Plans for base building?

Well, my idea is/was more in tune of improving already existing safehouse with more missions and lore (similar as in Mad Max) rather than building safehouse/base from scratch as it is common theme with base building.

Basically like the “Ghosts of the Past” mission (collect set items, build set thing that serves a purpose and gives visual, albeit small, improvement to the safehouse/base).

If implemented in a way similar to Mad Max, where the safehouse improvement is just a small touch to the game (enriching the game in small way), rather than big part of it then i don’t mind it.

As we already had this conversation in a different topic, you know I am very pro this idea of refurnishing existing bunkers.
As far as I am concerned, this could even go darn far, since, these are ‘safe’ spots, quite mech proof.
Hmmm, if only I remembered in which topic… :thinking:
Either way, we’re both DARN similar in this regard!
I too prefer purity than anything else…
Heck, I very much DISLIKE impurities.
And I hope they will remove the ‘Plundra and bike bugs’. XD (jk here)

How do the base build requesters see this, just what do they want, how do they see the workings and details, and how would they fit it in the story, the game, the reality?
Magic, like the stalking Plundra?

^This…This & This again…Way back when there was a thread here about doing this then having waves…Alpine proved a few months after it could be done & fit with the guerrilla vs campy play of this game. More like this but not as a one time mission would be very cool…That said 1st they have to fix stability issues it would stink to do all the work get on wave 3 of 5 & have the game crash loosing all progress as is happening now on Xbox. The crashing right now is the worst I have ever seen & the very long delays for any console fix are painful.

Thank you, sir.
Obviously, braking the bug… err… FIXING the bugs is THE priority!
I fully agree.

Strange, several responses, but those actually asking to near demanding it… do not respond?
Could you please be so kind to tell me just what technique you would expect/request?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

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Complete bases would be crazy, imagine being able to take over a building as a “home base” and to set up defenses like traps or advanced traps for protection. I would like to be able to take over a small shack as a safe house with my own crafting bench and apparel bench to go back to anytime.

Kind of unnecessary.

Some safehouse upgrades could be nice, but there’s not much point to setting up traps, and automated defenses wouldn’t really fit the setting.


Agreeable, I would like it much better like that.

As we see in the March update there are buildings scattered around the archipelago what if we could build those like the barricades and towers and it would work with crafting to have a base so you have to break a tree with a axe maybe a new melee weapon then collect other materials to build them and the materials could also be used for crafting so how it works is you collect materials build a base and maybe you could make it so we could also build crafting tables and lock boxes to build in the base.


GZ is focused on the exploration and where you’re constantly on the move, hence the safehouses all over the map. Settling down just doesn’t fit with the style of GZ.

Though, there are dedicated games out there for collecting resources, building bases type of gameplay, like: Rust, DayZ, 7 Days to Die. Latter game is something i play alongside GZ to fill my base building need. :slightly_smiling_face:

If such a system really gets added to the game, I don’t feel like free-form base building like Ark or Fallout 4 would be the best solution, so here’s how I’d do it:

I would create a system that’s similiar to a mix of Far Cry and Mad Max/State of Decay.
There would be certain locations, for example Masskar Resistance or Saltholmen Naval Base, that you’d have to clear of enemies. Then, the resistance/military/police/Iron Church/whoever would move in and secure the place.
Now you could start building.
Avalanche could just copy the system from their Mad Max game. In this game, each major stronghold had some unfinished building projects, for example a water collector, that, once finished, would refill your water flask once a day. In GZ this could for example be a medical post that generates a few medical supplies per day, a kitchen that gives you a buff once a day, or an artillery piece that allows you to call in fire support, etc…
If they really wanted to, they could also do what State of Decay did, and give each base a few empty slots, where you can pick a building from a list.

I’m not sure whether or not NPCs and base building would fit into the game, but if they were added, that’s how I personally would like it the most.


How about collecting NPC survivors, assign them to safehouses you’ve discovered and then they’ll reinforce that location with nearby resources, and the loot you as a player place in a “base storage box”?

So instead of the player being a base builder, the RNG professions of the survivors rescued will determine the development of the bases?

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So if you’d assign a doctor to a safehouse they’d build a medical post, if you’d assign a cook they’d build a kitchen, etc. ?

Also a cool idea.

Your idea is very similar to mine, which i suggested last year in here: A Little Idea I Have for More NPCs

I think that such safehouse improvements are well fitting for GZ since they would be just a small touch to the game (enriching the game in small way), rather than being a big part of it.
Basically like the “Ghosts of the Past” mission in Himfjäll (collect set items, build set thing that serves a purpose and gives visual, albeit small, improvement to the safehouse/base).

Precisely, and if you find some soldiers and a construction worker, maybe they start building some fortifications

In my aspect , it would be a nice thing to be able to build a small camp with defenses and be able to get raided by machines every once in a while and be able to have mini games like card games, chess, shooting practice etc. If there is going to be a full deep crafting system it should tie a bit with this so you could be able to start a small farm and grow a bit of limited consumables. Would ya want anything similiar or related or even more features implemented to already in-game safe house’s?


Sounds a lot like 7 Days To Die. :roll_eyes:

GZ is a game where player char is intended to be constantly on the move (similar to DayZ), rather than settling down, building your house and plant crops.


I chose this game because it’s not a building and crafting game. So I can’t say I would like that.

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naah no need for that.

What we need is a few urgent fixes on difficulty scaling and some of the loot should be fixed.

I think base building would kill the game since there are so many of them.
I think to some extent that just gathering ammo and gathering a few materials is just fine.
So as it is i would like to see more cars to loot and some other houses many of them are the same.
and i would like to see the loot abundance of some rare weapons a bit higher.

I would also like to see that the grenade launcher gets a decent buff on dmg output.
The reason being is cause it is to low and does not break parts… thats kinda silly.
Tanks and harvesters should go down easier. what me and my GF noted it really doesnt.
Youre better of with light machine gun or assult rifle. so you break parts and it dies easier.

The later stage is still har to find tier 3 weapons and upgrades they are rare… i find it silly. Should have a good chance to find better weapons and upgrades. They are hard to come by.
Millitary bunkers should have good weapons and such ehh nope.
So atm i really do not see the benefit of base crafting.

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I wouldn’t mind some recurring missions where we would have to go to one of the resistance bases that is under siege :arrow_forward: defeat machines :arrow_forward: fortify :arrow_forward: defeat few waves of machines :arrow_forward: get some fancy gear as a reward.


Following @0L0 idea, i would like to see 1 resistance base per region where there is a constant struggle and where you have some continuous missions and you upgrade the Resistance Base.
Filling the game with buildable bases everywhere would be a big mistake.
Putting that aside:

  • You would have 2 or 3 missions per base
  • One of the missions would include to survive a siege and it would be a continuous mission
  • Siege mission would be optional and would happen under the circumstances that the player communicates with either the outside world or to another Resistance base, using a small Communication tower.
  • Resistance bases could be upgraded and could be damaged after a siege attack requiring repairs after.
  • Rare attachments or items could be the rewards

What you guys think?