Possible game breaker for me

hey man! 1800 kg is alot, but cant you just scrap it and stop getting free stuff from random people and duplicating? im also from xbox, and theres alot group posts that gives free stuff and they need help for duplicating. ( duplications works from 2 players you cant do it solo. )

so please if you need help with mules do that by youre self. because why you need that many weapons if youre going to give away weapons from other people. youre just making people quit games and you will see less people playing even my friends. and youre friends would also quit the game because its too easy ( maybe they will not quit but you still lose some! )

Please don’t criticise me and get all hot under the collar when you don’t know what you are talking about.

For your information I only play solo so have never stored weapons or equipment gained from anyone, at any time, ever. My 35 tons of accumulated stuff is the product of my own labours over two and a half years.

Again I say don’t criticise people without the full facts, or in your case, any facts and I will play my way and allow you to play your way without any hint of annoyance or criticism.


even tho developers didnt plan for this and im happy that nobody gived you stuff. because i hate people with helping other players to make them overpowered. thats a good thing. Just don’t go too far with having alot stuff because developers maybe trying to secretly add something like that from youre topic.

Maybe rethinking your tone here in the forums might be a good idea !? Just sayin’…

Ymmv though but reading through your posts is mostoften no fun, at least for me. :man_shrugging:

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To whom were you referring about rethinking tone. Sincerely hope it wasn’t me.

I belive they were referring to @attacke27. So let’s relax a bit.

Hoarding items with mule characters (or bank-alts, as it were) is always optional due to the problems that it may present. However in the OP’s case it’s less about that, and more about the fact that their character has spawned someplace else than normal. So let’s focus on that.

Could you use explosives to down yourself, then fast travel to the airport safehouse? It could be worth having some grenades or similar on the character each time as a safeguard for when this happens in the future. :thinking:


Thanks for suggestion and will put some explosives on the mule for future.
However, without knowing how, I did solve the problem as described a few posts back.
Just one thing… what problems might mules present?

I’ve seen reports about the game crashing when dropping too many items on the ground, for example.

The Apex Engine seems to be a bit sensitive about that, could be a memory issue.

Ok Ta. If no-one has anything else to add this little problem has been sorted.


So your solution is actually much easier than most of the answers I’ve seen thus far. When a character is massively overweight and cannot move, there is one sure fire way to travel. Two grenades will do the job. Hold the fire button, and your character will ‘cook’ the grenade until it explodes in your face, this will take around 60 health. For my mules there are two destinations I use more than any others.

Borgakulen ( I may have mispelled this, actually I’m sure I did.) It is a safehouse located up on the north coast at the left side, it’s a bit west of Stenmyra if that helps. Everytime you spawn it will put you right on top of the stash box.

The Overby Airport is another fantastic place that will do the same.

Personally I like Borg, as the resource box is right next to the stash and with a little creative rocket use, I can move myself to use either bench without dying and thus wasting an adrenaline shot.

The last tip is never load up on your mule in someone else’s game. This will land you at the initial spawn point, and then save there, so suicide will again be required to fast travel.

This advice should also work on all of the systems as it utilizes the respawning system to move around, and as an added bonus, it’s not a bad idea to carry grenades on you at all times. That way when you are overburdened and don’t want to chance creating a rival (Yes, there is a small percent chance that when a machine kills you, it may become a rival.)

The last thing I will point out is this will show up on the record for a death each time you suicide, so if that’s something you are concerned about, I thought I should warn you.

You can call me whatever you want, even mule, but what do you really, truly, seriously need mules for?!

500 experimental weapons? For what, if you just use one from each?
100k of ammo of each? For what?

Search the battles, fight the machines and just take what you need. Don’t hoard everything.

That’s my advice :wink:


If it is player buildable area, why not just build plundra next to mule character spawn location (if possible). Other trick is use bicycle or moped.
Drop items so you are able to move. Bring vehicles next to that backpack. Make sure you are interact distance from both. Pickup items and use vehicle. Now you can move with even encumbered.

Thanks for suggestion but solved it a different way as desc above. I did try creating a plundra next to character but couldn’t.

I’m just trying to find some purpose in playing. I’ve been an end-gamer over two years and destroying machines on an endless and pointless circle, leaving most of what I’ve gained on the ground, doesn’t appeal to me. Collecting and storing gives me an open ended achievement to keep me playing until we get a decent new island.
Thanks for the advice but please don’t criticise the way I play and I won’t criticise your’s.

No, no, I don’t.
It’s up to you how you play the game.

But all the effort and trouble for something that isn’t intended and needed, doesn’t give a benefit or a reward… And then call it gamebreaking?

You know, just my point of view :wink:, but I would have looked at other goals or personal “achievements”.

I’m not going to tell anyone how to play their game, but due to the nature of GZ where it’s impossible to lose stuff, hoarding multiple of weapons is a pointless endeavour. If you’re keeping more than 1 of any type of weapon, you’re hoarding with zero benefit and lots of detriment to your own gameplay.

Yup, there are situations where mules are useful. I’m a 3 weapon guy. I have my assault rifle, a sniper rifle, and a launcher. I keep the best quality versions of those on my main at all times. I hand a mule all the 5C / experimental level weapons and attachments I don’t regularly use to clear out my Plundra. That way, if I decide at some point I want to try something different, I can pop over to my mule and drop it and its attachments into my Plundra for my main to use. Any duplicates I get are dumped into the recycler on my return to a safehouse that has one available.

This is indeed a good use for a mule.
If you want to start a new game without your plundra/inventory, put all the stuff into the inventory of a mule-character.

I didn’t think about that yet.


Btw. I would still love to be able to make a backup of a character. If they just would make own savegame-files for each character (not the plundra, just the character with inventory) it would be so great.

You could make a backup, delete the savegame and start again with your character, if the savegame somehow is broken.


I don’t want to get into an argument over this but “effort and trouble” that “doesn’t give a benefit or reward” sounds a lot like running around, destroying machines and then doing nothing with what you have gained.
At the end of the day after missions are done there is only destroying machines. You can either pick up what you’ve earned or leave it behind. I choose the first, you choose the second.


I agree with you, I stockpile so that I can help other people out as I see fit.

I do have one request, as far as Madchaser goes, don’t go too hard on them. From every post I’ve seen on here that Madchaser has replied to, they’ve made an effort to be helpful and supportive. I can see how you may have read what they said as an argument or attack, but it isn’t Madchaser’s style. Mad also doesn’t always come across in text super clear and so what they are saying can be misinterpreted. Honestly I think Mad is one of those rare people who does their best to stay positive, pat you on the shoulder and say a kind word to make your day better.

I just didn’t want you to make the mistake of confusing them for a troll or one of those “you gotta do like I do or you are failing” type of players.

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I keep the highest level of each weapon in my locker with the attachments that go with them. Someone that has helped me through a few tough battles but are at lower levels I will reward them with a request for XX weapon. Most the time, it’s not long, I will loot a replacement. But with the amount of loot dropping off the machines, I recycle a lot of stuff to keep crafting the exp ammo I like to use. But I find it hard to fast travel after taking out a few fire birds or a tank or two. So I started using a motor bike to travel when I get too fat. So more reason to recycle other stuff to keep stocked up on gasoline and repair kits.

Trips to the locker with my mule are becoming fewer and fewer as the need for more stuff to recycle gets higher and higher. Before the Dark Skies update, after a battle or two it was just a trip to the locker for a few things to resupply the character with. Now, it is first a trip to the recycle bind, then the crafting station and then to the locker. Maybe another trip to the recycle bind to add more stuff to the stores for crafting.

The game has changed to a craft, recycle, stock up, loot, run and gun. Not always in that order. And that is if you want to play it that way. I don’t let bases or rivals level up on my personal map. There is a lot of traveling in a region to destroy those things and to build the level back up to spawn a reaper.

If this cycle continues, I may need to have a player push my mule to a recycle bind and max the bind out with my dust collecting stockpile of more than a few hours of game play.