PC - Game won't stay in windowed mode

I prefer to run the game in the “Borderless Window” setting.

But, when I restart the game I have to reapply this setting. it always defaults to “Fullscreen” instead.

I use a Ryzen 3600 cpu, a 6700 gtx GPU, Windows 10 with all latest updates.

I guess it’s just me?

I am sure it is not just you, I have seen this being mentioned before. There are just not many people active on this forum.

See: [PC] Display Mode Option Not Saved Across Sessions

Edit: I checked on my PC, and indeed it reverted back to fullscreen. It didn’t before for me. But I seem to still be able to alt-tab to check something outside the game. Doesn’t that (alt-tabbing) work with you?

Alt tab does work, but i think because i run a multi-monitor setup too that sometimes when I go back into the game, I start getting weird graphical glitches and anomalies. As long as I can keep it in windowed, no issues.

So you have to set it each time you start playing, assuming it stays in windows-mode during a game session? I understand that can get bothersome.

About every other time time. So, I set it and apply. Play the game normal.

Stop and exit. Do something else for a while.

Play some more, just fine.

Stop and exit. Do something else for a while.

come back to the game again, it’s changed to Fullscreen again.

rinse repeat.

And it doesn’t matter if I play for an hour of an entire day. this is the normal pattern now.

I can’t say if I have seen a solution for this, so it’s up to the devs to see if they can fix it.
Until then, you have to live with the inconvenience of periodically re-setting the the display mode to windowed or borderless. :coffee: