New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

Just read in Discord that @SR_Carni posted 5 teasers for the next update.
Quote: We've done like 5, haha. Maybe my teasers are too good

We’ve seen:

  • The Water
  • The Clouds

So what would have been the other three?

  • A shadow looms over Östertorn?
  • Crossover?
  • Fishing? (it seems to be a Red Herring)

I currently don’t remember… Are the fishes new or have they been there for longer or maybe always?

Did he post 5 teasers in these two messages or in 5 messages?

  • While answering questions (100% truthfully and 100% useless) they said, that we’ll get a new perspective to look at the existing vehicles. That’s why I guess that we’ll get a drone… Or maybe at least a more free photo mode.

  • This something in the water.

  • Zesiir talked about rain.


Maybe somehow a crossover with Hunter Call of the Wild. Fishes… Maybe even more animals?

Edit: Btw., I was at the location. Looks good, but I didn’t see any fish.


Neither did I, yet. But in the teaser… a red herring…


Looks to me like a reflection in the water.

But what do I know…


What is the reflection? The lights, the fish or the unnatural shapes? :laughing:


Let’s get up high to sky again…

Ah, isn't nature beautiful? That's it, send tweet.

— Generation Zero (@GenZeroGame) May 29, 2024


A Black Vulture. Another clue that doesn’t tell us anything. Nature is wonderful though. :coffee:


Maybe a flying vulture droid?
On the previous screenshot we maybe see a downed one?


do not try and bend the fish, that’s impossible, instead, only try to realize the truth, there is no fish :neutral_face: ‘’’ Keanu Reeves ‘’’

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Something new…


— Generation Zero (@GenZeroGame) May 31, 2024

No idea where that could be… But wouldn’t it be cool if that would be inside of bunker 666?


The mountain in the Forest region, the one with the very first available buildable base, has some outside structures, so it would make sense that there is a FNIX base inside that mountain.
But it could be anywhere…


hey no offense by any means love the game will play for many years to come buuut if everyone knows we are all asking for a new island even a small one with some buildings houses etc to explore expanded story line and missions maybe even boats … i think everyone is asking for this so if its something like fishing or drone etc i mean cool but people will easily get bored and not like it and they will continue to yearn for a new island etc so why cant we get more of that what we ask for. I go by this fact seeing it on FB X etc soo many ask for new missions islands story etc …so why not ? especially after 5 years . People are getting bored and leave he game my friend completed the game 2 yrs ago and left the game this year didnt even want the 5 year stuff as it was dsappointing stuff so he refuses to play until more stuff comes …


I hope its not fishing i mean cool idea and stuff but its not what people really want or do we all want new island new exploration new more story so its not repetetive i mean theres only so many times you can explore the same areas places towns only so many robot kills i have 3 or 4 of the same weapons lol and im just kinda bored right now and i dont wanna feel bored cause its such a fun game with so much possibility .

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when is the next big update coming cause its June already ?

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With a new Island and new missions the chance of becoming bored is even higher than with new stuff and features.

A few hours and you’re done with it.
With new items and features you can have new experiences all the time, even if you start a new game.

What I really would like to have, besides of more story and more or changed regions, is a real change in the saving options.

I want a real new game without deleting my savegame file.

Just a new world and a new character isn’t the same.
They still have access to the global plundra.


That would be fun too but they have all those lands there that we have even glitched and landed on so the possibility is there and thats what we all want we are the gamers we do pay there bills …so im in favor of new lands and missions without it people are bored why are they bored now cause everyone is done exploring and doing missions so they want more …not skins and fish and lil stuff …its understandable


Ehm, no. We don’t pay the devs and we are not in a position to tell them what to do.

Me too, but not just that. A few hours later it’s the same as before and becomes boring somehow.


What the game really needs to not become boring is a good mix of new content.

1. New missions.
Yes, story expansions even with new or changed locations are important, but just new main missions and a new location are finished quickly by us players.

More important would be to have a greater load of replayable daily side missions. Fmtel-missions made a good beginning, but turned to have too many bugs and to be too hard to reach the maximum goal. More Tasks are needed, less base-related (7 base assaults…). The procedual missions were a great addition, but we need more to do. More different missions, multiple per day instead of one per week.

Just by doing these missions you can experience endless cool situations, even just while moving from one location to another. And why are we doing that? Because we have the goal to finish the mission. It’s not just stupid running around and shooting everything on our way… Which is cool, but also becomes boring after a while.

2. New content/features
New features and stuff can change the way we experience the game. Everything is exciting again. How would it even have been, if we would have got it earlier in the story at a senseful point?

3. Senseful implementation.
This is one of the most important things. Just throwing everything in a pot doesn’t make a good soup. You have to mix it, stir it. The new stuff must fit into the rest.

Content, new missions and new items and features, shouldn’t be available from beginning. Some things just should have prerequesites.

Some of the original missions have these prerequesites. Skills, too. Experimental weapons have them. The reaper has them. Why not more?
They may even have really lategame prerequesites.
Lvl 25 is almost nothing. And finishing some early missions in the archipelago region is even less than nothing.

4. New game / savegames
One of the greatest risks.
If the savegame is broken, everything may be gone. Or at least negatively affected. There should be seperated files for characters, worlds and story progress.

And although it can be nice to replay the game with a high level character with all equipment, I would also wish to have the option to play a new world really as a new world. From scratch. Just to experience how the game changed and if it’s easier or harder now.

Yes, there are ways to do that. Copy the savegame file to a backup drive, delete it locally and start a new game… Oh, sorry Xbox. I guess that doesn’t really work for you, doesn’t it?

Or move all stuff from the plundra to a characters inventory and play with the new character in the new world. But… If you want to play this new one just solo, but the old one often in multiplayer it may become a massive effort.

Now I wrote more than I wanted to. :sweat_smile:
But that’s it.
It not done with a new island or new missions. The ones who now want more will want even more as soon as they finished them. So let’s say 6 months of work for the devs will last for just 1 day…


when is the next big update its June noone has told me that

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the devs take our money gamers money from dlcs and buying the game and from tick plushies etc if we are not here to game right no game kinda and they get funding etc prolly but gamers help too as we buy it and dlcs