New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

No, I haven’t, because of the ground texture which looks like distant Woods and because of the clouds shadows.

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I agree. It looks more like that. :blush:


its not what’s behide the clouds :fog: it’s the clouds themselves, take another closer look, just stare at the clouds for 30 seconds straight, don’t take your eyes off the clouds or even blink :flushed: u see it


Its gotta be airplanes small planes or something like hot air balloons Yessss lets gooooo … well i can hope just like for a new DLC or island like thousands of us we should do a survey about how many of us want a new island new weapons new dlc etc see which wins im not good at it but if someone can do a survey itd be awesome !! :smiley:


I guess it’ll be controllable flying drones…

For a serious survey this forum doesn’t have enough partitipants, I feel.


I hope not, this is stupid.
Where did you get the info?


Just guessing.
We had this GIF on X with clouds… And one answer on a question about new vehicles was that we’ll not get new vehicles with the next update, but that we’ll get a new perspective to look at the already existing vehicles.

Stupid…maybe, but for the photomode it would be a nice addition.


Something in the water…

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A tank in the background.
A fish in the water.
And a red light…

Is it a dead machine that fell into water?
Is it a new kind of machine that doesn’t get destroyed by water and waits for a target?
Or is it some kind of structure?


A machine that attacks from water like those in the Terminator Saga(Hydrobot) would be great and would shut up any request and give an explanation to why we cant swim or use boats :stuck_out_tongue:

The only issue would be about looting, the machine would need to come to land and not go back at all.

But im 99% certain its nothing like that.

Or maybe…just maybe we can now swim small distances and use an airship to travel? xD


At least the fish is clear…


Here for a closer look.

I don’t really believe that it’s a machine. Or at least no mobile one.

Maybe it’s some kind of procedually generated structure which we can meet.
If it detects us, it rises out of the water and attacks.


:face_with_monocle: so I googled the google & found this, :thinking: are these teasers meant to be taking seriously or are they just somones jokeing around, it’s like the vague BigFoot pics, meant to keep you guessing, :fearful:, If You Saw Bigfoot, & pic of some guys hairy back is Not good enough, I need samples of BigFoots Hair & take some scissors, follow him to his cave hideout, & we then take the hair to a professional hair ID peoples & BigFoot real or not


If it’s from official channels, there’s no joking around. Of course, our dear devs like to tease. We know this by now.

:shushing_face: :umbrella:


Now that would be a Real Halloween event.

“War of the Worlds Tripod walkers and little green men walking through Ostertorn…
Machines and aliens fight each other and against humans who will win in the end?”

Btw Its 6 red lights in the water and the Tripods have 7 :sweat_smile:

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I don’t know to what you are refering to with that :shushing_face:.

Nevertheless, currently it feels like that the next update will be wet. “Wet work - Update”?

wet work (uncountable) (euphemistic) Covert assassination performed by government operatives. (by extension) Work within a gang or organization that involves killing or attacking people, for assassination or intimidation.

Covert = :shushing_face: ?


would be soviet robot my guess. some of the soviet machines already came here with boats and firebird by flying over the water to get to the island, but they maybe forgot the one robot so it had to swim to the island?

even tho the eyes dont look like a normal soviet.


Do you have an idea of where this scene could be?


Not really, there are no significant features that point to a certain direction. I will have a look around at the main water basins / lakes, see if i can match the tree-line.

Edit: I think it’s “Rusaberget Lake”, looking South-east. But the view point would be from the middle of the lake. So maybe we are in a boat.


Or they just used different settings for making the screenshot, or they used the guessed flying drone to take the photo,…

Who knows…

I’ll try to take a closer look at that location today.