New update a bit OP

Please stop the machines coming through closed doors and walls. It seems to be every fight now. I have also noticed they can shoot down through the floor when you are in the basement of a block of flats. I wait until I can see the direction the rockets are launched then sprint right or left. This does not help as they land in front of me. How do they know mid flight to change direction? The game seems to be heavily biased against the solo player now.


Merged post.


I have been following this topic for a while as well and no, I donā€™t see players enjoying this no matter the skill level.
Sure, some do, but the vast majority of players donā€™t (in here).
I am an experienced player and I enjoyed playing this with my wife all the way to max level.

Now itā€™s just unreal. I donā€™t mind evading and sneaking and using tactics to achieve my goal. There are other games where you can go in guns blazing and auto-rgenerate health.
But the game has to make sense to itself, be coherent. Teleporting robots, laser missiles and infinite pinpoint accuracyā€¦well no.

I really like the game so I hope to see it back to its normal self soon.


as iā€™ve said the things that are bugs i.e shooting through walls and popping up inside houses these things are BS and need fixed.

the enviroment is still there you just now have to be careful when you explore and not walk about like nothing can touch you cause thats what it was pre patch. also gonna take this moment to point out to you the character you play as in the game is a teenager in the 1980ā€™s your not some big army dude/woman not every robot is there to be fought at the time you see it.


True, this is a Sweden occupied by hostile machines.

Iā€™m another player who enjoys the new update.

Iā€™m so far lvl 17 playing Guerilla, normally 1-2 players with scaling difficulty. So blue weapons and halfway specced character. Before the patch combat had grown pretty stale. We could roam the map, fighting and destroying anything we encountered. Pretty much we were hunting robots. Now? Now the robots own this land. We move cautiously, we make fighting withdrawals, and weā€™re forced to fight smarter, utilize equipment and with better focus. Combat is exciting, and we feel like underdogs fighting the occupants.

Judging by peopleā€™s comments it seems like they need to correct Adventure, since I agree it should be more welcoming to new players and anyone who wants to enjoy exploring, etc. If thereā€™s not a significant difference between difficulties why have them. This is a good chance to set that difference.

Keep up the work devs! Some tweaking should be done for sure and outright bugs should be fixed. But man, this is intense. I for one welcome our new robot overlords.


Thanks for replying akje, my read on the overall topic was probably a bit off, it was a generalisation from what Iā€™ve seen on here and discord,as I mentioned i only play adventure on solo, so itā€™s good to hear another side from an experienced player.

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because of this debate iā€™ve started a new character, not to in any way prove that the game is playable on guerrilla mode but just cause i want to test it out.


I understand your point but I would still recommend to try to have a friendlier attitude maybe someone would be more interested in your opinion. Just saying

edit: i think the post i replied to got removed

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Finnaly you are understading out point if view!

They didnā€™t really ruin the GAME, per seā€¦they did ruin the experience of playing the gameā€¦ Iā€™ve actually started going back to the archipelago region, to loot the slightly easier bots for ammo and supplies, because thatā€™s the only way i can get those things relatively safely.

As to the 3-wave limitā€¦ you may change your thinking on that, when i tell you that the different classes of harvester call down different numbers of hunters for backup.

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Removed personal attacks.

@Nunomag, @Nistr0 - keep it civil!



Easy fix! Make an option to play solo only just for the solo players. Also AI behavior should be based on difficulty.

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Wow dude none, here is out to get you. Iā€™m pretty sure that most here understand that youā€™re frustrated, and somethings could use a tweak here and there, I agree, but the attitude and the victim mentality is not needed
Frankly I think you should try to focus more on adapting your playstyle because I was also upset but decided to try to figure it out

This is not a personal attack against you we are all in this boat, some like it while some donā€™t.
All we can do is to try to make the best of it.


I donā€™t think ANYONE bought the game to hold their hand, and tell them how good they are. You say you bought it for a challengeā€¦thatā€™s what difficulty levels are for, and they worked beautifully. I play solo on adventure. This provided enough resistance to be challenging, while not overwhelming, so i could focus on the gameā€™s story.

Right now, thereā€™s no discernible difference between difficulty levels, that i can see. iā€™m watching people playing on harder difficulty levels, and their experiences are mirroring my own. arty spam, gas spam, overwhelming numbers of enemies appearing from seemingly nowhere, shooting through walls, melee through walls, outright clipping through walls, and fragging you from inside the building youā€™re in, enemies disappearing, and reappearing in different places, enemies being able to see you from impossible distances, and IMMEDIATELY going red, alerting every machine in a square kilometer to your locationā€¦ Itā€™s insanity.

Right now, itā€™s damn near impossible to get anything done in terms of story and missions, because i end up spending most of my time, stuck on the 2nd floor of a house, or in a church tower, getting pounded to hell, by an absolutely ludicrous number of machines, and often i canā€™t even go downstairs because a bunch of the have either clipped into the building, or outright spawned in the building. Oh, and letā€™s not forget about how safehouses arenā€™t safe anymore. They can attack you in safehouses, they can actually walk right up to, and into safehouses. No, this is nuts. I didnā€™t buy this game to be frustrating, i bought it to be fun. Iā€™ve only been playing for a couple of weeks, and right up until this update, i was having a lot of fun with it. Now, not so much.

And as to your solution to ā€œrun like hellā€ā€¦ have you honestly tried to run from a hunter? They run stupid fast, and have unlimited stamina. if youā€™re a relatively new player, and havenā€™t had a chance to upgrade your stamina, youā€™re screwed.


They also basically donā€™t lose aggro anymore. At all, considering aggro remains PAST RESPAWN. So all running means is you die tired.


No, they have a game thatā€™s just gotten a severely bugged updateā€¦and the way they will deal with this, is by getting a refund, and adding to the growing number of negative reviews.

There is no way the devs would intentionally break the game this bad. There are bugs, they will be squashed, and the players will be happen again. Itā€™s just going to take a little time. The outcry from some players, for varying levels of difficulty is the entire reason why the devs implemented difficulty levels in the first place. They wouldnā€™t deliberately troll the userbase by making all of the difficulty levels carbon copies of the hardest level.

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iā€™ve also stated the things in your 2nd paragraph i THINK are bugs and are BS and need fixed im not defending that at all and when you get stuck in that situation it sucks especially if you cant get away (spent about an hour locked at a bunker as i couldnt get out to carry on story)

i asked yesterday on the live stream to get clarifaction on somthing that does annoy me in the new patch which you have mentioned and that was " are tank and harvester missles working as intened" and i got the answer of yes they are now a huge part of me thinks that sucks as i enjoy playing from a sniper gameplay and from looking down the scope to coming out of it(mob about 200 meters away) im already hit by missles unable to dodge.

i have noticed if you miss a seeker then you end up with loads of bots around and they have also started going in packs of 3 or 4 iā€™ve seen so even if you miss one then its jsut a pain train as for the harvesters and the hunters they call down that is jsut annoying and really makes you think about targets and weapons(to remove).

from what i have seen in my own game my lads game the issue comes form the afore mentioned bugs of them getting to you in the safehouses and such which once again i THINK is BS and does need fixed.

BTW i only started playing this game about 2 weeks ago as well


If you started playing around the same time i did, then perhaps, like me, you can show a little more empathy for those of us who feel like theyā€™ve just had the rug pulled out from under them by this update. I was used to the gameā€™s mechanics, the combat system, and had a pretty good feel for how to sneak around, to avoid combatā€¦now itā€™s all different. Iā€™m finding it difficult, if not outright impossible to progress any further than i already have. Iā€™m a level 10 now, iā€™ve got 26 hours in, and i play on the easiest difficulty. As i said, i like a challengeā€¦challenges are fun. This has gone from challenging enough to be fun, to frustrating, immensely unpleasant, and miserable. I really just want to be able to go back to sneaking around, avoiding combat as much as i can, and seeing more of this interesting story.

Theyā€™ve crafted something unique and beautiful hereā€¦ the artwork, atmosphere, machine design, the lore, the story, the musicā€¦the whole world theyā€™ve created here is breathtakingā€¦ itā€™s a place i want to spend more time inā€¦ it would be a shame to let it be utterly ruined by awful bugs, and an outright oppressive combat system.

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All the things you agree are BS are exactly the things people like me are saying makes the game unplayable - because any detection leads to death, and dying doesnā€™t clear the aggro. There are two halves to that problem - the fact that someone who has 35% resistance to bullet, gas, and explosion damage cannot survive for ANY time against current bots is the half folks saying ā€˜itā€™s awesomeā€™ donā€™t seem to get.

Let me reiterate something from my first post: A SINGLE SHOT from a Concussion Rifle puts me to 12 health. 88 damage. Even if itā€™s not bullet, gas, or explosion, itā€™s still being reduced by 25%. Any attack that leaves me with less than 25 health is INSTANTLY LETHAL to anyone who does not have Vanguard. Hell, if everything but Apoc tox attacks falls into those categories, any attack that leaves me less than 35 health is instantly lethal to a player without as much resistance. And at the moment, the only available strategy for me to deal with being detected is zerg my face into the bots and respawn as needed, not bothering to use adrenaline or medkits - because thatā€™s just throwing away resources which might, in the future, if the game gets rebalanced to be less insane, be useful again.

That is not fun. It is not engaging. Itā€™s, quite frankly, depressing, disheartening, and a good reason to not play right now. Doubly so because, having gone for the Vanguard spec with a sideline in enhanced medkits, I literally cannot get stealth skills. Not enough points left to earn. So I get detected without line of sight, which leads toā€¦see where Iā€™m going?

Can you see why I think this is a problem?