I like that, but what would be the logic/reasoning behind it?
Sorry I’m new to this so apologies for the message
I like the idea.
In 2019 GZ was more “scary” than it is now, we had less ammo, less weapons and more enemies roaming around.
This feature would bring a bit of that scary element back to the game.
It would honestly. I support, I just hope it doesn’t cause even more glitches.
@Not_a_people_person1 you don’t have to apologize. @Fwerkie as far as a reason behind the “zombie” machines FNIX, could be trying to boobytrap dead bodies to kill of looters trying to scavenge ammo for the resistance.
I once wrote about the dead soviet soldiers in exosuits (mentioned in the lore of the collectibles and seen in marshlands) that could suddenly stand up, because the ai controlls their exosuits or a tick overrides the controlles. Voila, there is a ai controlled zombie-like soldier.
I didn’t remember reading that! That is amazing now we just need to see them ourselves.
It was just a feature request, of course.
How about zombie robots I have a post below if you’re interested but to explain human corpses with robotics placed within armed with explosives guns and anything they can find to kill you
How about we call them sappers
I was thinking today about a cool way humanoid human sized machines could be implemented. A type of assassin machine that will dispatched by FNIX by region if the player generates a certain level of threat. IE killing rivals, bases etc.
These machines would be more intelligent and have more autonomy than the others and are kind of FNIX’s black ops hit men to remove resistance members who prove to be difficult. These would be able to manipulate weapons and objects, get inside structures, maybe speak to intimidate the player. They should also be able to track the player down in the active region. Machine class could also be influenced by player level.
That actually sounds pretty cool. What would it look like? You said it would be able to manipulate weapons, but what would it spawn with specifically? And what abilities would the different classes have?
It’s general form would be humanoid very similar to how a human is structured. It’s appearance would be very machine like as to still be unsettling to the player, maybe not as large as the hunter but larger than the average adult male. I did find a concept on the internet that kind of has a look that would work.
Notice the body is bipedal form with a human-like body but a unsettling head design. This machine would be 100% designed by FNIX so it would be more advanced than the models currently used that were made by FOA.In terms of weaponry It should spawn with a handheld firearm of unique design that the player could loot if they suceed in killing it, but also built in weapons similar to what other machines have like melee weapons and gas attacks. Behaviour should also change with class, making the higher class more adept at tracking and ambushing players. Also they should have with more advanced weapons and even support powers like self repair.
That would be terrifying to fight. Imagine if it like actually went for cover when it was damaged, ran behind trees or walls and then it repaired it self.
I like it!
Thats one of the ways they should introduce a mechanical humanoid enemy.
Stealthy and scary and would need to porsue us farther than any other machine till date.
Although I like the image and the idea itself, I don’t see much place or use for them on the battlefields of Generation Zero.
I think, the Hunters already are or are intended to be what you suggest. Just a little bit bigger.
They have versions for close combat, medium and long range fighting. Artillery and ones that can force you to exit a building which is full of gas.
They are fast and agile and can jump over obstacles.
The only option I see is a version for the soviets. They already have soldiers with exosuits. These robots could be an advanced version of those exosuits… Ones which don’t need a person inside.
But still I’m not sure whether I see them as cheap cannonfodder or as specialists.
Absolutely specialists. Robots that advanced would cost a lost to a dieing Soviet Union so they’d need to be advanced. They’d probably be in small teams with powerful weapons and some medium strength armor. Smarter than the other machines though. Doing things like actually using cover or sneak attacking players. Imagine a team of them attacking you from behind trees. They’d need to be slightly taller and faster than the player to add a factor of intimidation. They’d be called лиса or fox in English. How is the Soviet Union paying for this invasion anyway? They should be broke right now building million dollar machines.
They could be instead from NATO or just from FNIX.
Exactly, They need to be something that can use it’s environment to it’s advantage rather than simply going after the player regardless of what is around it. I love the Idea of squads that can communicate with each other, maybe in some inhuman way that can disturb the player. Having an enemy that can also psycologically toy with humans would greatly reduce resistance moral. They would also be great companions for the player if they can be reprogrammed especially if the player is going it solo.