New weapon pack coming

At the time of purchase Yesterday 17/12/2020 Greenwhich mean time 18.00 (6PM), there was no DLC message with that info in the European Portuguese PS store.
Maybe they were busy deleting Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation store at that time lol.

Today at this time i confirm the same DLC message info is indeed available.

Before any of the weapons were being announced, everyone was arguing over “It’s pay to win!” “No its not, don’t jump the gun!” and “You can’t have pay to win in PVE, that’s impossible!” and blah blah blah.
As soon as they start announcing the individual guns, the people with gun knowledge emerge and start deliberating over the firing modes and ammo types and what version would be being produced vs in-service for the time period and…
Its a welcome change in mood.

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People need to be more patient and actually review things only after they are available.


The thing i’m saying is that the community has such a negative stance on anything new, With a big horde mentality. As soon as someone says 1 thing (for example that the weapon pack is p2w) Alot of other people will start jumping to the gun.

They do not “research” themself or try to come up with what they think off the dlc. Which will then maybe ruin the future of the game because the devs see all the pointless hate of the dlc which can make them not do more dlc’s like this in the future.

Thats why i’m saying in my og post that “I can’t wait for people to say it’s too expensive and then say it’s p2w” which was a sarcastic way to say that it won’t happen. Because they realise that it is not p2w after all. I’ve not seen a single person state that the dlc is p2w after release. Cus it was a stupid ass claim without logic.

That is the end of my hot take.


As I had first-hand experience and pack is cheap (~2L of good beer for pack), I’d say it’s not pay-to-win - built-in experimentals do better in all aspects.
I didn’t expecing much at first, so I couldn’t be dissappointed to much in the first place.
Guns are one way or another balanced, compared to buildt-in alternatives - they posess interesting quirk or provide a good mid-ground for vanilla guns, but not OP (again, expies do the deed waaaaay better).

I’m satisfied they way it do now, yet it still has rough edges here and there.

Ok so in the reveal shown below. The N60 is shown to have the standard M60 rear iron sight. But it has none in game. Is that a bug? Or what. Because I see no other reason to remove it. Makes no sense to not have a rear sight.

In-game N60


So i got that new weapon pack.
I had tried out the Beretta Pistol.

Looks good and in a combat, not bad. Her sound is very close to the original.
The damage is good, shot some Runners and my feeling is the three star Berreta causes the same damage as the exp Klaucke. (Glock)

Good work and nice optic. :+1:

Alright. So I have gotten some info on 5c U.S Weapon drops, Be aware. This is not confirmed. Not saying this is 100% correct. It is based on my observations. Along with what others on the discord have gotten.

Anyways. The 5* N60 seems to drop from apoc tanks the best.
the 5* N16 seems to drop from apoc harvesters
the 5* N9 seems to drop from apoc hunters.

Yesterday I found the 5* N9 and its 5* magazine. Both from apoc hunters.
Edit: Just found a 5* N9 magazine on military hunter.

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Congrats @Gysbert Does she look the same as the 3* or has she a other skin? Like the five star Glock with the silver sled.

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It looks like this. But it has a 5* magazine that has the same number of bullets as the 4* magazine, namely 23 bullets. So that might be a mistake. Good to see you back.

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Looks really fine. I had a gunfight with five runners and downed them all with the Beretta. Love this gun.
It is also nice to see you back. :smile:

The devs knows about it and we will prob have a hotfix coming in january about that.

I realized that too, and for me it was a new thing in this forum. There are more heated debates but I don’t remember seeing something at that level of anger against something that everyone didn’t know since the dlc hadn’t been released yet. Anyway, I don’t want restart the controversy and I hope it ends here.


It is not a mistake. Glock has same mags upgrades. It just M9 has two bullets less.

Only it’s no upgrade if the magazine specs are the same. :wink: So why call one the 4* and the other 5*? You would expect 25 bullets for the 5*.

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Eh. It doesn’t matter to me what is shooting the bullet. The end result is the same; to kill robots. I might even be open to the idea of holding a yellow gun making squeaky noises while shooting lol. I would have preferred they work on more robot models, but I am sure many will enjoy holding a murican weapon. :crazy_face:

hm… I already recycled old mag, but I’ll keep an eye for that stuff.

How about the machines all look and sound the same as a yellow bath duck? :hatched_chick:

I have still have both 4 and 5 crown mags, they both load 23 bullets.