New enemy types - Remade

maybe you might get special bullets from them too, allowing you to fire explosive rounds

That sounds good for the slightly weaker guns, like the Möller, or the N16 (speaking of the special ammo).

FNIX controls the machines right? but does it have full control over them?
as a boss, FNIX could have his own reaper tank (or something bigger…) that he has full control over.
I know for a fact that FNIX doesn’t fully control the machines, just shows them where to go and how to do it.
I also know that the machines run on their own AI so I think that if FNIX himself could be able control some rivals or even a boss, he would most likely be a extremely hard foe with great loot and maybe a special weapon that you can only get from his rival sometimes.
Any thoughts?

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well foa2 may be a… well you know but would fnix risk an expensive machine for a teen that only hinders his efforts.

he sends like 20-30 machines to kill you in the waves mission during alpine unrest, same with FNIX rising mission of the same premise. I think FNIX has enough resources that he doesn’t care

Bro, totally. Not to mention the fact that any large machine literally use rockets t kill you, cause I guess bullets cant kill you good enough.

I really like the idea of direct control of one machine if maybe only temporary, sounds like a nice plan for FNIX !

Reaper class FNIX direct link, sounds like a tough rival

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maybe that’s how the Devs would implement it, like there’s a small chance that every rival that spawns will have a tag that says:

“(class type): FNIX Direct Link”

and if FNIX is a supercomputer with extremely advanced AI, he would have to have some very good tactics and weaponry.
wouldn’t everyone agree?

I completely agree, that would be fantastic. They could implement the first encounter into some kind of mission, so it could have some kind of flow as to why it has appeared.

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I really hope the devs see this, I personally think that it’s a great idea

I too hope they see it.

I’m planning on doing some concept art, but I believe some more bulky variants, like brutes with round heads that charge and plant mines, which’d roam on beaches and fields. They’d have stumpy legs, many, that’d work like ant legs with a tail at the end , box shape, that plants mines. They could also send in machines and destroy base barricades?

That would be cool. They could function sort of like heavy artillery units. A mix between several of the already existent bots. What’s the armor on dis boy?

What about they add train tracks and they have a Fnix style train go around the map they could even have that canon for Fnix rising be attached idk :neutral_face::thinking:

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In one of the remaining empty islands, that would actually be pretty cool.
But it all depends from the devs vision and perspective.

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If done right, it would be epic. But just imagine the glitches that would inevitably appear.

Until devs split the PC and console versions, i’m afraid that this idea, while interesting, can’t come into realization. Since the additional hardware load it brings, will drain any performance consoles have left.

I think ever the the series x and ps5 would be pushed to its limits which is a shame as it sounds like a fun idea

what about zombie robots

as in robots that look like miltary corpses but when you try to loot them they’ll knock you down and away then shoot with their selected weapon (smg shotgun hunting rifle pistol assult rifle) when awekened all others WITHIN the general area will also wake up you can tell the difference by the occasinal twitch and faint glowing eyes