New teasers for the Skyfire Update (25 june '24)

If it is the location it’s been gagging for something interesting for 12 months. I hope they sort the see in pitch dark cave, so you can’t.

Could be just another round you craft (experimental) that burns like a flare. The trigger is pulled and starts the chemical chain reaction till it burns out. You eject spent round and load another. Simple to add the round, schematic and use already in game resources or add a few more.

It does sound cool and fun im excited BUT theres no mention of a NEW island or new area to explore and SO SO SO MANY people are asking for this we need some new land and areas to explore cause we have seen and done everything in what we have . I still hope we get a new area not huge but something new to explore even that small island off to the west or in hmjfall. Fingers crossed :smiley:

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Don’t hope too much.
The devs always stated that there are no plans for the islands yet.

We get a new soviet boss-machine and a new experimental weapons plus new augmentations.
Although it doesn’t sound much at first, it’s really great. These are all things that “we” wanted.

And we even get more (i.e. for the companion armor…really cool… And I have a feeling that some additions will be revealed with the official patch notes. Bugsfixes and so on.

but we wanted new island read facebook etc TONS want a new area so do u honestly i hate to say it but until that happens theres no point i mean theres no story no missions anymore just same exploration 100 times of the same houses bunkers etc so i might stop playing until a dlc and new island comes out . Uggggg i dont wanna but i am bored a bit

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These are all great but noone gets my point whats the use if we have no new stories or missions to follow and expand the story … great weapons but shooting at the same robots in the same place and collecting weapons etc i have literally now 4 of each color weapons lol im gonna shoot for 5 of the gold and 5 of experimental but new areas make the exploration fun … and im tired of the same places. still fun but need a lil more spice up

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I see, but don’t you think that a new DLC with story, an island larger than Himfjäl and everything related to it takes very much time?

I believe that we’ll get some new narrative with the new update, similar as we got with the dangerous skies update (firebirds).

Maybe there will even be some changes to the mountain region, but who knows.

And btw … every game with a story and a limited area at some point becomes boring. That’s normal. Just small additions which affect every part of the game and random events and procedual missions, daily/weekly tasks can make the game not become boring… And of course what you do with all you’ve got.

Do you have all the collectibles? That takes up most of the time and you will need to explore places you don’t explore just doing missions and fighting machines to complete all collectibles. But I would not mind something different than just same but different machine and weapons.

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I hope we can, one day get an end to the story. Like one final battle where at the end we know that FNIX is dead and that there is no more backups to save him. Then the game gives us a choice to start a new game or to keep fighting

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It’s not a classical story-driven linear singleplayer game, so I don’t believe that this will ever happen. Maybe in a sequel.

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Perhaps, but as an expansion it also something we would pay for, happily in my case. An expansion would also keep the game fresh and intersting to new players. Sounds like well invested time to me.

All in all this update looks pretty fun, i feel slightly excited even. Not to sure about the new experimental, but we will see.


I don’t say the opposite.
I just assume that they don’t have enough ressources to do their current daily work plus the development of such a great new (paid) DLC.

In my personal point of view it would also be well invested time, because I would buy it.
The question is: do the stakeholders have the same oppinion or do they think that the costs and the invested time and ressources aren’t worth the effort?


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I the playerbase had supported a large expansion DLC it would have happend a long time ago becouse money. Currently the playerbase obviously only support a trickle of vanity DLC’s and smaller updates. But its also a chicken and egg situatiuon, people are less intrested in paying for a “dead” game.

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As I said… Prepare for skyfall.


The Vulture is approaching. Are you ready? Join Carni and Ash for a special launch-day Q&A livestream on Tuesday as the Tyrant is unleashed.

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A new weapons pack is part of the new update it seems


What brings you to that idea?

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A discord thing?

What we see on this image are

If that’s true, it’ll be a great day for the community.
These are the some of the most wanted weapons for years now. Of course, there are some automatic rifles that are also on the most wanted list, but hey :tada: