Possible game breaker for me

I have been playing GZ since early 20 with almost none of the problems that many others have suffered over time. Lucky me.
I play with one character and use the other three as mules.
I always transfer items at the airport as you spawn right next to the plundra.
Today my weapons and attachment mule has decided to spawn in the middle of one of my bases well away from the plundra and I can’t seem to shift her back to the airport.
The other two mules are working correctly.

I have tried deleting local save but that didn’t work. Any suggestions would be helpful as I don’t want to lose nearly two tons of stored weapons and attachments.

This may not seem a breaker to most of you but I’ll play my way and you play yours.

That’s interesting.
I thought we’re not able to spawn at a base at starting the game.
I always get transfered to the next safehouse if I end game while being at a base.

Sorry, perhaps I didn’t explain it properly.
I fast travel to the airport with my main character.
I change to character 2 but instead of spawning at the airport she spawns at the base so I can’t transfer items from the plundra.

Edit .
Just had a thought…What if I try to create a plundra next to where she spawns. I’ll try that tomorrow.

Make your Main a Temporary mule, and moving things in between them the two characters via the Plundra
til your Mule alt is able to Fast travel again, then move the items back from your Main to your Mule, that is what i would have done if i had Mules ^.~

But also which Base are you able to load back into again after exiting out of the world?
As when i were at Tylöveden Control Point (Resistance Base) and exited the game or world
I would always load into: Hiker’s barrack on the other hill…
(the Closest Safehouse from last known location)

I can’t transfer anything to or from the mule because it’s not next to a plundra and too heavy to move (1800kg of weapons).

I can’t remember the base name but it’s the one in the extreme bottom left of the Farmlands.

but there is now a zero too much 180.0 kg or how come there are 1.8 tons of weapons together.

Because she is a mule, she carries two and a half years worth of accumulated level 6 and 5 weapons and attachments.

After latest update. I believe every character is in separate worlds so no more mules. But I haven’t checked so I could be wrong.

Four worlds with four characters in each. The world we’ve had is still there as world one. I carried on as usual after the last update, One character with three mules.

I come with crate (Plundra is 400kg I think) and all characters at 900-1000kg but at 1000kg they are immobilized

On Ps4 I only have four character slots. As far as I know no there is no separate world slots.

Sjöglimten Controlpoint? why were they not send to Either Dydala or Åsötungan outpost instead?
But i suppose Åsötungan is bugged, as it doesn’t have the location marker since last update.

That they ended up in your base is to your advantage that you can build a Plundra near your Mule.

Else you had to drop everything, grab bike and pickup everything again
I don’t know if there is limit to how much you can carry while on a bike, but you can use a bike when you can’t run ^.~

4 Worlds and 4 Characters.
You can play any of the 4 characters in any of the 4 worlds
The Plundra is connected to your 4 Characters, but not any of the Worlds
Character now loads into the Safehouse where they were last nearest too in that world
(though that sometimes can be buggy, and be the same as the character you just had just shifted from, at least on PC)

I’m XboxX so PS is very different then.

Plundra can carry 400, character can’t run above 96 and becomes immobile over 112.

Uhhhm… what the hell do you want with 1800+ kgs of weapons ?? :flushed: :flushed:

Asking for a friend… of course…


I’ve been an end gamer about two years now. I occupy my time on assignments and collecting as there (for me) is nothing else to do.
My other mules have 19 tons of ammo and 17 tons of other stuff.
It keeps me occupied.
Like I said at the start, I’ll play my way and you play yours.

With building a plundra should work.
What I just don’t get is that your mule spawns at this control point / resistance base.

Can anyone confirm that it is possible there?

Use your main character to fast travel to the air base safe house. Open and exchange a few things from the locker. Do this a few times to make sure you get a save, a good save. Exit to main menu and trade out character with one that is spawning at the safehouse. Do the same thing with a couple of exchanges and then exit again. Then see if the screwed up mule doesn’t spawn at the correct safehouse.

If that doesn’t work. With the screwed up mule, deploy a field radio where she is at and off load enough gear to fast Travel to the correct safehouse. Exchange a few things and make sure it saves the game. Fast travel back to where the mule started from and collect your gear. Then exit the game. See if that fixes it.

I would do a manual back up before the second way to respawn in the correct place so you don’t lose all your gear.
Good Luck

Thanks for all the hints and suggestions but I have managed to solve the problem.
What I did was to create the other 3 “worlds”. I didn’t do anything while there with any characters, just created them. Then when I went back to my original world and chose the relevant mule she was back at the airport plundra.
I have no idea why it worked but thankfully it did.
Thanks to all again.


This happened to me for both my mules.

I deleted the local save game, disabled cloud save (PC Steam) and copied over a save game backup from the previous day, then re-enabled cloud save.

I am not sure you can do that sort of thing with an Xbox but one small glimmer of light is that the mules will eventually spawn where they should providing you ensure your main character ends the game session at the safehouse you want the mules to be. It unfortunately might take some time though.