Norrmyra Artillery Base + FOA 2

I tried forever and never got the right angle to trigger - now can do it easily since i know where to go

There is a way in, you can place field radio trough the cap between doors to other side. Then just fast travel.

What I like is that even this minor update is in the patch notes.

You know that you can just open the door, right?

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On PC version you get the round marker, but even pressing action key nothing happens.


I always focus roughly the center of the left door, approx. on breast hight, and press interaction -> door opens.

I tested this just now for you on PC.



Nice .gif! We can show it to anyone wanting to open that door in the future :slight_smile:

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Whre is please the FOA 2 Base?

Mind the thread title…

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Oh sorry for the question

No, you didn’t get it, Norrmyra is the place to go if you want to find FOA2… :wink:

I am on the Base at Norrmyra Attillery Base, but the door opens not? It show not (e open the door)?

It is right the left door opens, but the marker is not in the middle how on the others fences and doors! And on the right door appears nothing to open

It’s a secret research base. It’s not clear if you even should be able to get in.

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Im pretty sure we should not be able to enter that site, but now when everyone and their grandmother knows how, well, theres that.

For what is the Base? There is nothing in it? Sorry?

Pointless… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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An FOA base is top secret defence research. As you see when you approach the compound, there’s a security station outside, and those huge green doors. There aren’t any cues suggesting we should wander in. No easy door handle, no sign saying “entrance” or “ingång”. No toot-and-come-in. With the other bunkers we have keycards or doors to unlock. With FOA2, we do not.

If you explore around Norrmyra, you’ll find …


the army base on top, a small residential sector, and some doors leading to the underground complex.
Those doors are locked and there’s no legitimate way in. Then there’s the FOA2 Arena . We can get in that part, and look around. There’s ammo to pick up but nothing else to interact with.

So yes, there’s nothing in it. But there is some value to exploring the world and trying to find interesting things through persistence. Some of the world building and environmental story telling is done through just that.

Speculation and (if I'm right) spoilers

The whole setup of FOA2 hints at some kind of experiments or combat research being done, but it’s been abandoned or evacuated in quite a hurry. It appears the the underground complex would feed something to the central lift in the arena since the entrances for it are low enough under the hill. There is a makeshift management shelter by the “main doors” and I suspect the smaller pads would be for some control or management tools. Maybe some kind of EMP tower to keep the monster - whatever it was - tethered to the arena. I imagine the complex was used for some heavy testing for the SM program, and wouldn’t be at all surprised if (in game terms) players are going to get their wave/raid mode with waves and waves of robots that they’ve been asking for. Probably with some kind of boss monster.

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Ok thanks for the good explain

Continuing the discussion from Norrmyra Artillery Base:

Would be cool who there would be a broken old KILLER robot that would be reactivated later