New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

On Twitter…

Moving clouds obscuring what’s below…
A birds-eye view


Haven’t seen it until now. :+1:
Interesting. Or nothing special.

I wonder why the animation (it’s a GIF) becomes that bright at the end.

  • Is it because the clouds move directly to where the camera is and become thicker and thicker?
  • Or is it because of a nuclear explosion or something similar?
  • Or does it mean nothing at all?

Just the clouds move, not the land below them.
We see no details of the land, just trees as far you can see. No water, no rocky mountains.


Im hoping for a new island …any ideas when something will roll out its almost June and i hope its more than just a couple weapons and skins . I truly hope the game lasts and we get to see that island above Hmjfall and the one big one with the airstrip etc more story etc it is a really nice fun game i do love it . What you all think ? and you specifically Mad what are your thoughts :smiley:


Just let’s hope that the clouds clear out until / with the next teaser.


I would love to have a new island with new enemies, a slightly different environment and new building types, but its very very unlikely.


so what happens to us vetran players . We have explored everything I have at least 3 or 4 of the same gold weapons A TON of of other stuff 100 % completion on most things excpect the 2 gnomes #14 and 19 cause its bugged lol and literally explored everything and with gysberts map help so if we only get new weapons that can be fun but its the same old hunting exploring etc so why wont they give players what we ask for even a little bit? like a new area or dlc new missions expand the story so its fresh for us vetrans and new comers ? any thoughts as to why not ? i get the fixes but that can happen along the way as well . even adding boats to explore water would be amazing .


Just guessing…

Systemic Reaction just has a small team, which currently also works on a new project (not GZ related). In the meantime they try to improve the old code to give us the best possible experience. Or at least the smoothest. They fix bugs they found, try to comprehend community reported bugs and work on new features.
Besides of the that the time seems to be quite rare to do new stories, new locations or even a whole new DLC taking place on a new island… With all necessary changes.

Small content addons don’t take too much time.

They do. The last update even was called “Community requests Update”.
And many of the features we now have once just were community requests. But they can’t do all at once. And they surely don’t want to do many of the requests. And for others there are too many limitations. The engine, the given story, the personal or other ressources.

Don’t get me wrong. I would wish to see many many changes. I’m just looking for realistic explanations.


Not enough resources for that (new islands, new enemies, new game mechanics)
Mostly what @Madchaser said above.

BUT they could finish the game, its like at 90%
This might sound like a rant but its actually true :

  • Finish the main island revamps, the Mountains region is still at 0% and there are a few other spots

  • The so much requested Skills system rebalanced with changes

  • A max range improved like it was before ,(I even created a topic about that Today)

  • More missions and assignments

  • Darker nights and more accurate Weather

  • Working Gas mask

  • Other ways to get cement and Uranium

  • Different difficulty modes, some with more enemies and less gear

These seem to be the most asked changes by players, and i mean basic stuff, down to Earth, reasonable stuff that doesnt require much in terms of resources.

New islands, new weapons new vehicles, new crazy stuff requires a lot more of time and resources than most of the stuff above.
Feel free to add anything I might have forgot, but from searching in the Forum Ive seen mostly these features requests.


Not just requested… It was even announced.

Not just revamps … The whole story needs to be continued. But that’s something Carni also already announced. He just didn’t tell in which way it’ll be continued.

But, let’s stay on the topic. Drifting away into what’s missing and what we’re wishing just would end in a summary of the whole forum.

So, what do you see in the animation?
What do you think could it stand for?

— Generation Zero (@GenZeroGame) May 20, 2024

its all connected , and the topic itself has no category.

Could be anything

Some new small stuff or some new event?


eventually i think they will add a new dlc or new island even a small one fix the bridge at hmjfall go to new island as an example … boats ? It will come but i hope they dont give up on gen zee its so fun .

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just boats if not a new island im happy with a boat so we can go on water we went to hmjfall on a boat so it can be done Please boats

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This boat was more like a nacelle, a gondola…


Looks cloudy. Maybe it’ll rain

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Or maby Carni is soaring high like a kite through the clouds, maby we get to fly?

Yea, we have not seen any proper new content for years it feels like, just small fixes here and there, and some DLC packs. I´ll keep my expectations low.

Oh zesiir… That’s not fair. :laughing:
It looks like another teaser that you’re writing “rain” in italic letters.

Could that mean that we’ll see improved rain?
Or might it rain something else like bombs or machines?


Yes mr @Zesiir we demand to know…are you just brainstorming like us OR…you actually know something and cant say it :stuck_out_tongue: ?


I can neither confirm nor deny anything.



I think it’s a 1’st person view of players’ expectations… If I squint, I can barely see them from down here. :wink:

Sarcasm aside, have you considered if it might be just a smoke screen on the ground, and not a cloud?

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