New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

These bunkers will be beyond hatches in every lvl3 FNIX base, If I got it right. So nothing to explore currently.


Watch what you call junk. People have spent time and effort to keep the game afloat and work on updates and content. It’s not very nice to just disregard that.

The main reason why the devs won’t do a DLC the size of Himfjäll again has been explained time and time again, there is not enough resources to get it done and keep the game fresh at the same time.

I’d be glad if that were to change, but as it is right now there is a good reason why they can’t do it.
It’s not just because there’s no interest. They are well aware many are asking for bigger DLC’s or
island expansions. It’s just not viable right now.


And besides of that also keep in mind that we currently don’t just get random new stuff and features. Most of what we got in the latest update and what’s announced for the next update are things that were also long demanded by many many players.

I’m really excited.


Has anyone heard or know how many data chips we’ll need to get?

I’ve purchased all but the last two of their packs- some of which I didn’t even want, in order to help GZ. From where I sit, it’s junk. You are free to disagree. This game is “afloat” in name only. In actuality, it’s on life support because the player base in drifting away. Your excuse about not enough resources to do a DLC and “keep the game fresh” (whatever you want that to mean) is valueless. I’d pay top dollar 20- 30 U.S.- for a real DLC. Instead, we get more of the same, which a comparative few have asked for. The game has epic potential but whoever is in charge is doing nothing of any consequence with it. And it’s been four and a half years since Alpine Unrest was released.

It’s not that I just disagree, but I do not think you are doing any favours by insulting the developers.


I wonder if the hatches will only be reachable when the base is destroyed, or that we need to search it by just sneaking in and find the hatch before we destroy the base?

I wonder if the underground part is always there but just reachable through the hatches if there is a lvl3 base, if they always look the same for certain locations, if the hatches get destroyed with the base (so enter it before destroying the command center) and what happens if you’re inside, but a teammate destroys the command center in the meantime…



You forgot the text belonging to the Meusser pic.


Charge up a high-damage biochemical laser beam, but be careful not to charge for too long! The Meusser Hunting Rifle is an upcoming experimental weapon that shoots biochemical laser beams, only acquired by overtaking the mighty and terrifying Vulture. Do you have what it takes?


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Well at least its a way to make the 243. ammo type more useful, the same way its been made with the 270 and its experimental rifle.

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The Heavy Weapons Pack includes highly-requested weapons from the community, so you can live out your favorite 80’s action movies! Will be available for $4.99 and includes:

:boom: N144 Minigun
:boom: MGR-6 Grenade Launcher
:boom: Iron Conder Pistol
:boom: RACS-12 Shotgun


I like it and i dont like it.
Another grenade launcher seems pointless.
And a minigun seems too much :thinking:
And we still dont have any sniper rifle that has an effective damage, the devs refuse to increase the damage for the S21 and Kotenok.
The PVG90 stands as more of an high damage anti material rifle.

I’m not insulting the developers, although they’re free to feel insulted. Right now is a real good time for you and people like you to ask whether it’s possible that many players are themselves insulted at having asked for the islands to be developed and more storyline content for years now- only to have the same weapons packs (most of which are novelty items that will not be used long term) and small events fostered on them instead. You’ll find the answer in your dwindling player base.

I’ll repeat that I’ve purchased all but the last two of your packs and would gladly spend 25- 30 US dollars for a genuine DLC with one or more islands and some storyline content. I know that I’m nowhere near alone on this issue. All that you’re doing is driving your player base away- and that’s a poor ending for a game with such outstanding potential.

It’s not like the developers have promised specific story DLC’s and not released them. All it basically boils down to is that you want X and the devs can give you Y, and that’s somehow not enough.

On top of that you pretend to speak on behalf of the community. That’s not something we encourage here. I’ve already attempted explained why things are what they are, but I’m not getting through.

In any case, it is not really the point of this topic. And since the new update is due tomorrow,
I think it’s time to close this thead. Further feedback on the update can be made in
Feedback/Feature Requests once it’s out.

