New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

so people are happy to explore the same places same houses same locations over and over and over and over again and have 3 or 4 of the same 4 and 5 crown and exp weapons then why add all those maps hmjfall has an unused one i landed on with the glitch yrs back and theres that big one with another runway im positive slowly but surely itll be developed with more resources people and funding avalance symantic gen z people are smart and awesome and i still love this game to pieces :slight_smile:


definetly drone ! looks like anyways by the outline

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You dont seem to understand the amount of money, time and personnel required to create advanced digital content (Big island DLCs, new enemies)

A few euros or dollars for DLC is not enough, it is however for these small updates we have been getting since 2023 (before 2023 the game was still a mess and it was their responsability to fix the game).
This is not GTAV, Fortnite and other very successful games that give the devs a lot of money per month, if that was the case a GZ 2 was already on the way.

I admit its frustrating that we dont get simple answers for these teasers, i prefer silence and a bomb dropped with actual minimum information instead as of now of 2 weeks of annoying mystery.

Neverthless wishfull and intrusive thinking from You wont speed up the progress.

Do you really believe a game from 2019 will still have big DLC´s like Islands? I wanted that but just seems not realistic…


A friend of mine, thinks it looks to be a robo-crab, which is amphibious. (water & land)


Honestly that does seem terrifying.

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That would depend on its further abilities.
Speed, weaponry,…

Currently it would be more surprising, exciting, but not yet terrifying.

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I wonder if the Machine Crab attacks not head on, but in a sideways fashion? :coffee:

A friend of mine just had the theory that there just is the fish in the water. The machine that we see is a reflection.

So maybe it’s indeed a flying swedish machine (either controlled by FNIX or the player => clouds, new perspective on existing vehicles, the vulture,…).

What do you think?

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It is possible. But it would not likely be a Swedish machine, it would be a machine designed by FNIX, since the Soviets already have a flying machine.

Not sure. Might even be the Soviet version of the Reaper (with the same associated spawn chance).

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— Generation Zero (@GenZeroGame) June 5, 2024

Oh man, watch this one… Or better: hear this one.
What a sound.

Sounds as scary as a reaper, but twice. Will that be a soviet equivalent?

The most important question is: when?

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Can we find out where this is?

At least I don’t see any water.
And I can’t see many wood. Some trees here and there, but no real forest except in the foreground.

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I believe that’s a view from the very top of the rusaberget heights, but of course I could be wrong

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If it is Rusaberget, then it might be that we get the Mountain Region revamp, we were expecting for a long time. :coffee:

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Just guessing, but I believe it’s a perspective towards east. The sun is low, the shadows are long.

Are there low structures in the distance or are that flat hills?

I currently don’t believe it’s rusaberget… I’m missing water. But I could be wrong. It could be behind the trees or so far away that we can’t see it clearly.

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I think it’s rusaberget but facing the russian crater, but that’s in the northeast so you have a good point

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I tried running around to find the area where the picture was taken, but I got my pockets ran by hunters and decided to just start mowing down machines in the farmlands, forgive my attention span

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I guess I was wrong and you were right.
Although I didn’t find the perfect spot, it’s very close to that perspective.

I’m looking east and I’m next to the jaktlägret.
There are some parts on the screenshot that look very similar to the one on X.


Just a few more thoughts…

We hear this scary sound at a location where soviets haven’t been yet.
So is it really a soviet boss-machine or something new for FNIX factions? Something that sounds more scary than everything else, FNIX currently has.

If it’s a soviet machines, does this mean the soviets are moving more to the south?

In that case, will we see more signs of soviet presence in the southern part of archipelago, maybe mountain region and even further?

What would that mean for the story, when we start a new game?