New enemy types - Remade

I liked the “Tank class” idea that the @Max_Powerz had more then it just being an Artillery type thing. I had an idea for it but I’m not sure if they could even put this in the game, but think the Scarabs from Halo 3.
There wouldn’t be many, but they’d be completely random, maybe with ticks for cqc on board and runners/something more humanoid on board to shoot at players on the ground. You take out one of their legs, climb onto it before it recovers, and take out it’s core.
I feel like that would be amazing. Everytime me and my friends would play Halo we’d always look forward to the Scarab boss fights and I think it’d be really awesome to have something like that in the game to just randomly encounter in a place like the farmlands and take out with friends.

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I think that would be a cool idea, there could be a mission, to introduce the new robot.

Yeah! That’dd actually be pretty neat, Maybe if they make one of the other islands able to be traveled to, you have a main mission where you defeat one, then after you complete it more will randomly spawn

Yeah, thats sort of what i was thinking. Or it could be that, at the end of the mission, they are released, or something to that affect. And like you said, they could unlock another one of the islands, for more playable area. Theres that one island thats actually quite large, and there’s absolutely no playable content on it.

You think a sniper robot would be a good idea? like, it spots you first and alerts other enemies to your presence. (kinda like a seeker, but more quiet) very long range, takes large amounts of health per shot. (I have TF2 MVM in mind here) The higher level ones could possibly have silencers making it almost impossible to spot them. I think it would have to have lower health so that it compensates for the damage and range it has. I would like to know what everyone else thinks


Actually, we already have that kind of machine in the game: FNIX hunter with Concussion Rifle. Some military hunters can also have Concussion Rifle but it’s more common to see them on FNIX hunters.

Two screenshots (click here to view)

After April '20 update, machines got very deadly and that Concussion Rifle was one of the worst to face against, since:

  • Per shot, you lost 90 HP (on Guerilla difficulty)
  • All shots penetrated single layer of walls
    Meaning that if you were in the house, you weren’t safe, unless you managed to get two layers of walls between you and it.
  • You had about 0.5 seconds for reaction time
    The time when red laser came online that tracked your postion and when the shot was fired.
  • It had a range of at least 300m, if not more
    300m is the range i personally tested in the game. For comparison, all other machine weaponry has a range of 200m and machine draw-in distance is 400m.

Sadly, devs nerfed the machines back and now, all Concussion Rifles are/have:

  • Reaction time of 4 seconds.
    This alone makes it very easy to avoid being shot.
  • Shots doesn’t pierce walls.
    Houses are safe again.
  • Weapon range is back to 200m.

Someone else had same idea and here’s my thought about it, from another topic:

Just saying, the concussion rifle sort of hoots a rocket like projectile, so wouldn’t a silencer be kind of pointless?

another reason why a sniper robot could be useful, it could even just be a new weapon type for robots.

That is true. If a new type was added, they could look more human, and have some kind of side arm, for close range. That would make it so there not just a repeat of the hunters.

Also, if they weren’t given a medium range rifle, that could be a weakness, to be exploited.

That’s the thing, I think that it stick to the theme of quad or tank looking things, not the sniper robot from man versus machine in TF2

Ive never played that, so ill just have to take your word for it.

However, if we don’t want a humanoid bot, what specifically would it look like?

something like a quad but the body could be a big gun that has little to no armor, compensating with extreme range and damage.

So, essentially a giant tick, but with more firepower, and more dope looking?

What would the fire rate be, and also the range?
What would be dropped when destroyed? It would have to be worth your while, since they would be able to pick you off at whatever range is decided (ideally, that is).

sniper stuff, like a concussion rifle robot drop but more surplus

Ok. That sounds different enough to not be to repetitive, what would the powers of the classes be?

dunno, bigger range maybe, or shorter reload time. I think fnix and apoc classes could have a silencer, making them nearly impossible to find. explode on impact bullets for military class and above. Apocalypse class could easily switch between incendiary and explosive.

maybe you might get special bullets from them too, allowing you to fire explosive rounds

That sounds good for the slightly weaker guns, like the Möller, or the N16 (speaking of the special ammo).

FNIX controls the machines right? but does it have full control over them?
as a boss, FNIX could have his own reaper tank (or something bigger…) that he has full control over.
I know for a fact that FNIX doesn’t fully control the machines, just shows them where to go and how to do it.
I also know that the machines run on their own AI so I think that if FNIX himself could be able control some rivals or even a boss, he would most likely be a extremely hard foe with great loot and maybe a special weapon that you can only get from his rival sometimes.
Any thoughts?

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well foa2 may be a… well you know but would fnix risk an expensive machine for a teen that only hinders his efforts.