New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

Not checked Discord. On Facebook.

But yes a mini gun will be fun!

Ok I now joined discord, too, but I’ll never join facebook :sweat_smile:

Why don’t they share all the info at all places?


Pretty strange that the information is not on all platforms.


I believe the weapon under the minigun is a street sweeper shotgun, the m32 rotary grenade launcher was issued in the early 2000s and it wouldn’t make sense for it to be in the game. Plus I feel the blurry picture more resembles a street sweeper. I could be wrong though, of course :slightly_smiling_face:

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The milkor mgl I mentioned has been produced since 1983.

In my eyes it makes more sense than having two shotguns in one pack.

By that we would have

  • 1 handgun
  • 1 shotgun
  • 1 automatic gun (probably as miscellaneous)
  • 1 explosive weapon (grenadelauncher)

*Categories as they are listed in the wiki.

oh for real?? I thought that was a much later invention, my bad

in a way I’m glad because the street sweeper is a horrible shotgun IRL lol

There’s nothing more to come.

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I took extra time off work for the stream and the release. I’m really looking forward to the new opponent and the optimisations from the beta. Because I have various questions that I would like to have a reasonably satisfactory answer to.

When is coming a new roadmap?

When is the slingshot coming into the game? Kappa

I’m not even going to ask why all the threads of the story end in a cliffhanger. Where the people are, what happened to the Soviet soldier and the escort and so on. I’m afraid I wouldn’t like the answers to this question because they wouldn’t answer anything.


There are no such answers. The entire Swedish Army was blitzed and the entire population disappeared in one night- but a comparative handful of teenagers repeatedly kick the machines’ backsides. There is no roadmap. What we’re getting right now is more of the same. Instead of a weapons pack or new machines (the Soviets), we get a weapons pack ‘and’ A new machine.

Rather than getting this junk for free, I’d gladly pay top dollar for a genuine DLC with the islands (or even just one of them) and some storyline content to tie together loose ends for this game, but they either cannot or will not do it. I purchased every pack these people released up until the last two, but I’m done with that. This game has truly epic potential, but these devs are doing nothing of any consequence with it. It just beats all- and it’s very disappointing.


Various players in my circle are no longer active on GZ, precisely because of the points you mentioned. I was just talking to some people on my Twitch channel about it yesterday. The majority of them would spend €20 or more for a story DLC on the islands. These people would even spend money on more story in the game. I suspect the silent majority would.

I guess that doesn’t seem to be reflected in the player base on the DC or here in the forum. Maybe I have the wrong impression. That is quite possible.


I’m no longer active either. I visit these forums periodically in the hope that the devs will see the light of day. I would definitely pay 25- 30 U.S. dollars for a quality DLC including one or more islands, if only they’d get off their best intentions and do it. In my humble opinion, your impression is correct, it’s almost always the same handful of people- who generally dump on anything that the devs don’t want to do. It’s one of the reasons why these forums are dying away. I frankly don’t get it why they won’t develop the islands when a large number of people would ‘pay’ for the DLC. It’s beyond belief.

Maybe because it takes much time to develop it and costs much? You never know if enough users will buy it and if it’s worth the effort. Finally it’s not the devs descition.

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I hope its not a Minigun, because not taking in consideration it would probably be very heavy, it would make the game weird, more easy and unbalanced .

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Sure, the devs don’t make that decision, but the owners of the game do- and they can read the same forum posts and receive input from the devs. As for it taking “much time” to develop- sell that snake oil elsewhere because I’m not buying it. It’s been 4 and a half ‘years’ since Alpine Unrest was released.

I’ve read these same forums, and a markedly greater number of people have been asking for the islands to be developed into the game than those who are asking for yet more weapons that we don’t need, vehicles in a game with fast travel mode, or more machines. The owners (can) read the same forums, so they’re well aware that there are many players who would purchase such a DLC. The game’s rock solid and still- after five years- has great development potential. Sitting on this game and releasing tidbits is nothing short of a waste of that potential.

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“To take down tyrants in the next update, you must collect data chips from rivals. Initiate a level 3 base assault. Locate the hatch. Destroy its shield generators. Enter the bunker. The coordinate data can be put into the terminal to locate the tyrant you’re searching for.”

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2kg Vulcan.
That Brings us back to a weights revamp :sweat_smile:

Heck yeah! Them robots better run I can hear the shudders and worry from the them … Those weapons are sick cool awesome . WHoooo love gen zeeee .

Im not too happy bout the base assault and level 3 but oh well…but by the way where will this bunker be what area what location exactly ? id like to go there know and scout it out even though it aint there just be there knowing this bunker will be there . Any one can help me with that id greatly appreciate your time . :smiley:

No i am missing only 2 gnomes # 14 and 19 i have found them but they dont register on my gnomes so its at 98% for 2 yrs now lol is there a way i can solve this i tried joining another game someone elses map but again they dont show up is this gnome stuff bugged as im only missing the 2 ??