a time, game doesn’t count it as valid craft. Either that, or game expects you to craft that Easter Egg first aid kit, which does not have schematic, to be crafted. (Which is a shame, since it’s the best first aid kit in the game.)

Hey, can anyone give me a quick, little summary of exactly where the new revamps have been made? I strolled around the farmlands for a while yesterday, but didn’t see anything. I must have been in the wrong location. :slightly_smiling_face:

East bank of Overbyan river, Sorken CB to Ostervik. Didn’t checked Averholm, though, but I think it changed too, since devs claimed “rest of the region”.

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Ok, thanks. :slightly_smiling_face: I’ll check it out next time.

There’s a lot of tantrums over the 25GB update on reddit with players wanting to know exactly what has changed.

Crikey, mine was a 12G, Seems like something weird happened or it’s just all the bug fixes and behind the scenes stuff.

Huh? My update (PC) was 3.58 GB…

North-East of Farmlands. Or basically the rest of the Farmlands that wasn’t revamped yet.

As far as update size goes, mine was 4.8 GB (PC).

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My update was also 4.8Gb