New Weapon Ideas

@Sampardan Its in the game mate just not currently a weapon. This idea has been discussed. would you like to know where to find the set pieces or should I call a moderator to merge with weapons requests?

I was suggesting it as a weapons request, but I would also like to know about the set pieces, which I was not previously aware of.

how far into the game are you and what platform?

I am playing PC, and just finished the “Over and Out” mission.

Same discussion topics merged.


I made a whole thread on the subject a year ago:

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Oh superb thanks mate, I’ll enjoy reading this later as the more I dissolve into this game, the more I see the opportunities that have been missed to really give a feel of what was actually available at the time.

Nice profile pic as well, god I miss Goldeneye.


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I’d love to see an M14 as a sidegrade to the AG4, with comparably more kick and more damage. Can’t speak to its historical accuracy, maybe there would have been some present somewhere in Sweden, but that’s a bit of a reach.
While I’m at it, I’d like to see a Colt M1917 or something comparable, that’d use 9mm with a slower rate of fire and slightly higher damage. (Everyone knows that revolvers in games do more damage, after all.)
Finally, an 80s classic that’d be above and beyond cool to see would be a SPAS-12. Semi-auto and stylish, and probably a neat sidegrade to the Sjoqvist.

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They should have made the semi auto the experimental.

I can forgive the AG4 over the AG5 as it takes a lot of time to master it. The AG4 is the safe bet.

But the pump over the semi-auto? The 6 pump is good, especially with bird shot but would have preferred the 5 bang.

Semi auto gang! Its way better than the 12G cuz it can decimate runners so fast. The exp shotties just eats at your ammo.

Pure support weapon. There are far better main’s available that as you rightly put, do more damage for less ammo.

Yeah i did a comparison between them. 10 bullets and the amount of kills I got. exp shottie got 5, semi auto got 8. 50% to 80% is a big margin.

Devs have stated that every firearm (weapon) gets experimental version eventually.
(Reason why i stated firearm is because devs made that statement before melee weapons were added to the game.)

For the time being, we have experimental weapon in each weapon class, except in melee weapon class (since those just got added to the game).


Well…there may be another experimental on the way :slight_smile:

I have a good idea what one of the next exp weapons will be.

Yes then! I want a new hunting rifle. I never use them anymore. EXP WEPS Gang

Not a new weapon as such, but giving me the ability to attach a sticky flare to the head of another player would be great.

Right now im just limited to leaving gas bottles at peoples feet and shooting them. On that note, please could you make us a gas bottle that propels players a greater distance if they are caught in the blast.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Just to add to this,
You know those trumpets that the drones drop occasionally?
Would be great if we could also attach them to other players and make the duration of the noise longer.
Same with sticky flares, i cant attach them my team mates :slight_smile:
I know i’m deviating from the general aim of the game here but its also a lot of fun :slight_smile:

This is a little off topic but… anyone else felt the need to add a laser or a bayonet onto weapons for fun or usage. This is just something I would like to see in a future content update. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would be happy to have a shotgun with a magazine instead of manuly putting each shell into it

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