New weapon pack coming

@helldiver I don´t use twitter, but it´s in the first message from this comment discussion page!
It´s also on facebook…and other places…
Cosmetic? They are bringing “new guns” not just some cosmetic items.
What a crazy talk…

I have mentioned cosmetic because you have a new weapon that is only chic :grinning: but has no more effect than the other, when the devs would keep it in balance.

The M60 is very fiddly for changing the barrel when it is hot fired and the M4 is known as not really save in function.

I see this weapons only for the look

Do you realise that the m16 is prob gonna be a burst only weapon? And calling the cosmetic is pretty weird cus they will have different stats than the other guns…


Are you really shure about this?

In a combat situation you will IRL give short bursts. I know that the M4 and later weapons have a three shot automatic

It´s better to argue for silly and weird reasons than arguing because there is a new Weapon pack DLC.
But I have to say, this is really weird :joy::rofl:
@helldiver And the game is not Real Life, the weapons do not represent their real counterparts.
Stop looking at it like that.

If the M16 here follows regular shooter conventions, the M16 will have semi automatic, and 3 round burst. Also only the M4 had burst. The M4A1 and on does not.

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In almost every game in existance the m16 is burst locked and you can sometimes change it to semi. It’s most probable that the m16 will be burst to make it more uniqe. And they alredy have a system for burst because the Ai-76 has a toggeleable burst fire mode in the game.

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That’s correct, but as a trained shooter you give short bursts because this is more effective.

Yes, But you said the M4 and on had 3 shot automatic. Which is incorrect. They only have automatic and semi-automatic. The M4 has a 3 round burst, and semi. But after that. The M4 series had automatic and semi. But lets just get back on topic.

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Yes, that’s all correct i meant with later weapons others than the americans. For example the HK 416


But let’s go back on topic

Lets not forget people that this game is in the 80’s. They are not going to introduce weapons that were not widely available in that time period. While the M4 was made in the 80’s, it was not in service until the 90’s.
All of the weapons currently in the game (excluding experimental types) are widely available (some since the 60’s).
What’s the point of a game with a set motif (robots) or year (80’s) if you are just going to ignore it or break it.

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gimme gimme gimme


Doesn’t that thing only fire smoke and tear gas canisters (which would be useless against machines)? Or are you referring to Arnies terminator?

And that grenade launcher is from the 90`s not from the 80´s!
But i do want an Arnie as sidekick :joy:


Ok I did some research. We are only told we will be getting an N16, which I am sure is just a non copyrighted name for the M16. Now the question is. What M16?

There are multiple versions, the M16, M16A1, M16A2, M16A3, and M16A4. The first two have automatic, along with the M16A3. The other are semi, and 3 round burst. The game takes place late 1989, and early 1990. The rifle the U.S would be using is the M16A2. Which was in service 1982. The M16A3 would not come till 1994. So if the devs follow irl guns/gun history. The M16 we will get will be 3 round burst and semi-automatic only.

And I wouldn’t mind a reprogrammed Runner as a sidekick. It’s lonely out there without a companion. And man’s best friend is the dog (or next best dog-like thing).

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is this suppose to be a joke or are you dead serious?
There are many versions.
And in fact the M4 already existed in 1989, just not in most places,used mostly by special forces.
But come on…it does not matter
it´s just going to be the m16, it will have burst fire, and then we will see what other firemodes it has.

Was created in 83 but did not go into service till the 90’s
Produced and in service are 2 different things.
If a weapon was not in wide service, there is practically no way it would end up in Sweden in large enough amounts

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WIth a blue or green colour, instead of the red from the optic cameras and sensors.

The M4 was developed in 1991 and produced since 1994! In 1989 there was only the M16