Please nerf experimental weapons!

At what difficulty setting are you playing?

If you don’t like it, don’t use it, simple as that…

And imho for a solo player these weapons are very welcome to get rid of a large bunch of machines when the shit hits the fan and the small “hey I shoot these pack of runners”-fight fastly evolves to a huge “every damned machine from the vicinity joins in”-fight with tanks, harvesters and a huge bunch of hunters and runners…

So for me it’s no thanks, leave the Exp weapons as they are and if you don’t like them, don’t use them…

My 2 ct


As mentioned. The use of experimenal weapons is 100% optional!

I want them the way they are.
Others too…

You are free to use only 5* weapons.
Or 4*, 3*, 2*, 1*…



Just leave the gun on the ground. I do that with all exp weapons. They suck in my opinion. To powerful and I want my weapons to be real not fantasy.

As for me - every 10th lobby isn’t adventure, every 5th lobby doesn’t have exp pvg90 or exp kvm59 because host didn’t found it yet and then here and there drop in high-level and high-gear player. MP game instantly become dull and that sound of that gun wore on me to cringeness…

I mean due to their power and factor of ammo recycling, it’s rare to see lobbies with more diverse gameplay.

The same idea has been asked before and there’s a lengthy discussion about it in here: Most, if not all Experimental Weapons need to be Nerfed

From that topic, to which i also agree:


I like the experimentals to stay as powerful as they are. Just recycle all your experimentals and 5 star weapons and the challenge is back.


I’m thinking, perhaps the PVG90 could use a delay between each shot? Charge up the coils before firing, similar to the weapon that Tanks carry, to make it more balanced :thinking:


“Charged shot”? Could use that.
Hold down fire button to charge coils. 2 sec should be good spot.
Extra - firemodes: “semi-auto” equals 5* pvg90, “charge” - for slow and powerful shots.

The big problem for me is that I can’t play multiplayer with other random players and even some friends. There is always someone running around with an exp blasting everything to pieces. The exp weapons ruined the fun part of the game.

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I’m fine with how powerful most of them are, though the Exp PVG is a bit overpowered, though I usually go for a hunting rifle anyway.

Thanks for all your opinions!

I really like the idea of a charged shot. It would allow the gun to do either normal damage or full damage with a charged shot.

I am playing on guerilla and still I think it’s a little bit too easy sometime, event without the sniper.

Is there any way to make the game harder? Is it harder with guerilla+difficulty scaling or without? (4 players)

You could change things slightly so that the exp weapons need their own specific ammo rather than using the same as their regular counterparts. If it is harder to come by or manufacture then it would mean using the exp weapons becomes a far more tactical choice.

As far as making the game harder I would change the way that the rivals and reaper spawn to FNIX reacting to you as an escalating threat. Kill enough regular machines and progress the story far enough and the rivals get deployed. Do the same with the rivals and the reaper is unleashed. But in between the rivals and reaper deployment I would have a dedicated hunter killer mech based around a modified Stridsvagn 103 that plays to the strengths and weaknesses of the tank (such as the autoloader allowing the main gun to fire every 2-3 seconds but only having 50 rounds to use before it has to rearm) and having it chase players around the entire map not just sections of it.

I play solo and I don’t think it’s easy at all, not even with the PVG.
But if you attack with four people, it is obviously a lot easier. If you don’t have 4 times as much enemies shooting at you, as when you play alone. I often have more than 20 machines firing at me. You should have 80.

What I don’t understand is that now people are saying the game is too easy, while others are requesting bigger Plundra space, easier and quicker sorting the inventory, better loot spawning pool, more skills, higher chance for weapons dropping, all these requests help to make the game easier.


I admit I use the exp pvg and lmg and I still get hammered when playing certain parts of the map solo so at the moment I think that the balance is more or less in the right place.

The bigger plundra space I can understand to a degree, especially with base building coming in. In fact I would suggest splitting the plundra in the same way Fallout 1st does so that you end up with 2 seperate containers, one for building/crafting materials and the other for weapons, ammo etc and then use the equipment you find to arm npc characters you find/rescue in game that can act as guards, scavengers and specialists for your base. This would add an additional dimension to the game as firstly you would have to plan ahead when it came to where you build your base to give the best defensive bonuses as well as the most space for expansion but also constantly search for building materials and food/ammo/weapons/medical supplies etc to maintain and fortify your base against the inevitable attacks.

I agree that in solo, it’s a whole different game. Maybe make ennemies stronger when there is more than 1 people? (Boost damage increase and health of ennemies even more with adaptative difficulty)

Sure, there is. Further reading: Xezr's Hardcore Mode [Updated]

Scaling ON = more machines spawn when there are more people in the session vs playing solo.


I believe Base Building has it own area cut off from the main game, so best we wait and see what the devs have created. If there is a special resources pundra in that area, it should at least not be available in the main game.

No thanks! I like my PVG just the way it is! :slight_smile:


They added to the fun part of the game for me! :slight_smile:

While that may be yours and others preferred way of playing the game, accept that people like to play the game in different ways.


Like said by many in this topic and in the topic i linked + what i quoted: you have always the option to go back to the normal weapons, without using the experimental weapons. This way, you still have the same planning, co-ordinating etc gameplay.

Only thing is, that you know in your mind, that there is a weapon(s) in game, that make your life considerably easier and the urge to use it could be great. Especially when you’re pinned down and need to get upper hand.

While my main char has sniper build, i use 6* .50cal quite rarely. I use it mainly against apo hunters (if they annoy me) and to take out apo harv’s rocket pod. Once apo harv doesn’t have it’s rockets, i use anything else against it. Even handguns, if i have surplus of ammo. But against apo tank, i prefer to use my 6* AG4. Oh, Reaper, in solo Guerilla is the only machine to whom i don’t hold my 6* .50cal usage back.